Oct 4, 2023Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Just here from MCMiler - I think you are on to something.

Here is what I am going to do: (1) bookmark the site and (2) select the text, copy it, paste it ("unformated") into a document, print it (double sided) . And read it this evening at home.

That is, I do very little reading from a screen. I read principally from books and substack, etc - on line essays - prepared as above - i.e. just text. I will be back. Thanks.

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I have drastically reduced my news and politics consumption lately, and I can tell you without a doubt that it has had a beneficial effect on my mental state. I used to consume my news from political opinion sites like The Gateway Pundit, The Blaze, and Infowars, with a sprinkling of local news every couple of days. I never watch local news broadcasts or the national news. I realized that most of it had no direct effect on my life and I was constantly agitated and filled with hatred for people I have never met.

In case anyone has never seen this or needs a reminder, this is how much control a central authority has over what you are allowed to see and hear.


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I don't watch the news but even if I'm forced to in certain situations at other people's places my first thought about any breathlessly reported event or certain kinds of events that I know have been faked in the past is, "Is this a psyop?" It wouldn't matter how much news I watched now I wouldn't believe it. I remember being at my cousin's and seeing the Grenfell Tower in flames on the TV. First thought: is this a psyop - it was. I'll see a car crash into a shop: is this a psyop? On closer inspection I think it was. Bus accident - psyop? Yes - even though of course bus accidents do happen for real, when they fake them they just have a certain quality. Definitely any mass school shooting. I'm sure no mass school shooting has ever occurred for real, just like no suicide bombings, no self-immolations, no pandemics. All psyops.

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Too wordy

I think you underestimate and over estimate many of your well intentioned points

Example: PPP Losns.

Gov never contacted me or you.

If not for friends or snippets I’d never heard of them!

News providers lie a lot by omission and some commission

Good luck.

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