How SIDS Became the Perfect Cover-Up for Vaccine Deaths
The data was manipulated. The deaths were hidden. The records reveal what was never meant to be seen.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the diagnosis used to define the sudden unexplained death of a child of less than one year of age.
This diagnosis is reached when the death of the infant, known as infanticide, remains unexplained after a thorough autopsy and detailed death scene investigation.
The peak incidence of SIDS occurs between 2-4 months of age.
SIDS remains the leading cause of infant mortality in Western countries, constituting half of all post-neonatal (1-12 months old) deaths.
In the following article, I will show how SIDS has been used to cover up an epidemic of infanticide in the United States. To do this, we will discuss:
The history of infant deaths since the dawn of time,
The statistically significant increase of infanticide in the 1900s,
And the campaigns used to divert attention from medical interventions
This essay is sure to be a fascinating read, so please sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
Note: This will be a paid article; however, due to the brevity of the information, I will remove the paywall no later than one month.
The History of Infant Deaths
In 1st Kings chapter 3: verse 19, we have one of the earliest writings of infant deaths. In this story, we read about the two women in Israel with two children, yet one of the children died.
The verse reads, “And this woman's child died in the night; because she overlaid it.”
Other examples of overlaying and accidental smothering from ancient Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome, European Middle Ages, Renaissance Europe, late modern period Europe, colonial America, and the American old South.1
Infant deaths have been as old as antiquity.
However, they have always had a natural explanation.
Natural Causes of Infanticide
There have been three main causes for infant deaths prior to the 20th century. These natural and explainable causes are:
Pathological — Baby falls under disease
Murder — The infant is killed
Suffocation — The baby dies from not breathing
Infant deaths were overwhelmingly linked to infections, malnutrition, or environmental dangers. Deaths occurred from natural causes.
Many deaths were documented under causes like “failure to thrive” or “infantile convulsions.”
Suffocation, overlaying, smothering. From antiquity through the 19th century, it was the primary cause of infanticide.
In 1893, in the Edinburgh Medical Journal by Charles Templeman, Templeman reported that 399 infants were found dead in bed with their parents in Dundee from 1882 to 1891.
Templeman attributed these deaths to parental drunkenness and ignorant, careless mothers and he suggested that it become mandatory for infants to sleep separately from parents.2
Hence, cribs were used in the early 20th century.
Yet, the rates of infanticide did not decrease but increased significantly throughout the 20th century.
What happened in the 20th century?
What Happened In The 1900s?
The 20th century saw a massive shift in public health, medicine, and industry.
In medicine, we have, the rise of Pharmaceutical & Medical Interventions. From this, we receive:
Vaccination schedules introduced (mid-1900s)
Antibiotics introduced (1940s)
Formula feeding promoted over breastfeeding (1950s-60s):
Medicalization of birth (hospitals replaced home births):
We also saw the changes to the exposure to electromagnetic and radiation:
Electrification of homes (early 1900s)
Radio & microwave frequencies (1920s-50s)
Television & mass communication signals (1950s-70s)
Wi-Fi & cell towers (1990s-2000s)
There were changes to the environment that could have played a role in the health of infants:
Soft mattresses & synthetic bedding
Cigarette smoke exposure skyrocketed (1950s-70s)
Lastly, there were also increases in chemical exposure due to the Industrial Revolution. These changes exposed infants to more synthetic chemicals than ever before.
This section shows the value of understanding history and how it impacts our world. This perspective is the reason for my book, An Unorthodox Truth. Check it out if you want to know how the last 200 centuries have affected us today.
While there were many changes that impacted society in the 20th century, if we explore the link between medical interventions and SIDS, we see a quite damning connection.
The Rise of SIDS
Before the mid-1900s, infant deaths were not classified as SIDS. Instead, they were often recorded under broad terms like:
“Overlay” (accidental smothering)
“Failure to thrive” (infants failing to gain weight)
The term “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)” was officially introduced in 1969, following a noticeable increase in cases of unexplained infant deaths.
This increase coincided with a major expansion of routine vaccination campaigns in Western nations, including the United States.
🚨 The Timeline That Changes Everything 🚨
For decades, they told us SIDS was a tragic mystery. But what if I told you this was no coincidence?
