It’s mind-blowing that people believe governments would never use their power for nefarious purposes.
Here’s an example of such disbelief:
When bad things happen, instead of understanding what or how it happens, the response is, “Oh well — shit happens.” Not the fact that it is possible to coordinate a crisis on that level, but shit happens.
In the screenshot above, a user makes the follow-up comment:
“Shit happens” is much easier to digest than “We fucked up.”
That’s 100% spot on.
Breaking the Veil of Blind Trust
I understand. For us to think that the government – or ruling class – is using its resources to move the population towards specific paths can be challenging, especially when we’ve been indoctrinated since birth that the government is a system that works for us – democracy.
However, now and then, some information is revealed that somehow breaks the veil of blind trust — to where they realize that:
There is a ruling class that uses its power and resources to control the population and
All the events on the national stage are orchestrated for a purpose we don’t know.
We don’t need to know why they’re lying – we just need to know they’re lying. Hence, I wrote my article, “I don’t know why liars lie – but they do.”
Who knows what that mind-earthing information is. For some, it may be vaccines; for others, it may be climate change. Either way, it gets them. It breaks them out of their trance and opens their eyes to reality.
The Myth of “They Would Never Do That”
Recently, I have been writing about chemtrails and how they are the one issue that everyone needs to address. I’ve also written about the feedback I received from mainstream folk in my latest ad.
One of the biggest pain points when discussing this topic is that folk state, “They would never do that.” The government would never place chemicals in the sky and rain them down on their population.
Really? Okay.
Let’s go to the 1950s and read about the British Government secretly operating on the general public. The goal is that one can see that governments do do this — with or without your permission.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the read.
How the British Government subjected thousands of people to chemical and biological warfare trials during Cold War
Exclusive: Historians had previously thought that such operations were much less extensive
By David Keys | Thursday 09 July 2015 00:36 BST
During the Cold War, the British Government used the general public as unwitting biological and chemical warfare guinea pigs on a much greater scale than previously thought, according to new historical research.
In more than 750 secret operations, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Britons were subjected to ‘mock’ biological and chemical warfare attacks launched from aircraft, ships and road vehicles.
Up until now historians had thought that such operations had been much less extensive. The new research, carried out by Ulf Schmidt, Professor of Modern History at the University of Kent, has revealed that British military aircraft dropped thousands of kilos of a chemical of ‘largely unknown toxic potential’ on British civilian populations in and around Salisbury in Wiltshire, Cardington in Bedfordshire and Norwich in Norfolk.
Substantial quantities were also dispersed across parts of the English Channel and the North Sea. It’s not known the extent to which coastal towns in England and France were affected.
The research reveals, for the first time, that around 4600 kilos of the chemical, zinc cadmium sulphide (now thought to be potentially carcinogenic, on account of its cadmium content) were dispersed from ships, aircraft and moving lorries between 1953 and 1964.
Professor Schmidt’s investigation – published on 9 July as a book, Secret Science – has revealed that commuters on the London underground were also used as guinea pigs on a substantially larger scale than previously thought.
If you want an alternative, fact-based collection about how the last 200 years have shaped our world, check out my book An Unorthodox Truth for a comprehensive exploration.
The new research has discovered that a hitherto unknown biological warfare field trial was carried out in the capital’s tube system in May 1964.
The secret operation – carried out by scientists from the government’s chemical and biological warfare research centre at Porton Down, Wiltshire - involved the release of large quantities of bacteria called Bacillus globigii. The scientists were keen to discover whether ‘long distance travel of aerosols’ in the tube network ‘was due to transportation within trains’ or through the tube’s air ventilation systems.
At the time, the government thought that Bacillus globigii bacteria were harmless – but they are today regarded as a cause of food poisoning, eye infections, and even septicaemia. It is not known whether the authorities attempted to properly test the bacterium before releasing it into the tube system. An earlier series of tube field trials, in July 1963, has been known to historians for many years.
However, the new research has now revealed that some of the British scientists involved had grave misgivings about the field trials that had been carried out. Indeed some had long felt that it was not politically advisable to conduct large-scale trials in Britain with live bacterial agents.
One particular test – involving live plague bacteria – was carried out off the west coast of Scotland in 1952. It’s long been known that a fishing vessel inadvertently passed through the cloud of bacteria and that the authorities were very worried that the fishermen might contract the disease.
The plague bacteria field trials, though at sea, took place only a few miles from the Isle of Lewis which had a population of several thousand.
The government scientists, carrying out the trials, banked on the fact that the prevailing wind normally blew away from the coast. If, however, the wind had changed direction, thousands of Hebrideans would have been at risk from plague infection, says Professor Schmidt.
