Thanks for the inspiration! I agree; resistance (or the theory of cognitive dissonance) makes a lot of sense when you have two opposing views and it causes inaction. Stoics would tell us to understand the rationale behind it, what we can control and can’t control, so we can get through it. Epictetus was born a slave, and his master broke his leg, so he was lame, but he failed to let it conquer him, and grew from it, like shipwrecked Zeno. Eventually, he gained freedom (in his late 30s or so) and started a school on Stoic philosophy, influencing leaders like Marcus Aurelias (a real philosopher king).

Conservatives (and Americans collectively) are facing cognitive dissonance now; the Constitution failed to restrain government and here we are – soviet style lawfare is going down right this minute. What do we do about it? Well, first thing we do is acknowledge that the Constitution, as prescient as it was, has failed to restrain the government, exactly like the “Anti-Federalists” warned us – a central government will grow beyond control. How about this solution: Dismantle the federal government (carefully, of course) and revise a newly crafted Articles of the Confederation?

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I love the stoic youtube channel....sometimes the AI narrator is difficult to listen to but so much wisdom.

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Yes, same here. I think it's AI generated? I went to the library to get a lot books on the various Stoic philosphers and decided this is no longer a want, but a need to own these books like Discourses, Meditations...

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The broken leg is apocryphal. He was allowed to study; which in the Roman world was a privilege of the idle moneyed. His name literally means "Owned"; so named you don't need anyone breaking your leg to tell you not to get any ideas!

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Interesting idea. Thank you!

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And how much unhealed trauma is leftover from past lives that is so deeply embedded. Love Stoic philosophy!

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" However, if we neglect this crucial step, the world’s deterioration will continue, as we have failed to address the opposition effectively."

There is NO opposition, there is only GOD ALMIGHTY and the imposter SATAN - the unfaithful rebellious mind - pretending to be a real alternative (unsuccessfully) to GOD ALMIGHTY!


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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

In your head maybe, not mine or the majority of the world's.

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THE MAJORITY has, over ALL man's history, never been right anyway ... food for thought, MAYBE!?

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Great article brother. One of the main issues in this world is that people have zero clue as to how deep their consciousness truly is, that is you go inward and truly examine your thoughts/actions you will realize just how deep the rabbit hole goes. I've been on my spiritual journey now for roughly 6 years and it is amazing the transformation one can have if they are willing to go inward. You really need to obliterate all of the conditioning that we've all gone through before you can really understand the nature of reality and life itself. The reality that we view on a daily basis is just a drab reflection of what life could look like, often feel that physical reality is a reflection of how society is doing as a whole. With the ugliness surrounding us, from awful tv shows/movies to architecture to the government, society does not seem to be doing very well but maybe, just maybe, we are going through society's version of the dark night of the soul and better times await.

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The "conditioning" is going on for millennia ... since THE GARDEN OF EDEN to be "precise" ... THE ORIGINAL SIN is no joke it lies all in our "genome" ... and the "Dawkinists" (the new Maoists) due to their own "BRAINWASHING AND INDOCTRINATION" program are trying to make THE MASSES believe THE LIE OF SATAN!

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I can get behind this. Once I discovered I was on the spectrum, I was able to turn "Rage Mode" off pretty completely. That the spiritual is a mind thing, a virtual state ina a virtual world, has always been pretty obvious to me: the mind is the only unbounded space where we can conceive literally anything. It is were gods are born and where they go to die. It is ironic we negotiate and interface with reality with an organ that is at heart a fiction-generating machine.

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I am delighted to have stumbled (been guided) into your substack space, Ashe. Your thoughts and writing very much align with mine...


"It is crucial that we take the initiative to look inward and confront our spiritual resistance. This self-reflection is the key to ascending to higher ground. By doing so, we will witness a transformation in our physical world."

I don't use the word 'spiritual' much in my work. Your definition for spirituality (»When I use the term spiritual, I refer to all things, not physical or material.«), however, resonates perfectly with the way I use the word 'Consciousness' (»individual human Consciousness is a living organism... The experience of IHC permeates both sides of experience ~ the inner and the apparent outer world« etc.)

off to discovering more of your work. In gratitude 💕🙏

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This was a great article, Franklin, and a good reminder of how important keeping tabs on our mindset is. I liked how you pointed out that it is likely that no one has ever measured the speed of neurons firing (if they even exist) to determine reaction time, or the levels of chemicals in our brains that illicit emotions. There have, however, been studies that provide evidence for the spiritual awareness you wrote about. I think it was in the book The Field by Lynn McTaggart where she describes experiments by Dean Radin. Study participants had physiologic responses monitored while watching a video screen with photos being displayed one by one. Some of the photos were pleasing, like flowers, puppies, etc., and some of the photos were of snakes, spiders, and horrible things. They were able to measure a distinct physiological response to the disturbing photos moments before they were displayed, demonstrating precognition. We all have this ability, which we call our "gut instincts".

As you know, I have been listening to and watching Jason Breshears at Archaix on YouTube. Jason has put the principles you outlined above into a number of really deep explanatory videos in a playlist called Awaken the Immortal Within, which is also the title of his book on the subject (Available as a free audiobook on YouTube). His theory is that we live in a reflective hologram. When we put out ideas backed by emotion and physically make progress towards them, the field reflects back to us what we envision. If it is something other than what the masses are doing we will meet resistance to move us back into groupthink. The "elites" understand this principle and use media to move the consciousness of large numbers of people to create a world that they want, which keeps us under control. Jason calls it Dungeon Programming. It is one reason I have stopped watching the news.

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