“ the word "Government" can be translated to "Mind Control" in Latin. The root words "Gubenare" and "Mens/Mente" mean control and mind, respectively.”

This is the thing I plan to teach each if my guests this holiday. Thanks for teaching me something else new!

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Tammi! You're so welcome and thanks :) ! PS: Here's a link to order the book for an author's copy directly from me: https://www.unorthodoxtruth.com/store/p/an-unorthodox-truth-book

Enjoy the festivities with your friends and family! :)

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Thank you! I was waiting until I could get it straight from you. I am looking forward to diving in after Thanksgiving. Today should be interesting with such a diverse mix of people gathered at my house. Everyone is at different stages in their awakening process and a few (my sister and mom) woke up only to pull the covers over their heads while overdosing on blue pills. My brother-in-law law has been awake longer than us… in fact we thought he was the crazy one for years. I feel bad for laughing when he was trying to tell us about HAARP 10 years ago. I can’t wait for him to meet the retired army vet from across the street. Now he’s the one saying things my hubs and I hope are only crazy theories and is by far more well studied on all of this shit show we are forced to watch. Anyway, I will most definitely be sharing the root word truth of government. That little nugget of truth is something people can’t argue and is a perfect way to show people who our enemy is. Happy thanksgiving Franklin. I am thankful for your insight and that you take time to share it with others. Knowledge truly is power and I gain more with each ‘lesson’ you share. Thank you! Truly. Thank you!

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USA is a corporation. Rabbit hole

concerning USA goes deeper. It's not a free land. President is a CEO. Look into Virginia Company. Good article!

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I would like to see where government was used to mean mind control.

From my short etymology search it seems that government was derived from governor and the -ment suffix is “originally from French and representing Latin -mentum, which was added to verb stems to make nouns indicating the result or product of the action of the verb or the means or instrument of the action.”

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