Ashe, this one got me. I read a few people, and tend to be more interested in their evolution as SS authors. Oft times they fade or become embattled. After a couple of months, I clear out everyone and start over. There are enough lines of concurrence in your work for me to take the plunge. Just ordered your book on Amazon. I like to highlight, dog-ear and underline, so need the physical copy. Anyways, it's how I support. Truly appreciate your consistent willingness to go further than most, and appreciate how you do what you're doing.

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Thank You! Truly appreciate the support and this comment! Thank you kindly!

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"Even though we have no observable evidence to support this."

I'm willing to entertain any theory that challenges our notions of reality or orthodox thinking. But stating the Earth is not round and claiming there's NO evidence to support that it is round and that we do not exist in a heliocentric solar system, is beyond the pale. Every airplane flight that travels to any destination in the world depends on the premise that it is circumnavigating a sphere. It's easy to state such claims that the Earth is flat but I've yet to discover any that convince me. I DO think that much of what we understand as 'reality' is extremely limited due to the human tendency to simplify concepts that are for more complex and intricate than our simple brains can imagine.

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Also, it's relatively easy, with the right camera equipment, to track the movement of the fixed stars in the night sky. Not only do they rotate throughout the night (indicating that we're living on a spinning globe), but they move throughout the year, returning their approximate starting positions after 365 days (indicating our viewing platform is itself orbiting). Finally, over decades, minor movement in the base positions of the stars can be seen (indicating that our viewing platform is not just orbiting, but also moving through space in a straight line).

Of course, Foucalt's pendulum is an excellent experiment demonstrating the rotation of the earth.

As a Civil Engineer, I can state that very large projects require us to assume construction on a sphere to make measurements work. When surveying township squares, the corners have to be "cheated in" (interpolated) due to the earth's curve, because you can't actually fit a square to a ball. This is less noticeable near the equator but gets more and more pronounced further north one goes. Of course, this would not at be the case on a flat plane.

Finally, 24-hour days would not be possible at the south pole on a flat plane, but yet they happen every year.

So, there is actually lots and lots of observable evidence to support the globe and the heliocentric model.

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And the rotation was pretty much proven by the Foucalt pendulum.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Hey, great article and viewpoint.

Did you mean Mark Passio not Massio in the conclusion? Passio is a devout heliocentrist which is interesting… he really doesn’t like the FE debate. I guess he was early on the subject when much was not known or discovered. The “science”, understanding and community was so much more limited and it would have been easier to view it as a distraction or psyop. I still think he’s incredible and have learnt so much but it also shows you shouldn’t follow just one person and you can have differing views to people you respect and extol.

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Thanks for this correction and yep, Passio is who I meant! I just corrected that so thanks for the callout!

And yes, Passio is a devout heliocentrist and I just can't understand why. His work on natural law and the occult was pivotal in my awakening process -- but I just couldn't get how or why he couldn't see past this illusion. That's a great point that many may have been interested earlier on but there wasn't any good data so it could have been seen as a psyop. Hopefully he, and others, are able to take a new look at things. We all need to be open to revisit topics that we once thought we knew

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He doesn't believe in FE because he has a basic understanding of numerous sciences and has done the experimentation for himself. Aside from that, he knows full well the signs of a psyop.

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For the claim in the comment SOMEONE can see/knows ....

39 Jesus said,[a] “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.” 40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?” 41 Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. Jn 9, 39-41

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Great work. I also wondered why these topics are off limits. Does it mean that some in the Truther Community are Controlled Op? It makes it difficult to trust the information they are sharing. I'm sharing this video because it was what finally convinced me that flat earth is real and that "They" need to keep up the globe earth charade. It has been taken off youtube and I am glad I was able to find it again. https://odysee.com/@BarnabasNagy:5/flat-earth-paid-flat-earth-trolls-why:8

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Thanks for this video Tami! And I've also come to a similar potential conclusion: are there controlled ops within the community? In my journey, I've seen that there's two sides to every coin and so I can appreciate the value they bring in other topics and can use that value to further my own personal quest.

PS: Flat Earth was the one topic that really blew my mind off to the nature of our reality. And I argue that if the community as a whole took it seriously and simply investigated it, we could come to a better understanding.

The purposeful avoidance of topic like these, does make one question -- is there a controlled opposition here?

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Yes, and I can also appreciate the work they are doing, but after a while it seems that they are also just distracting everyone from the main point. Flat Earth is HUGE. If we don't understand our place in the world, it creates a subconscious self limiting belief. That self limiting belief is precisely how "They" continue to exert control. But, I also recognize that everyone is on their own journey.

