https://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/explorations/teachers/view/124/sobonfu-some A definite YES to this you stated "What if we began constructing our world based on the philosophies guiding our ancestors? What if we delved deeper into the mysteries of spirituality to understand ourselves better?" There are those that are seeking guidance back to the ways of 'seeing' that have been, as you say, 'boxed up' tightly. We are in bondage....but it is an illusionary state based on fear. I see a paradox of sorts....in order to break free from the collective bondage, one must individuate, in order to come back into Come-Unity.

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"To break free from the collective bondage, one must individuate, in order to come back into Come-Unity." Such a truth Lisa! And the fear of being caught "outside the tribe," so to speak, is powerful.

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I used to have ‘contempt prior to investigation.’ The 12 step program of recovery I am a part of, taught me many new tools to use in everyday life, one of which is ‘HOW’ it works: Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness. It works if you work it, and it won’t if you don’t.

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I wish I didn't know what you mean by "contempt prior to investigation," but I do. I think that nasty habit got locked in back in the early classroom days when a classmate got ridiculed when s/he didn't have the "right" answer—we were taught to look down of those whose minds weren't in the box!

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"I want to introduce a new term to our lexicon: Cognitive Dysfunction. Now, bear with me. This term and application may be of my own creation, but it encapsulates the concept I’m eager to discuss." Clarification....you created the term Cognitive Dysfunction?

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Dr. Lee Merritt went over who wikipedia said won the Nobel prize for discovering viruses. None of what they describe makes any sense and she said they didn't even use the word virus when she went to medical school or before the 70's. Wish I could remember his name but he sounds completely constructed. It said he was in the airforce but was given a designation of ensign? That's navy. Yale and Harvard mix seems to be a big clue for many of these constructed characters.

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You have beautifully summed up the sad fact that most people are spiritually and intellectually disengaged. But change terrifies them. It may even lie outside their realm of possible reality. Where does that leave us as a society? Personally I'd love to go Galt with a group of engaged, curious people. What might we create?

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