"We live in a world run by corporations." Correction, we live in a world run by psychopaths.

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This was so good. Thank you. I have tried really hard since 2012 to no longer support the corporate endeavors that are exploitative. It is actual work to research such companies and to opt to spend my money elsewhere. I have learned to go without a bunch of substandard crap that I don’t really need, to learn to make more things myself or to purchase from cottage industries or individuals. I’ve had to work on curbing a lot of impulse spending, too, so as to not facilitate the furthering of the profit over people model. Thanks for writing about this topic.

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GREED is God - dog eat dog Capitalism - is CANNIBALISM!

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This is the experience I’ve had as a nurse in every hospital floor position I’ve ever held. Nurses come with the room rate. They try to appease with break room parties, as you sneak away from your patient care duties for 5 minutes.

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Speaking of corporate greed on steroids it seems to me that one of the principal engines or propaganda factories for corporate power and its all-consuming drive is the well known right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation which is the driving force behind the now infamous 2025 Project.

Kevin Roberts the number once honcho behind the Project is an Opus Dei operative/propaganda hack.

J D Vance is also a member of Opus Dei too - he wrote the foreword to Roberts book.

That having been said check out this 2019 essay which describes the nature of applied right-wing mostly Catholic politics.


Check out the most recent essay on this site too - it provides a necessary update re the 2025 Project.

Are you familiar with the prophetic book by Chris Hedges titled American Fascists - The Christian Right & Its War Against America.? The 2025 Project fits perfectly into Hedges prophetic warning. One of the stated aims of the 2025 Projectis to re-Christianize America - with a little help from a certain Orange Haired religiously and culturally illiterate nihilistic barbarian!

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