I chose not to vaccinate, and went with ivermectin, vitamin D and zinc. Everyone I know who chose vaccination got sick, maybe from Covid maybe from flu, but I haven’t been ill in three years. Got ivermectin from a compounding pharmacy in Soquel, so the dosage was right for me and not a horse.

I have to say I no longer want anything to do with modern medicine. Or the climate crisis. Or Ukraine, etc. Everything is a lie.

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Too right. I hurt most for our servicemen. Too many of them have no idea what they’re actually fighting for. You might get a lot out of Jovan Hutton Pulitzer over on Rumble. I think he’s also on YouTube, but we all know why he’s on Rumble.

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Modern medicine is just big business. There’s no money in cures.

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Never forget: Nature has no lobby.

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Extremely well said.

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All my ND's and alternative health practitiioners here in Canada were recommending it during Covid. Also 100% ivermectin horse paste for maintenance but all the equine suppliers ran out of that too. When they started getting their stock up I bought a box and shared the tubes with my friends. I took some in small container to Egypt and shared it with my tour group 3 times a week. My cat and I use it for maintenance too... a little bit hidden in food. I Took a pill I got from the states when I got hit with Epstein Barr from people shedding. Thanks for writing and distributing this

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What ever I got sick with a couple years ago from the bioweapon, ivermectin kicked it. Cough was gone after 1 dose. Never let anyone near you with a pcr test btw.

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