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Agreed -- It is a huge subconscious self limiting belief. I've also noticed that a lot of the truthers don't dive into the spiritual aspect of reality. That's really one of the main reasons why I created this substack because if we don't see the spirituality to reality, we're missing a big chunk of the picture.

we need more spiritual truthers out there and it doesn't seem like there are none. Hopefully the few of us that are out there can rise and spread this news with more people!

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May 23·edited May 23

"THEY" - every disciple of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE/SATAN/HALF-TRUTHS/LIES - .... are shitting their pants in their own way. I would compare it to a BIG BIG WORLDWIDE REHAB process, based on a MILLENNIA OLD ADDICTION TO THE LIE - each and everyone INDIVIDUALLY! The "controlled opposition" only looks as such, as there are millions of factions hanging on to a different part of THE LIE! And the bigger "the local empire" (Rothschild vs Buffett vs Gates vs Joe Doe) supposedly to be lost by the "local" lie being "exposed" as such the greater the resources and efforts to keep the "local" lie alive as part of THE LIE.

Biblically speaking:


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This video is pure GOLD ...

I am truly a suspicious mind, but having fingerprints of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE/SATAN/MONEY/HALF-TRUTHS/LIES .... all over it confirms again and again one grain at a time about the nefarious nature of those minds being lured into the scheme.


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Jun 5Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I am trying to become a paid subscriber and am being blocked. It say I cannot manage my subscription in the app. Please help

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Hi Astrid! Thank you for the support! Sorry that there’s an issue with becoming one from the app. Here’s the link that you may be able to click on or enter in your browser: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/subscribe

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“If dinosaurs existed, the world’s atmosphere would be completely different than we have today” … you lost me here, why would the atmosphere have to be different?

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Also, it's pretty widely accepted that Earth's atmosphere actually is substantially different today than it was millennia ago. It's been in constant flux for it's entire history.

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The first one on evolution I'm following; I'm assuming you mean macro-evolution. Not so much on the others. Fossils are real but all generated from the flood.

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Hey Taylor -- don't know if you've read my work on dinosaurs yet but aside from the physics of dinosaurs not being able to exist, the fossils could be giants or even dragons. The reason I say giants or dragons is because all stories and cultures around the world talk of these two -- adding more historical validity to those topics, but the existence of dinosaurs has no way of proving it isn't a giant or dragon bone.

Work on Dinosaurs: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/did-dinosaurs-exist

In one of my studies, I came across a piece of information that talked about the history of the Smithsonian and how it, I believe funded by Rockerfeller, went around the world and started to capture ancient artifacts and "reinvent" them or destroy them -- hence removing the history of the old world and bringing forth this new world of roughly 200 years ago. I'd have to go back and find that exact piece, but wanted to provide that perspective.

Regarding viruses, I recommend checking out some of the substacks I provided and Dr. Cowan's work on the topic. I'll circle back and see if I can provide more information here. Flat earth, I've covered in some of my work and my book, but again, there's a historical validation (especially in the Bible) that supports the geocentric model.

Let me know your thoughts on the flat earth piece, and here's some work I've done on that topic:


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For the flat earth, just look at the stars in the northern hemisphere vs Southern. All should be visible from all points on earth. Also where is the edge? I'm not even sure where to begin on the other stuff. I guess I could prove dinosaurs to you. Just look at the Bible. Leviathan and Behemoth. Dinosaurs. Who are you to say that God is wrong?

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I’ve read Cowan’s book. Compelling but I let it float around in my mind waiting for links and such. My perspective on the lies around us has me leaning to Cowan’s side. I’m fascinated by the dinosaur stuff. I have my own thoughts about why and what they are.

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First I want to thank you for this article and also, all my further comments to this are not judging. While I am convinced, that dinosaurs and the theory of evolution is a hoax and I am leaning in favour of a flat, nonrotating earth, I have major troubles believing that nuklear bombs aren't real. I can see the reason behind it, because yes, it does strike fear in your heart. But can we agree, that radiation is real? There is uranium and plutonium and its radiation does affect people, animals and plants in a negative way. Makes them sick. Kill them. There are nuclear plants, harnessing the power of fusion. We get energy from it. If these things exist and are real, is it far fetched to believe that the evil powers would not use that as a weapon?

I would love for them to be a hoax, that would take a tremendous weight of my mind, but is it sensible to deny the threat?

If they are a hoax, is North Corea in on this? Doesn't seem likely.

And why did they get so many deformed babies in Japan after the drop of these bombs?

