Wow. After reading this... is Putin still our enemy?

750 secret poisonings just like that? From and by our own?

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1,000% agree! Is our enemy some bogey monster out there, or the monster experimenting on us: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/who-is-my-enemy

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As a psychologist what I have noted is that people who refuse to consider that people with power might do something like this had good parents, i.e. parents who took good care of them and were benign and not abusive. Or, at least, they have chosen to live with that belief even if their parents were not that good -- which means that they will dismiss evidence that conflicts with their self-protective need to believe that authority figures are good and that they will be OK and that they are not at risk.

Their identity and self-esteem depend on protecting this belief, because to believe that someone who's supposed to protect them is actively trying to harm them is something that would shatter their defences.

On the other hand, those of us who suffered at the hands of our caregivers, because they were either abusive or neglectful (for whatever reason) or mentally or emotionally ill, and we have managed to survive and acknowledge that trauma, can believe it with no hesitation. We grew up with authority figures whose actions harmed us and we are vigilant against others who may do the same. We are the canary in the goldmine, the early warning system when sociopaths are on the loose harming people.

Of course this is a generalization, but it's a pattern I've noticed in the people I know. It suggests that we need to persist in naming and evidencing these harms until the tipping point is reached where most people believe the evidence and become outraged about it and demand justice. We have to be warriors for justice and not expect most people to buy in until the winds shift and it becomes safe for them to believe and act without risking their sense of physical and emotional safety in the world.

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Ellen - This was a phenomenal response and I whole-hardheartedly agree. Yes, these are generalizations but there in an incredible amount of accurate information here. I'll be resharing this comment as it's simply amazing and sheds a lot of light on why people can't accept it.

It is an identity and self-esteem concern.

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Thanks, Franklin. Just to add to that, we've all built up defenses over time, but they vary depending on what we've had to deal with growing up. So in my view it's a losing game to blame someone for being obtuse about what we see as the truth when they are operating from a very different playbook about how to deal with the world. Until we understand where they're coming from, we won't be able to share our own truth in a way that can get beyond those defences.

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This is spot on, when I consider myself. I was brought up in a non-abusive (extremely liberal) family that didn’t question authority and to this day blindly follow what “they” say. It took me 5+ decades to break out of that mindset. I have to say, once I saw the reality of the world, I was in shock (though now I feel a big sense of freedom/unafraid/brave). My family thinks I’m a conspiracy theorist and can’t comprehend my change (they held me on too high of a pedestal for too long), and they will not entertain giving any thought to what I have to say - I understand where they come from but am relieved I now see.

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May I ask what made the shift happen for you? Was there something in particular that caused you to perceive things differently?

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Yes, Robert F. Kennedy Jr happened. About 2 years ago, my husband (who also believed everything he was previously told by legacy media) found Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and this began his shift in thinking. For about 5 months, I was trying to convince my husband he was wrong about RFKj (in addition, I never gave an honest listen to what RFKj was saying no matter how much my husband pleaded with me). One day, it occurred to me that he/I had up to that point been aligned on everything, and I had tremendous respect for him (my husband), which caused me to question myself. So, I decided to genuinely listen…then my mind awoke, and I almost immediately broke out of that mind control bubble.

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Great example! It seems to say something about how trying to persuade people doesn't work, that it's more about having integrity and being someone trustworthy and worthy of respect.

It creates dissonance when someone close to us or whom we respect has a different view, and we can respond by listening, as you did, or labeling that person as wrong, crazy, or not worth respecting. That's quite problematic when it's a friend or family member. It shows how powerfully we need to cling to beliefs that we identify with, to the point that we are willing to put important relationships at risk!

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I’m no longer surprised by these types of findings/revelations.

I am shocked the mass majority of the public do not react and do not rise up (there are too many instances to ignore!).

There has got to be some element of mind control/hypnotizing/drugging going on…otherwise, why? Why don’t people wake up? Why do they accept and think the rest of us are crazy for pointing these things out? This is all plain as day, once you open your eyes just a little.

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We know that the human mind is easily fooled and manipulated. Milgram, Asch and others including Philip Zimbardo have documented this decades ago.

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I no longer discount the power of willful ignorance. I saw it when I attempted to warn people about the injections. I heard, “I don’t like to read” when I passed out books by people far more intelligent and aware than myself. Or, “I don’t want to get in trouble”, as though giving away one’s freedom was not certain trouble with a Capitol T. And then there is sheer intellectual laziness. I have seen plenty of that. Now, we have poisoned many people and I must wonder what that has done to their minds.

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I feel you on this! Have you read brave New World? It’s like folks are on soma!

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The TV has been using “programming” for over 60 years

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Franklin - I truly respect your Substack essays and just bought you 3 cups of Kofi - continue to shout out the TRUTH into the swirling darkness of greed, power and deception swirling throughout the world.

SHALOM, friend!

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Sharon! Thank you so so very much! I could not do this your support! Thank you oh so very much!

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I am sure you would 'find a way' to make your essays known - no matter if you had monetary support or not, Franklin--you're a 'beacon of truth' and you do your thorough research--2 reasons I love your work!

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Excellent article once again! When people say “They wouldn’t do that” what they really mean is they (person saying this) wouldn’t do that and I believe that’s true. Unfortunately there are numerous psychopaths in power who “would do that.”

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Good article.

When I'm asked why or how "they" would do such things, my response now is that I'd be ashamed to understand "them". I only need to know THAT they are doing WHAT they're doing. The why and how are the concern of the crazed elites themselves. My concerns as a sane adult are THAT and WHAT.

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I think that your commenter was one of the government shills that introduce doubt into comment threads or, highly unlikely, an idiot who didn't take the time to do a cursory search regarding weather modification before commenting. I don't believe anyone with access to the internet believes the "government" isn't capable of modifying weather, creating crises to control society and profit for itself and the corporations it serves. Who do you think is going to pay off the mortgages on all of the now vacant properties that insurance isn't going to cover? Weather modification has been a science for at least 100 years. From rudimentary dispersal of various metallic oxides to create rain and snow to steering hurricanes, which is all documented. I don't know if a pattern of weather modification created the perfect storm conditions that have allowed the fires to cause so much damage, but I am not so naive to believe it is not possible.

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It’s interesting how I’m on the same wavelength. When these strange fogs were happening I sent a link to my husband on the Dorset Biological Warfare Experiments. It was in Wikipedia so admitted in the mainstream. Further down in the site it lists Operation Sea-Spray which happened in San Francisco. The bacteria released was Serratia Marcescens (known in the sourdough community as cause for trashing your starter and sterilizing everything). I saw a recent report where some folks gathered samples from these mysterious fogs and found high levels of the same bacteria. Not only has the government conducted these experiments without informed consent but they continue to do so. There’s been no change or incentive for them to stop. I’ve actually had people tell me “that was in the past” and “that wouldn’t happen today” and I ask “why not? what has changed?” The cognitive dissonance is real. You can show concrete examples but it doesn’t agree with early indoctrination.

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Yes read the Book about the Maralinga A bomb Test and the Government Cover Up.

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The English Government were were/are in the Same Category as The Angel of Death Dr Mengele and his Genocidal Scum. We in Australia remember the A Bomb Test and what happened to Australian people. Do you research people we were Guinea Pigs for the Poms .

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