Following the fishing vessel incident, the scientists were eager to carry out any further potentially very hazardous field trials outside the UK. Prime Minister Churchill therefore approved a plan to carry out tests in a British overseas territory, the Bahamas.
New research shows that the government scientists took the view that the Bahamas was the best place “on the surface of the globe” to carry out tests “without restrictions”.
In 1954, the British government sent Cold War biological warfare scientists to an area of sea near an uninhabited island in the Bahamas to release clouds of dangerous Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis viruses. These organisms were capable of causing, in humans, high fever, long term fatigue, headaches and occasionally death.
The new research reveals, for the first time, that in another British imperial possession, Nigeria, a location was found for chemical warfare field trials. In an area called Obanaghoro in southern Nigeria, four British Cold War scientific missions spent a total of around 15 months dispersing, and assessing the effects of, large quantities of experimental nerve gas weapons. The advantage of the location was that it permitted field trials to be carried out in a tropical environment – and, of course, that it was not in Britain or Australia.
The extent that local people (including locally employed field trial personnel) were affected by the nerve agents is not known.
Historians have so far been unable to find out who did the particularly hazardous work of ‘hand-charging’ the nerve agent artillery shells, mortar bombs and aircraft cluster bombs. Likewise they have not been able to discover the extent to which local Nigerian soils were contaminated or whether nearby villages and schools were affected by any of the toxic clouds that would have been blown across the countryside.
“The government records I’ve been looking at are conspicuously silent on all this,” said Ulf Schmidt.
“Officials had clearly good reasons as to why the kind of experiments undertaken in Nigeria were strictly prohibited on the British mainland, which is why the files and photographic records surrounding Britain’s post-war nerve agent testing in Africa were regarded as particularly sensitive,” he said.
Professor Schmidt’s research has also revealed the vast scale of Cold War chemical warfare tests carried out on ‘volunteer’ British service personnel here in the UK – involving numbers of people much greater than previously thought.
His investigation now suggests that up to 30,000 secret chemical warfare substance experiments were carried out, mainly at Porton Down, on more than 14,000 British soldiers between 1945 and 1989. He believes that, in most cases, the servicemen were not given sufficient information to allow them to give properly informed consent.
Ulf Schmidt’s book, Secret Science, is published today on 9 July, by Oxford University Press.
Upon being presented with this information, people may respond with the following:
This event was in the UK,
We had the Tuskegee experiments back in the day,
This chemical warfare was back then — it’s not happening now. We have regulations in place.
This justification is due to the naivety of accepting “shit happens” instead of dealing with the reality that power exists to be used.
In my earlier article, “They Would Never Do That,” I show how indoctrination education aims to teach the students that snow is black.
This naivety is a danger to our society and must be addressed. Thinking events like the British experimentation would never occur anymore is an extreme level of naivety. It would need profound intervention (like the hours-long documentary A Rich Man’s Trick).
My article “The Holocaust Examined” is an excellent preview to the documentary.
For those who continue to see the light and share the truth — thank you for all that you do.

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If you want an alternative, fact-based collection about how the last 200 years have shaped our world, check out my book An Unorthodox Truth for a comprehensive exploration.
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Franklin O’Kanu
Wow. After reading this... is Putin still our enemy?
750 secret poisonings just like that? From and by our own?
As a psychologist what I have noted is that people who refuse to consider that people with power might do something like this had good parents, i.e. parents who took good care of them and were benign and not abusive. Or, at least, they have chosen to live with that belief even if their parents were not that good -- which means that they will dismiss evidence that conflicts with their self-protective need to believe that authority figures are good and that they will be OK and that they are not at risk.
Their identity and self-esteem depend on protecting this belief, because to believe that someone who's supposed to protect them is actively trying to harm them is something that would shatter their defences.
On the other hand, those of us who suffered at the hands of our caregivers, because they were either abusive or neglectful (for whatever reason) or mentally or emotionally ill, and we have managed to survive and acknowledge that trauma, can believe it with no hesitation. We grew up with authority figures whose actions harmed us and we are vigilant against others who may do the same. We are the canary in the goldmine, the early warning system when sociopaths are on the loose harming people.
Of course this is a generalization, but it's a pattern I've noticed in the people I know. It suggests that we need to persist in naming and evidencing these harms until the tipping point is reached where most people believe the evidence and become outraged about it and demand justice. We have to be warriors for justice and not expect most people to buy in until the winds shift and it becomes safe for them to believe and act without risking their sense of physical and emotional safety in the world.