I have realized in the past several years that much or maybe even most of what I have been fed about history and science throughout my life has been untrue. I question everything, which really pisses many of my friends and family off, but is what we should all do. For instance, I was watching a documentary about Hitler and WWII with a friend who made this statement, "You have to admit, even though he was one of the most evil people who ever lived, Hitler was great at manifesting. Don't you agree?" I replied, "Well, I have been told that he was one of the most evil people who ever lived, but I haven't actually done the research to know if it is true. History is written by the victor." You can imagine how that went over. The reaction to questioning anything about Hitler is a bridge too far for most people, which is a sure sign that much of what we have been taught could be a psyop. It is cult programming. There are certain topics that are off limits: Hitler, 9/11, the shape of the Earth, germ theory, and a few others, and usually the people who are most vehemently against questioning them simply make arguments from consensus: Everybody knows that! How can you question it? Thanks for not being one of those people, and reminding us that we shouldn't be either.

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Nice essay. Very powerful.

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