Jun 12Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I read the comment thread on Mathew Crawford's article linked above and his response to your questions was way outside rational conduct. Becoming angry, accusing someone of being part of a psyop, a bot to muddy the waters in the dissident movement, resorting to personal attacks, and twisting their words for simply asking a question about whether he has explored the existence of viruses is the pot calling the kettle black. His logical fallacies of appealing to consensus and appealing to authority regarding the existence of viruses indicate that he has not researched the subject of infectious disease and viral isolation. His response was essentially: “Everybody knows viruses exist, including my wife, so why don't you just shut up and go away? You're banned from commenting.”

There are highly trained and experienced scientists who have done deep work on the virus theory and have proven to me that the scientists Matthew appeals to are working from a faulty premise: The amino acid sequences they are working with are from isolated virus particles and not computer-generated models. Virology and the infectious disease model, including bacterial diseases, are fraught with assumptions and fraud. Essentially, they assume their hypothesis it true and manufacture the evidence to support it. It is no different than astrophysicists who look at the heavens and believe that the mathematical models they are working with are based upon real science, when in reality the assumptions about the properties of the lights in the sky came first, and the math was created to prove the assumptions. They are solving for X when they already decided what X is.

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Dude, Sean! I always want to make sure I carve out like 5 to 10 mins to read your comments because I know you are going to drop some knowledge bombs! Again, you've done it again! This was beautiful to read. The quote, "Essentially, they assume their hypothesis it true and manufacture the evidence to support it." is literally the basis of the majority of the scientific industries out there! I could not have said it better myself.

PS: I'm thinking of capturing like the best comments from subscribers and simply posting them as an article itself just due to the wisdom in these comments. This comment right here definitely makes the list. Thanks for the support as usual -- greatly appreciated!

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Thanks for the compliment, and you are welcome. I know it feels like we are David fighting Goliath, but if we just keep slinging stones by leaving truthful comments, etc. others who are open to alternative facts will start looking into these issues and realize that most of what they have been taught is lies. Often my target audience is not the person I am replying to, but the people who will read the comments. Goliath is starting to stagger.

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Sean, you say: "The amino acid sequences they are working with are from isolated virus particles".

Sounds like you don't dispute the existence of virii.

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It was just poor writing. I was saying that the premise they were starting with was wrong, and that premise is: The amino acid sequences they are working with.........

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The virologists so-called believe that they are working with isolated viri but they aren’t. No viri have ever been isolated. Ditto for the ever-expanding universe with a beginning—which had no beginning until the ‘60’s.

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I agree.

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Gravity, density, science, occult, geocentric, heliocentric, it all is so ridiculous.

The so called science is a makeshift collection of more or less random concepts, strongly pushed to be coherent, consistent and uniform. This tendency is the ultimate bias which disables the capacity to observe and reflect upon the Life. Now and then, the scientists stumble upon unsolvable issues and - how else - they eagerly detour into alternatives, like particle vs. wave models or Einstein’s fantasies. Then, the inconsistencies matter no more, maybe because they are “explained” by one of their own.

Another huge bias is the idea that we can actually explain a thing or two. To explain them, we would need to be aware of and know the context, or the environment in which the particular phenomenon occurs. But we don’t know this. We don’t even know what “shape” the Earth is. Which is pretty important, because shapes form spatial relationships, possibly affecting everything there is in some ways. We have no idea whether the Earth is moving or not. And if it is moving, in what ways and - WHY?

Yet another huge huge bias is the frivolous manipulation of “time” by scientists. 10 million years back or forth, who cares. The more, the better, it will sound more scientific and it will facilitate more funding. These are the “discoveries” of people who a) live - in their whole lifetime - within about 20 years of “conscious” understanding of the concepts they push around, b) have minds which are intrinsically unable to conceptualize more than a few weeks into the past and are absolutely unable to reflect upon the future.

And there are processes which are still incomprehensible to us. Photosynthesis - no one knows how it works or how it is possible. Digestion of food, including by humans - no one knows how it works. Assimilation of water by living organisms, including humans - no one can explain what is happening there. And the most well know human miracle which no one can explain: how come two cells from two different organisms merge and something is happening which results in a continuous creation, transformation and elimination of millions of cells over dozens of years?

Even on the mental plane, we have no idea what is happening within us. Why biases? What is their function? Why our perception is extremely limited and by default resistant to development? Why do we need schools? No other being on the Earth needs schools - every single child of every single species on the Earth has complete knowledge of how to handle the environment. Why humans are the only species which is by default unfit to live here?

There is so much more…

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