What happened next was an intentional manipulation of medical records—and the numbers prove it.
📉 Inside, you'll uncover:
✔ How SIDS "emerged" the same time vaccine mandates expanded.
✔ Why thousands of deaths were reclassified to hide the truth.
✔ The suppressed government data they don’t want you to read.
🔒 [This next section is for paid subscribers only—Unlock Full Access Now.]
🔥 Unlock the full breakdown, evidence, and timeline.
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Below is a timeline that shows the correlation between vaccinations and the explosion in infanticide, which resulted in the birth of the terminology, SIDS.
From the 1900s to the 1930s, we see that infanticide rates were high due to natural causes:
However, from the 1940s to the 1960s, we have a dramatic rise in “crib deaths.”
From the 1970s onward, SIDS begins to spread throughout the country:
Key Takeaways from This Timeline
Before the 1940s, sudden unexplained infant deaths were extremely rare or not separately classified. Most infant deaths were attributed to infectious diseases, malnutrition, or poor living conditions.
1940s-1950s: First mass infant vaccination campaigns were introduced simultaneously with the first reports of unexplained “crib deaths.”
1960s: The expansion of vaccine schedules coincided with the formal recognition of “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome” in 1969.
1970s: SIDS cases sharply increased, making it the leading cause of infant death after the neonatal period.
During this time period, the medical community chose to look at every other factor that could cause SIDS except their newly implemented vaccination schedule.
Let’s examine that schedule for ourselves to see if there is any correlation.
The Link Between Vaccinations and SIDS
As stated earlier, the peak time frame for SIDS to occur is between two to four months of birth.
The following vaccines are recommended during the first year of life.
CDC Recommended Vaccines for Infants (First 6 Months)3:
Hepatitis B (Birth, 1-2 months, 6 months)
Rotavirus (2, 4, 6 months)
DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) (2, 4, 6 months)
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) (2, 4, 6 months)
Pneumococcal (PCV13) (2, 4, 6 months)
Polio (IPV) (2, 4 months)
Influenza (6 months+)
By the first six months of life, a newborn infant is subjected to seven vaccines at multiple time periods.
Note: I missed one — the RSV is now recommended for infants from birth to six months
There appears to be a temporal association between vaccination and SIDS, as the highest risk window for SIDS (2-4 months) overlaps with the most frequent period of vaccination (2-6 months).
Yet, the medical community chose to investigate sleep position and household factors rather than the timing of vaccinations.
Let’s discuss the diversion that occurred during this epidemic.
The Back To Sleep Campaign
By the 1990s, SIDS was so prevalent that something had to be done. Thus the government decided to intervene. From Wikipedia4, we read the following:
In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended that babies sleep on their backs or sides to reduce the risk of SIDS.
The Safe to Sleep campaign, formerly known as the Back to Sleep campaign, is an initiative backed by the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) at the US National Institutes of Health to encourage parents to have their infants sleep on their backs (supine position) to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS.
The target age group of the campaign is 0–1 years of age because this is when babies are at the greatest risk of experiencing SIDS.
Since “Safe to Sleep” was launched in 1994, the incidence of SIDS has declined by more than 50%. However, there has been a rise in infant sleep-related suffocation events.
At face level, it appears that the campaign worked in reducing the incidence of SIDS, yet that last line shows what’s actually occurring: the reclassification of deaths.
How SIDS Rates Decreased
Some researchers argue that SIDS rates only appeared to decrease after public health campaigns like “Back to Sleep” (1994) because many infant deaths were reclassified under different categories rather than truly declining.
This means the actual number of unexplained infant deaths may have remained the same (or even increased), but they were coded differently in medical records.
This phenomenon is known as reclassification.
Reclassification means that instead of calling a sudden infant death “SIDS,” medical examiners use different terms that shift the cause to something else. These alternative terms include:
Accidental Suffocation or Asphyxiation
If an infant is found dead in a crib, instead of calling it SIDS, it might be classified as suffocation due to bedding, blankets, or co-sleeping.
This leads to an artificial drop in SIDS cases but does not change the overall number of unexplained infant deaths.
Example: If a vaccinated baby dies in sleep, but a blanket is nearby, it might be labeled “positional asphyxia” instead of “SIDS.”
