May 22Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

In Australia aboriginal culture, the sun is feminine and the moon is masculine. The sun, Yi, is reliable, life giving, life sustaining, source of light and warmth. Generous. Source of love. The moon, bahloo, is not so reliable, leaves for weeks, sometimes lights up the dark, sometimes disappears leaving everyone in the dark(occult presence). A male sun is a perversion and inversion of nature and the usurpation of the devine feminine. Any cult or culture that makes the sun masculine is satanic.

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Thanks for this insight from the aboriginal perspective. First time I’ve heard of it and very eye opening.

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Yahweh (AKA God) created the sun, so if you appreciate His creation you are not worshipping Baal. As for the sun being in the center of the universe, that is simply just fact.

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With you. Creation stories or the kinds of stories above are interesting but I’m too busy being informed by the evil in the here and now, praying for discernment and putting my faith in God. God gave us the sun. As all the stars in the universe. To ponder on a flat earth is folly. To say it’s a worship of Baal. The author seems to give us no hope for truth. But there is.

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May 23·edited May 23

The author gave you a springboard to search for truth outside of faith. Follow the links in my comment for below for evidence that Jesus is Baal, the Lord. We are living on a stationary plane. It is a fact of true science, and not folly. The earth is not 24,901 miles in circumference, which can be proven simply by a photograph of mountains that are over 700 miles away, or this sea level, line-of-sight low power radio transmission over 830 miles https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/article/new-lora-world-record-1336-km-830-mi. Radio waves travel in a straight line. It is impossible to transmit radio waves to a receiver over a curved planet over a distance of 830 miles. Marconi's radio transmission across the Atlantic Ocean was said to be impossible due to the curvature of the Earth, until he did it. Instead of admitting the Earth was either much larger than supposed or flat, they invented the ionosphere, which supposedly reflected the low frequency AM radio waves to the receiver. However, the ionosphere does not reflect high frequency radio waves, which are routinely broadcast over distances impossible on a round Earth. Michelson and Morely set out to prove that the Earth was moving through the ether of space. They failed, which led to Einstein imagining his Special Theory of Relativity. Every experiment since has failed. The sun, moon, and stars and planets are local, possibly projections, not millions or trillions of miles away, and they rotate around a center point, Polaris. It is the most accurate time-keeping system ever created.

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baal, bel, chemosh, molech, all are of the same. IT IS WRITTEN, HIS Plan is written in the heavens, (declared) and the lights are for signs and seasons . . . .. This is astronomy NOT astrology. Nothing in all of creation worships satan or of his images other than his seed and those they deceive. This is not a game!

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Thank YOU Franklin for not only replying to my question so quickly, but in an article no less.

GPT4's repeated response is to "not conflate" science and worship. My gut tells me that this AI's prime directive is to actually DEFLATE the connection between science and worship and is actually trying to distract us from looking further.

I no longer expect concrete answers for things that I can't personally verify. The questions and discussions however.... are fascinating!

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a fundamental tenant of modern astronomy is that there is no preferred point in space. there might be a big blobs which we call earth, mars, sun, galaxy, cluster of galaxies - or small specks of dust, an atom, a man, a baby. why would the eternal dreaming source favor one place of creation over another? it's the flesh of man that puts him in the center of the universe.

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May 23·edited May 23

I would say that placing the sun at the center of the solar system as proposed by Copernicus is worshiping Baal, for those who are aware of history. Worshiping Jesus is also worship of Baal. https://archaix.streamlit.app/ Enter Jesus and Baal in the search bar.

The answers given by GPT4 reveal how much the LLM relies upon internet sources which simply regurgitate modern “scientist’s” consensus, and not truth, although I am sure with more prodding you could get the LLM to admit that it was lying in its previous answers. The statements that the heliocentric model is based upon science, which relies upon a systematic approach and evidence, could not be further from the truth. Heliocentrism, like a lot of modern science, is a religion, and anyone who goes against the faith is ostracized. It is based upon suppositions grounded in faith, not evidence.

Heliocentrists start with the presupposition that the Sun is the center of the solar system and explain away or completely disregard all evidence to the contrary, simply because to do otherwise, in their own words, “Is unthinkable”, because it goes against the Copernicus philosophy and opens the door to Creationism. When confronted with evidence that the Earth is not moving, and has never been proven to move through space, first shown by the Michelson-Morely experiment, which led to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, they simply say that it only “appears” from our vantage point that the Earth is the center of the universe, which is to say, “We cannot prove that the Earth is moving, but you cannot prove that it is not moving…it is all relative.” For proof of these statements, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoqpZ7UJvxI from Austin Witsit. This video gives many examples of the statements of a few of the most famous, revered priests of Scientism, called physicists! They damn themselves with their own words proving they are religionists, and not scientists.

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