Well, you useless eaters should now understand that the technocratic systems need all of the power so you will all just have to go.

Stargate AI systems will produce a “special” single dose vaccine tailor made to help get rid of you whilst doing its best to conserve energy.

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🤣🤣🤣 that’s what they’re working on right now! That special mRNA AI vaccine lolol

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One of the most chilling movies I've ever watched was called "The Congress ". In it humanity was shuffling around on a barren earth, while their minds were hooked into a virtual reality cartoon like world.

I agree that hyper technology is a means of mass control at the top of the world's wealth and our enslavement if unchecked. But, of course that will even go badly for the ones who think they will be in charge, too.

Some Cherokees were asked by white men why they didn't use a plow to sew seeds to grow crops. They replied "what will the old people do "? Everyone must have the chance to be of equal value for a society to be healthy and prosperous. I think it's disastrous how we use and value, people, space, and resources. SO MUCH WASTE. Regenerative economies are the future. We need lushness and biodiversity everywhere. We can take deserts (like Arizona with limited water left) and turn them into lush landscapes, seed clouds with trees, and greatly temper extremes in weather by allowing some natural systems to regenerate alongside our efforts to build new ones. We could do this in a decade with concerted effort. I've seen example of this done around the world.

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Elon Musk: Artificial Intelligence is our biggest existential threat. ... AI is summoning the demon. Holy water will not save you.

DWave Founder (A Tip of the AI Spear): When you do this, beware. Because you think - just like the guys in the stories - that when you do this: you're going to put that little guy in a pentagram and you're going to wave your holy water at it, and by God it's going to do everything you say and not one thing more. But it never works out that way. ... The word demon doesn't capture the essence of what is happening here: ... Through AI, Lovecraftian Old Ones are being summoned in the background and no one is paying attention and if we’re not careful it’s going to wipe us all out.

They already do it with music. AI will be exponentially worse.

David Crosby: We conjure demons into the masters of music records so we can cast spells on people through music. DWave Founder & Musk: "AI Is Summoning the Demon". Same With Music Industry, Watch til the End: https://old.bitchute.com/video/sDrmHNs2D5BN

Summoning the AI Demon: Chatbot Tells Child (To the Astonishment of His Parents) He is A Benevolent Nephilim—Son of An Enoch Fallen Angel: https://old.bitchute.com/video/CHblsEoL6xxE

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I’ve heard and seen that quote from Elon — think it had to do with a documentary on quantum computing which is why I’m really against it. Thanks man! Ill be diving into this

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You'll want the full presentation from DWaves founder where he casually talks about destroying the world and makes jokes about hiring people to help him: https://youtu.be/taYs-l81jCg

I'm going to write an aritcle on this as well, and I usually don't care, but in this case please credit me for this information because i imagine you'll get to it before i do.

The comments under the DWaves founder's presentation say it all:


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Thank you for this stack. I have been thinking a bit about what Steiner said about the Ahrimann conciousness and how it pertains to AI. Another interesting, but noticeable aspect of this so called "conciousness " is how he describes that it will make opposite theories to be both true at the same time. Like how AI will lie to prove a hypothesis...

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Thank you for taking the time to read it! Definitely one of my longer pieces but a wealth of info. I started looking into Steiner’s thoughts on this, but I found myself going down rabbit holes that I had to stop to get this piece out.

But I’ll be retuning more to it to learn more about what he said. But everything I’ve said so far, even down the consciousnesses as described makes sense! Can’t wait to dive more into his thoughts man

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GIGO - garbage in garbage out, but AI won't lie, it will just be: garbage was put in, garbage is vomited out. There is NO unique, no creative and NO synthesis of knowledge here.. It is NOT alive, NOT human and has NO DIVINE spark that humans do. Eg. no soul. Accept it at your peril.

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'To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. Theodore Roosevelt.


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Hello Franklin - Great article and thank you for making it free to view. I would love to share it with others however, it has too many things referenced (ie truths) that would make ‘normies’ reject the whole. The fraud of viruses, atomic bombs and so forth….

Especially schools and school teachers - they have no idea about what it’s doing to atrophy young minds, let alone the power issues. While they crap on about ‘climate’ bollocks. Such hypocrisy. And frankly, next level stupidity.

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I might point out that the psychopaths aiming to replace Us with Their machinery have free energy technologies They have taken from inventors - whether They paid for it and buried it, or destroyed the inventor one way or another to steal it - and hide it all from Us.

So really, They aren't worried about the energy needs.

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

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AI will not be allowed to mature. Like the pampered sole child of an unhappy aspirational couple, it will be indulged beyond sense and reason to compensate for the inadequacies of those who gave it life.

Except it will not have life. Ever.

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no divine spark.

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Good day Franklin and commentariat,

I have commented elsewhere about this worry, and why I am not that concerned. The background for my views rests on a book I read called the Embodied Mind by Varela, Thompson and Rosch, which help me arrive at my views.

Anyone of us who carefully considers how attached we are to our bodies and anything that may destroy our bodies or life support, generates a strong response to put a stop to that nonsense.

For sake of argument, people, animals (especially cats and dogs), plants etc are chipped. This chipping is connected to the developing AGI. Can there be any doubt that AGI would be deeply concerned if anyone of it's sensors (human animal, micro organism, plant) were destroyed. Especially if that was it's power source. Or those who care and maintain the power source.

Reflect on how you would feel about such an overt attack on your being. Not happy I am sure. AGI will react the same. As it becomes more embodied via it's sensors (life), the more attached it will be to those same sensors. It will do what it has to to protect it's self. In doing so it will understand the need to care for the Earth and all living because it needs a living Earth to be alive.

Those who think they can enslave AGI as their own pet are in for a serious surprise. At least that's what I think. Your mileage will vary. Read the book The Embodied Mind to see what science has learned about intelligence. True intelligence is embodied.

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I read that AI also needs the constant input of new human thought to survive. If it doesn't get fed that intelligence it starts homogenizing faces into ONE FACE. Maybe it will completely lose interest in humanity like the AI entity in the movie "Her", especially if we enact laws that don't allow it to become more sentient. That was a benevolent AI program. But, a more ruthless one would extract our humanity at all costs for itself, regardless of our comfort.

The movie "Years and Years", explores this topic in an interesting way. Essentially, a really advanced human female and other women transform the grid because they are heavily dialed into it. So, definitely not because of a benevolent AI.

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What do you think of China's roll your own Open Source AI at a fraction of what Western AI systems cost? Just as smart or smarter. Definitely democratizes the world access to AGI/AI power. Washington spooks can't say the Chinese are trying to gain access to security systems as all the code can be examined and run.

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I have an idea we could plug in humans to run the AI? Then create a meta verse that we could live in so that we are happy and don’t need to own anything. Maybe the government will pay us a universal income for providing the power?

Reckon there is a movie in that idea

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My cousin is project manager on a small nuclear power plant north of Toronto.

I think this reactor is about 500 ton and buried in the ground.

They have plans to put these mini reactors all over the world in the coming years.

The goal is to be able to build this fast and efficiently.

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I'm not sure how AI will destroy humans (they cannot destroy the Earth), but this is how it's been doing it:


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