Undetermined or “Other Causes”
Many coroners classify infant deaths as “undetermined” rather than SIDS if there is any ambiguity about the cause of death.
This means the case is not officially recorded as SIDS, but the death remains unexplained.
This practice reduces the official number of SIDS cases while keeping overall infant mortality rates the same.
Cardiac or Metabolic Causes
Some deaths originally classified as SIDS have been reclassified as “cardiac arrest” or “metabolic disorder” deaths, even if there is no clear evidence.
This is common when infants have an unexplained immune or neurological reaction post-vaccination.
Example: If an infant dies suddenly after receiving multiple vaccines, a medical examiner might classify it as “sudden cardiac failure” rather than SIDS, making it appear that SIDS rates are decreasing.
This reclassification sounds like one global conspiracy, yet if we examine the evidence that reclassification did occur, we begin to realize the reality of the world we’re living in.
Evidence That SIDS Declined Due to Reclassification
In the 1980s-early 1990s, SIDS was recorded as the leading cause of post-neonatal death. Before the “Back to Sleep” campaign (pre-1994), SIDS rates were rising sharply, especially in vaccinated infants.
After 1994, SIDS rates suddenly declined, but accidental suffocation cases sharply increased. By the 2000s, “accidental suffocation” cases increased significantly, while SIDS “declined.”
Eventually, people began to notice.
In 2005, a study by Malloy & MacDorman5, researchers analyzed U.S. death certificate data and found that
Accidental suffocation deaths increased by 11% per year after the 1990s.
Yet, SIDS declined by about the same amount.
The total number of unexplained infant deaths did not actually decrease—they were just being coded differently.
In 2010, a Canadian study6 found similar patterns of SIDS decline alongside an increase in suffocation and “unknown causes” deaths.
They concluded that SIDS was “disappearing” only because it was being relabeled, not because fewer infants were dying.
Even the CDC noted this increase in accidental suffocation.
In the 2015 study7, the CDC itself acknowledged that while SIDS rates declined after the 1990s, other categories of sudden infant death increased, particularly:
“Unintentional suffocation” deaths (which rose significantly).
“Undetermined” deaths, which remained stable instead of declining
Yet, just as many attempted to bring light to this coverup, the vaccinations still occurred, the reclassifications went forward, and to this day, SIDS is known as an “unexpected” death in infants with no known cause.
I hope you have a different perspective after being introduced to this information.
Medical intervention has brought some good to society. There is no denying that.
However, it has also unleashed a lot of harm as well.
Unfortunately, since the 1800s, our industries have had motto known as “profits over people.” This motto is true in government, technologies, and our health industries as well.
The profit is the bottom line and must be protected at all costs.
In order to protect the bottom line, there must be a defense against any attempts that may disrupt the flow.
When it comes to vaccinations in infants, seeing that a child receives most of the vaccines before the first year, this period is critical to ensure they are given to the child.
It is no surprise that during this time period, we have experienced the most significant harm.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records hundreds of SIDS cases annually post-vaccination8.
Examples of VAERS Reports:
Infants dying within 48 hours of receiving multiple vaccines (DTP, Hep B, PCV13, etc.).
No pre-existing conditions, no known infections—just sudden death.
Many reports list “SIDS” as the cause of death post-immunization.
According to a CDC study9, when studying the main causes of death among reports submitted to the (VAERS), “79.4% received >1 vaccine on the same day.”
Ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s time we agree that SIDS a the linguistic coverup to show medical interventions such as vaccinations are responsible for the pandemic of infanticide that is occurring in our country.
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Franklin O’Kanu
Notes and References
It astounds Me that anyOne thinks jabbing Human flesh of any age with toxins - and now, it seems, nanotech - is a solution to anything. It is clear that ALL vaccines are and have been experiments on Us, and to kill Us. Given neither viruses nor contagion have honestly been proven to this very day.
A very good look at how They manipulate data to hide the truth, Franklin. Thank You!!!.
For My experience being protected from"polio" see:
Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min):
Excellent research thank you Franklin. It's all so blatant when you lay it out like that, and as you say, certainly shows the reality of the world we are living in.
Here's an eye witness account from a police officer who responded to a bunch of SIDS cases, they all seem to have one thing in common: