A world without boredom is a world without innovation and creativity, one needs time to ponder in order to do either. I look at people these days and they all have their heads buried in their phones/tablets like a group of tech addicted ostriches, only knowing the cure to boredom is to pull their gadgets out for that sweet dopamine hit. I love downtime that allows me the peace and quiet needed for true introspection, without regular thinking time I grow annoyed and frustrated, as it recharges my batteries. You're right on with this being a lost art Franklin, I go hiking with a couple of my friends on a regular basis and being out in a vast prairie with no humans around for miles makes you realize what we've lost for the sake of "convenience", knowing we are a part of nature and to think were somehow above nature will be our downfall. Modern technology has robbed us of our birthright, along with our ability to think and know our true selves without going through a gauntlet of unconditioning (not a word but making it one) our minds to the modern world.

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Well said! And so true! It amazes me to see people walking with their heads stuck on their phones! They don't watch where they are going and have no idea what's going on around them! I just shake my head "wow" it's really pitiful to see my fellow human beings so distracted! While I do enjoy my phone l do know when to put cut the doggone thing off and put it down! My phone isn't attached to me as an extra body part in the way that other people act with their phones!

People can control that! Yes people should keep their phones with them when they are out and about but cut it off and keep it in their pockets and women keep their phones in their purse if they carry one! People can control when and how much they are on their phones, but they don't, instead they let their phone control them! People aren't present anymore when they are out and about and they don't really engage in life and the real world anymore! I don't even think that people can share a meal together and be present with the persons or person that they are having a meal with anymore without being on their phones texting, commenting and posting on social media! Technology has taken over the human brain! Like I said people can and should control that, but they don't, and I think it's making people lose their humanity! People have to take pictures and videos of everything they do and everywhere they go and immediately post this stuff on Facebook and Instagram! While there's nothing wrong with doing that but there should come a time when people get away from Technology and just be present in their surroundings, to think about their surroundings and engage in their surroundings!

For me I use my phone as a tool! I have books saved on my phone that I read that is if a physical book isn't available! I would rather read physical books though and I do read physical books more! My phone is a search tool, if I have a question about something, I look it up! These phones are great and valuable and life saving if you are out somewhere and need help, emergency help or are in an accident! 911 is right in your pocket or in your purse! The instant communication is a valuable resource and tool!

I don't really do social media, substack only, when I'm at home and not out and about! People post interesting things to read! I'll get on substack to do some reading while I'm having my morning coffee and after I've gone through my emails! Then I get off my phone and put it down, sometimes I cut my phone off because it's annoying to hear it dinging a lot! I prefer silence and quiet! Some days I don't even pick up my phone when I'm at home, unless I'm expecting a call or text from my husband while he's at work! Anyway I'm not one to stay on my phone all day and I don't do games on my phone which I do consider a waste of time 😆

But wow Franklin is right with this post and hit the nail on the head

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Playing games on my phone was how I awoke to the nature of being addicted to a phone. I was laying on my couch playing some stupid game that required me to spend hours doing nothing but watching ads so I could get money to upgrade my character. As I sat there doing this I suddenly asked myself what the hell was I doing with my life? is this what life would be, staring at a tiny screen hoping to gain enough money to continue playing some stupid game? At that point said no fucking way and from that moment I've worked to ensure I keep my phone time to the absolute minimum. Once I stopped being on my phone all the time I was able to pickup books and read them again, something I've always loved doing but as my phone addiction grew worse I slowly stopped reading until I had stopped completely. Have to wonder how many book readers are out there that have quit reading due to their tech addictions, willing to bet there are millions. A populace that does not bother to read is, essentially, an illiterate society and we are most certainly acting like were nothing but a bunch of morons.

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Indeed dear! These phones can be addictive! But also this 4G and 5G stuff with these phones is EMF radiation like microwaves, which is not healthy too! These 5G towers going up everywhere? What's that stuff doing to our bodies? I hear of people sensitive to the effects of 5G and having all kinds of symptoms! I'm not one of these people however, but that doesn't mean that I'm not effected either, I'm just not sensitive to it! I thank our most High Creator for that! But I prefer living in the real world, reading actual physical books, listening to CD's 💿 on my CD player or DVD player, watching movies and TV shows on DVD! I'm old school 🙂!

But I agree with you, a populace that doesn't bother to read is an illiterate society! I read through comments on different sites where comments are available and I see a lot of people commenting that can't spell, hardly use any proper punctuation or grammar or any proper sentence structure! I mean, I'm not perfect myself because I've been out of school for a long time now but atleast I do understand the basics!

I do love to read and read everyday! Sometimes on my phone, but mostly I read physical books! These younger generations are conditioned to use computers and AI! For example, when I was in school we had a pin/pencil and a notebook to take notes in! Actual physical handwriting! Today these kids take notes in school on a laptop or their phone!

From what I've learned about this younger generation of kids coming up nowadays is that they can't write cursive nor sign their name in cursive! I'm like 🤦‍♀️"wow!" The powers that shouldn't be have done a fantastic job of dumbing the population down! Not to mention the vaxx and all of the boosters that go along with it 🙄 which helps to make people more stupid! During 2020 I was like "wow the majority of people slept through high-school biology class when the immune system and how it functions was discussed right, considering how fuckin' stupid the majority of people are acting today!" 🤦‍♀️

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I am bored a lot, think a lot and have no smartphone, but everyone thinks I'm weird...

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Better to be "weird" than a tech addict mainlining dopamine via notifications on their "smart" phone(you know were living in 1984 when words such as smart actually mean the opposite). Man was born to think, to contemplate, to delve into consciousness, but are great elites have socially engineered society away from doing just that. The more people think the more they will realize that our shared reality is nothing but a cheap simulation of what life could be, all due to nothing but our "leaders" psychopathy.

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Great article! You are right about the things that technology is robbing from our society. I have noticed a few other things related to the “think” category. No one wonders anymore. Since Google came around and gave us instant answers to our questions there isn’t any more wondering what something is. Most no longer try to figure out how to do something but look for instructions online. Gone is intuition because most become dependent on their gadgets telling them how to do, think, and react. Imagination is also becoming a lost art.

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Excellent points. In the movie Gone With the Wind, women gathered to sew. But it was more. They talked, gathered their collective energies, processed , and took action. In today's very crazy world, women still gather, think through dozens of situations and many times take personal action or group action. Problem solving, empowerment, creativity...all from gathering in a meaningful way.

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