Sep 5Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I was raised in the Baptist church and I'm so grateful for that foundation of spirituality, even though I left when I was in high school and never went back, bc I moved to Micronesia and then to Germany after I graduated. My grandparents were Japanese and followed Buddhism. I started looking into it and other schools of religion when I was 17 or 18, as well as the history of the Christian Church, which was mostly Catholicism and the very dark aspects of it. The church of my childhood seemed so innocent and well-meaning and I couldn't reconcile it with this new knowledge. Buddhism seemed more sane and not so politicized, intolerant and immersed in worldly things. The teachings of Jesus were used as a brutal cudgel to keep the masses in line. The Church became more powerful than the monarchy and just as manipulative and ruthless. I went through a period of being turned off by Christianity and my perceived hypocrisy of it's current state. I would like to return to the innocence and virtue of it, but I'm not sure how. I don't agree with some of it's tenets and it seems it's an all or nothing set up. WWJD?

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Thank you so so very much for this deep and profound comment that gives us an insight into your upbringing! I had a very similar experience growing up (raised Christian, but then realizing the atrocities of the religion) and had to deal with this -- and as many of my subscribers have as well.

Being Nigerian, I too had a similar experience. Christianity was brought to us via war and terror so how can the two exist? I discuss that here as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-black-mans-guide-to-reality

Don't know if you've seen it or not, but I actually made a podcast chronologizing my experience with the faith and that's located here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/love-truth-and-the-spirit-my-journey

A lot of my spiritual work can be found here in my "Esoteric Wisdom" Section located here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/s/esoteric-wisdom . This is where a lot of me just talking into the mic on spiritual topic lives. I label these conversations "Spiritual Sundays" where I resemble the innocent Church like lessons we use to have back in the days :)

Lastly, you may also enjoy these two podcasts: One of Gnosticism which I argue is a sect of Christianity that more people should pay attention too and then one of Faith, Miracles and Manifestations where I attempt to tie Christianity and other faiths (and a bonus article as well):




Christianity, Faith, and spirituality is my bread and butter so I'm glad you enjoy it as well! Looking forward to us growing richer and deeper in this aspect of reality :)

Last post I promise, but I'm working on a series further exploring spirituality and that's located here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-spiritual-perspective-of-reality

Chat soon!

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I said this to myself just a couple of days ago. We need to bring back WWJD? I need to teach this to my grandchildren!

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Thanks for this article! We need to rekindle our spirit!

I look at the Gospel and the teachings of Jesus in a philosophical way – as in Love our Enemies rather than in a dogmatic way – man made ideology. Dogma is what splits us up. Philosophy can bring us together. Of all the wisdom from philosophers like Socrates, et. al., no one said, “Love Our Enemies.” I elaborated on that thought in No Lives Matter Anymore. https://lizlasorte.substack.com/p/no-lives-matter-anymore-what-happened?r=76q58

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There is a multi part series that dissects the history of Jesus, Israel and the Biblical account. It is called “Christ Revealed: the history, the evidence, the inspiration” it is well worth the time spent watching.

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Jesus needs to be on TikTok. It’s such a shame all this. Christianity has diluted itself into non-existence. Continuously adapting itself to its members for numbers instead of policies. Subsequently other religious movements grow whilst Christianity declines.

I feel WWJPB (What Would Jesus’s Pronouns Be) would be more prevalent to today’s society. Rather than know his teachings, the first thing to understand is his skin colour and what he beds. Christianity bowed to a form of white suprematism by portraying a jewish man from the middle east as what youngsters would call a White Cis Male. This has come back to haunt. An arabic male of colour is more palatable these days.

Every time we wave a Pride flag and support it, we dissolve ourselves into fragmented brackets of identification based on Sex, Skin Colour and who we like to bed. We reaffirm Identity is more important than any value or action. The recent and consistent submission to children and their needs means they watch TikTok and come to school educating the teachers. The teachers concede.

There is currently no space for teachings of a White male in society, men have no place in society anymore either. Look at south Korea.

Everything you say is correct and with a strong Christian upbringing of my own, I concur. my only concern is one has to now make Jesus a woman of colour who beds polyamourous people en mass before anyone listens to the teachings. And then, that will be the only reason they do.

The issues with making Christianity fashionable I guess. Great article thanks.

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