I really don't know the answer to this questions and I am happy to be proven the opposite..

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No radiation found in Nagasaki or Hiroshima.

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Doesn't really answer my questions, though

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Compare Chernobyl to the events in Japan, Nagasaki and Hiroshima were rebuilt and repopulated. No nuclear weapons were used there. There are no mass deformities in Japan, or lingering effect of radiation

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There are people in Tschernobyl, too. The elder have returned to their homes... They seem well enough. One couple even never left.


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"Yes, there are biological weapons that exist that could be studied in areas such as Wuhan (i.e., deadly bacterial pathogens like Anthrax), but stating that viruses were from Wuhan, now we see how the confusion essentially intensifies."

How do you KNOW - contrary to INFERRING based on your other BELIEFS - that biological weapons exist? Just because someone said so and it seems reasonable - based on what one has experienced and tested over a lifetime - to the individual mind this notion - like any - doesn't become fact. I for example don't BELIEVE that there are any weapons at all - and of course it is based on a rather radical approach to semantics. Which is - I BELIEVE - unavoidable/paramount in order to look for THE TRUTH and this approach to semantics in and of itself is only possible under certain conditions, which I don't want to go into right now as it would obfuscate what I am trying to point towards.

Of course there are "things/circumstances" that lead to "death" as can be observed on a daily basis. Using quotation marks here is unavoidable in order to point out the distinction between THE LIE and THE TRUTH. "Death" is a - however imperfect - reference to the fact that flesh and blood under certain circumstances doesn't fulfil the functions it does (APPEAR TO fulfil) under usual circumstances. Calling it >death< constitutes THE SIN as there is no way for man's mind to PROVE what it claims. As man's mind - in its current state/configuration - doesn't have any access to the realm of ETERNITY/INFINITY. Which is why man's mind is speaking DEATH into existence by claiming it as a fact. The same goes with anything else going through man's mind.

"(Biological) weapons" are the same. There are "objects/tools" that lead to "death" under certain circumstances. But under different circumstances those "objects/tools" don't have any effect at all, as the experiments DISPROVING "viruses" from the beginning of the last century are clearly proof of. Ms. Nightingale should not be left out to be mentioned.


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"At a high level, we go through the same analogy with dinosaurs because it’s physically impossible for dinosaurs to have existed. The laws of physics do not allow for this."

How do you KNOW - contrary to ASSUME, which would be perfectly consistent/coherent with TRUTH - which is a crucial distinction dealing with TRUTH/REALITY. Or maybe you have equally fallen into the trap of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE/SATAN/HALF-TRUTHS/LIES, as exemplified by the quote from George Wald (08/1954) at the beginning of your article.

One caveat to add - we never KNOW anything, the only REALITY that exists is our OBSERVATION about REALITY and THE RESULTING FAITH about it.

So EVERYTHING comes out of GOD ALMIGHTY including our perception - as GOD ALMIGHTY CREATED the servant of perception, man's mind and the body within it resides - and everything that follows from it.

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The statement that evolution is undoubtedly true and exists needs substanciation.

Make sure that a natural selection process on what is already there is not confused with a de novo evolutionary process.

The same concept is involved in the idea that a virus or anthing else can hijack a cell (like an airplane) and make a cell do something that it could not do otherwise (like pierce a steel and concrete building rather than crumple against a harder object).

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To believe in evolution one has to believe that something can come from nothing.

It is impossible to get someone to understand something whose very existence depends upon them not understanding (paraphrasing).

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Great article. Let me recommend three great books on 9/11...

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

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Just ordered your book on Amazon. We will be boondock camping out west in July and this will serve me in giving me time to think on these lines of truth and myth.

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"However, I’ve noticed these individuals and many others have not touched on these topics mentioned in this article or gone in-depth as closely as I did. And to be honest, I do not know why."

In order to find out why, EVERYONE should look into his own heart in order to determine what he is willing to give to come to THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!


21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

22 Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!”

23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”

24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life[f] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.

Matt 16, 21-27

The poisonous tentacles of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN reach into every heart, and only GOD ALMIGHTY has the means through THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT to turn the poison of the false gospel into BLOOD OF ETERNAL LIFE! ONE INDIVIDUAL HEART AT A TIME!

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"... we see how they used their power and influence to transform America — from a holistic health care system to one reliant on their new product: pharmaceutical drugs."

Always under the label/disguise of the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE/SATAN/HALF-TRUTHS/LIES of doing "good" ... since THE SERPENT, EVE AND ADAM IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN. "Serving" CREATION instead of THE CREATOR!

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