The funny thing is that the Eastern Block countries with all that pressure and those many restrictions didn't manage to fool the population to the extent that the system did to the western "free world".

School over there was hard, demanding, competitive. Here in the west is a kind of daycare... keeping kids away very long hours every day so that the parents slave along to pay for so many things that the family doen't need. It is sad, really sad that most don't see themselves as captives, but they are.

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And on top of that, THEY replace the chains by taxes !!!!!

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But we must train the oppressed to rise up against the oppressors!!!! (Loosely derived from Freire, the god of Higher Education.) This is the most horrific line: The present educational conventions [of intellectual and moral education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. (Rich Men North of Richmond is the perfect response.)

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They put a globe in every classroom!

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They must find people who love teaching, highly educated and who are not robots trying to make more robots. Socratic teaching for Critical thinking!!!

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Prussia was adsorbed Latvia was utterly divided for its militarism (punished) in fact and Lithuania liberalized for their agrarian ism Estonia its heroes . . just a few rambling recollections of a Crucial Time a Critical one unto this day . .

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