Great point ... although I must admit as a life-long entrepreneur, weekends have never separated themselves very much from weekdays in my mind and life!!!
> For those of us who have come to this truth and are seeking to break free, we often turn to enterprises—entrepreneurship—as a way out.
REPLY: No matter "entrepreneurship" you are still swimming in their pond. Work doubly hard and still wake up to being broke. This is definitely not the way to freedom.
Freedom is free from water pollution, free from air pollution, free from food pollution. If the oligarchs are to poor to clean up the mess they created. What makes anyone think that entrepreneurship will allow them to have health and happiness in a world fowled by those who own it.
Well the concept of "the weekend " is a modern concept. I wonder how the whole thing got trotted out. Historically , of course, it was given to us by God to have one day of rest.
6 days to labor, and then one day to refrain from toil, this day being the Lord's day
Great point ... although I must admit as a life-long entrepreneur, weekends have never separated themselves very much from weekdays in my mind and life!!!
> For those of us who have come to this truth and are seeking to break free, we often turn to enterprises—entrepreneurship—as a way out.
REPLY: No matter "entrepreneurship" you are still swimming in their pond. Work doubly hard and still wake up to being broke. This is definitely not the way to freedom.
Freedom is free from water pollution, free from air pollution, free from food pollution. If the oligarchs are to poor to clean up the mess they created. What makes anyone think that entrepreneurship will allow them to have health and happiness in a world fowled by those who own it.
Well the concept of "the weekend " is a modern concept. I wonder how the whole thing got trotted out. Historically , of course, it was given to us by God to have one day of rest.
6 days to labor, and then one day to refrain from toil, this day being the Lord's day
I've been self-employed for most of my life. Always "worked weekends" and on "holidays".
Going to work later today. (Not traditional work.)
Money is only of use to me for the "freedom" to say f*ck you and the horse you rode in on. (Especially to the guvmint mandates. Which I rejected.)
Have survived even though my small business was DESTROYED as a result of "Covid'.
Become "ungovernable" and you too will find another way...