I can’t even lie. I’m appalled at what I’m hearing from Trump.
Trump wants Palestinians out of Gaza.
Dan’s article is amazing as it highlights all the statements made by Trump.
Dan’s article is why I’m writing this piece because, at times, we can forget that a greater agenda is at play. Dan’s piece put everything together brick by brick.
Especially how Israel has grown larger and larger, occupying more land over the years.
Why Trump Is The Perfect Trojan Horse
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever see this—such a blatant statement of genocide from a world leader.
But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
There’s only one person who can make a statement so crazy that people get lost in the sauce—Trump. He’s the perfect Trojan horse.
He says something crazy every other day. So when something really crazy comes out, it’s “that’s just Trump again.”
However, this is wrong – this is dastardly wrong.
How Will The Truth Movement Respond
I’m hoping that there’s a strong amount of backlash on this. But what I’m really interested in seeing is what the truth movement is going to say.
Many truth substacks support Trump. But they seem quiet on topics like Stargate, or at least I haven’t noticed them discussing it. So, I’m curious to see how they will spin this.
But this right here, Trump’s statements, are vile and ill in nature.
The Truth Of The Matter
To keep this short, we must make three things clear:
No Supreme Being called Israel to have that land.
This reasoning is the divine manifesto used to justify genocide.
There are Jews who condemn this.
This rant isn’t antisemitic but rather anti-Zionist. If opposing the political movement of Zionism3 is antisemitic, then we can talk.
Right is right, and Wrong is wrong.
As I’ve written, the state uses nationalism to blind good citizens to its atrocities. That is definitely happening here.
If your truth substack isn’t talking about this, then they aren’t calling the world as it is. Join Unorthodoxy to have in-depth conversations about our world.
Closing Thoughts
I don’t care about all the good Trump has done. I’m starting to realize all that good was set up for such a time as this.
Biden could never make such a statement; only Trump could. Two wings, same bird.
It’s so sad that people will stay quiet on this or that they will defend this military action.
Related Articles
Here’s some of my work on the Zionist state of Israel.
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Franklin O’Kanu
Notes and References
Zionism is the Jewish BLM, prove me wrong.
Each party provides relief to their constituents by kicking out the other and normalizing policy. It's two wings of the same vulture Franklin. Because we're so late in the stages of this, the ante has been upped significantly. The dems pushed the goal posts so far to the left that it left conservatives screaming for a savior _just to get back to normal_. Well they got it, gave him carte blanche to do anything on their behalf, and are now mad that it turns out the entire show is designed to disintegrate sovereignty into a one world government. As stated previously
The media - both news and entertainment - have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.
Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer (we fight amongst ourselves while they decimate our support systems and establish totalitarian control). The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.
(Instead of you taking control of the system or working to prepare for the worst (growing a garden, digging a well, strengthening your community, gathering supplies, and becoming resilient) you hold out hope for a politician to sweep in and solve your problems for you. There is only one place this lack of action can take us. Power corrupts and Washington DC is as corrupt as they come.)
They know that politicization (pitting us at each other throats regardless of relationship status - neighbor, co-worker, friend, family) is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.
These are extremely damaging and misfortunate exploits of human nature. Worse, these exploits are as easy to activate as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population - and they are currently being employed to their maximum effect.
When you think "vote" think directed "volt" [transfer] of [YOUR] energy to a false god. When you vote you 'elect'. What do electricians do? https://old.bitchute.com/video/WLENjFciQ3T4
Voting is the saw cutting the tree of liberty down (in federal elections, NOT local), and when you vote that tree is being sawed with your explicit consent and energy. Liberty will die if we continue doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Voting got us into this, it isn't going to get us out. Liberty cannot be saved no matter how many votes you give to "dominion" or how much you donate to other people to save it for you. Only you can save it through prayer and local action. If everyone took control at the local level and put the "common unity" back in community, we would take this country back in a groundswell.
People tend to be okay with "their guy in the White House" doing something they would never be fine with the "bad guy in the other party" doing. This is why Republican vs Democrat = divide and conquer. We give deferential treatment and leeway to our side's actions, secure in the knowledge that our guy has our best interests at heart. He does not:
Bush brings the patriot act mortally wounding the Constitution. Republicans defend and vote for him because he is their president.
Bush starts the chain of brutal senseless wars in the middle east: Republicans defend and vote for him because he is their president. (Subsequently Biden imports into America many of the people whose lives Bush destroyed over there by the hundreds of thousands and implants and arms them as sleeper cells all over our country.)
This is the push of that saw.
Obama kills the Smith-Mundt Act which is the death knell for America and is why we are where we are now. Democrats vote for and defend him because he is their president.
Obama peace prize winner becomes the angel of drone death in the middle east and bombs hospitals and wedding parties and targets regular families walking the streets. Liberals vote for him because he is their president. (Again, subsequently Biden imports into America many of the people whose lives Obama destroyed over there by the hundreds of thousands and implants and arms them as sleeper cells all over our country.)
This is the pull of that saw.
Trump goes warp speed (injecting millions with transhumanist poison) and shuts the economy down - killing millions of small businesses (making their proprietors dependents of a system that wants them dead) - over a cold virus and is defended by Republicans because he is their President.
This is the next push of that saw.
Biden takes all of the above to the next level.
This is the next pull of that saw.
Trump goes all in on NWO and ending nation states
Liberty is cut down and dies with our explicit consent, energy, and vote.
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Turn off your TV and internet, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Look into CORAC which is a worldwide organization that teaches about sustainability, health & wellness and other ways to create a parallel economy in case things go south. There are a boatload of videos & documents at the website and it free to join. I ask you to check it out. https://corac.co/ —Added by Karmy
Get ready for the Democrats to start to make sense now. It's all part of the cyclical dialect/strategy.