The Big Three: How False Flags Shape Our Collective Reality
Let’s Start with the Moon... If You Can Believe That
History wasn’t always my favorite subject. Growing up, it felt like a dull collection of dates and facts—something to memorize for a test and quickly forget.
But as I got older, I realized history isn’t just a record of the past—it’s a battleground of narratives, each vying to shape how we see the world today.
This realization sparked my fascination with revisiting the events that have shaped humanity, especially those that challenge mainstream narratives. It’s what inspired me to write my book, An Unorthodox Truth, where I explore how the last two centuries have influenced all of us in ways we often overlook.
At Unorthodoxy, we dig into those pivotal moments—the ones that make you pause, question, and seek deeper truths beyond the surface.
This series, The Big Three, mirrors the themes I explored in my earlier piece, Lies Not Discussed in the Truth Community. Both dive into how propaganda and mass deception can shape not just the perception of events but the very reality we live in.
In my book, I’ve examined topics like evolution and space, exploring how ideas become accepted as laws through repetition and persuasion. I’ve also touched on these themes in several articles, and the central takeaway remains the same: with the right tools—propaganda, repetition, and strategic messaging—anything can become truth.
This piece focuses on The Big Three False Flags: events that have been presented as historical truths but, in reality, are carefully orchestrated illusions. The Big Three consist of:
The Moon Landing
The 9/11 Attacks
The COVID-19 Pandemic
During the 9/11 incident, a CNN reporter famously quoted the following phrase:
“New York officials revealed at a news conference here in the city that a hijacker passport was found blocks from the World Trade Center crash site—if you can believe that.”
This quote, “If you can believe that,” will be the theme of our work as we dive into these three historical events.
To begin, let’s look at one of the boldest manipulations in history: Did we really go to the Moon?
The Big Three False Flags: Part 1 – The Moon Landing
A documentary I watched early in my journey, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon, opened my eyes to what truly unfolded during and after this historic event. It offered insights not only into the event itself but also into the narratives that emerged in the days, weeks, and months that followed.
In today’s world, we are privileged to witness historical events and form narratives that differ from the mainstream. This is crucial.
It allows us to preserve and pass down alternative perspectives to our children, providing them with a version of history that challenges what society often presents as the definitive truth. That’s the value of living, experiencing, and revisiting old footage.
This documentary did just that—it offered a unique glimpse into a different perspective of what happened when we supposedly “went to the moon.”
The moon landing stands as one of the oldest and most pervasive propaganda campaigns in history.
Let’s break down some of the most glaring inconsistencies.
1 - The TETR Satellite and Simulated Data
Just a year before the Apollo moon landing, NASA launched the TETR satellite, a piece of technology specifically designed to simulate flight data from the Moon.
The satellite allowed ground crews to rehearse the landing by transmitting pre-programmed information that mimicked real spacecraft telemetry.
Hypothetically, all NASA would have needed during the actual mission was to transmit a modified version of this simulated data to make it appear as though the spacecraft were descending to the Moon’s surface. [This is the value of simulations.]
This raises questions about how much of the mission’s telemetry was authentic versus pre-arranged. With ground crews relying on these simulations, they may have unwittingly been part of an elaborate rehearsal mistaken for reality.
Even the Soviet Union, the United States’ greatest rival, who was more experienced in space travel than the United States (who did not send a man to the moon since it was impossible), faced significant challenges verifying the Apollo mission.
2 - The Controlled Launch
Unlike the usual NASA operations, only a select group of individuals were present on-site when the Apollo 11 mission took place.
This small, top-tier group had exclusive knowledge of what would unfold. The absence of the larger team raises questions about transparency and why access to such a monumental event was so tightly controlled. This taps into the concept of “compartmentalization,” which is crucial to understand.
Compartmentalization, a method perfected during World War II—particularly in the development of the nuclear bomb (another fallacy I’ve critically examined in Lies Not Discussed in the Truth Community)—ensures that even within a large-scale project, only a select few have the full picture.
This approach keeps individual contributors in the dark about what others are working on, making it easier to control the narrative and maintain secrecy.
It’s an important idea to grasp because we see echoes of this approach in many aspects of modern society.
Whether in corporations or political systems, the “top-down” structure mirrors this method, concentrating knowledge and power at the top while leaving the majority in the dark.
Understanding compartmentalization helps us see how such systems can control large-scale narratives and projects without widespread awareness.
3 - Hollywood’s Influence
Ironically, just one year before the Apollo moon landing, Stanley Kubrick released his groundbreaking film, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).
Featuring incredibly realistic space visuals for its time, the film captivated audiences and set a new standard for how space exploration was portrayed in media.
If you’re familiar with the Art of Mimesis—the imitation of reality in art—and the concept of predictive programming, you’ll recognize how films like 2001 prepare the public to accept historical events that later unfold.
These works blur the line between imagination and reality, making extraordinary feats, like landing on the moon, seem not just plausible but inevitable.
Hollywood’s influence on public perception is undeniable. The entertainment industry has a long history of collaborating with governments to shape narratives, often crafting stories that align with political or cultural agendas.
For example, films like Fly Me to the Moon humorously reference the idea of a staged moon landing, further intertwining fiction and reality.
When major historical events are filtered through the lens of Hollywood, the lines between truth and illusion can become dangerously blurred.
4 - Inconsistencies in the Footage
From the videos released by NASA, several discrepancies raise suspicion.
Shadows behaved inconsistently with the light source;
Astronauts appeared weightless in ways that defied physics,
And reports of strange objects like soda cans spotted in the background further question the footage’s authenticity.
These irregularities suggest that much of what we were shown may not have been filmed on the Moon but in a controlled environment on Earth.
Additionally, the scarcity of photographic evidence is startling.
For an event of such historical significance, NASA’s archives yielded fewer than 20 unique photographs of astronauts on the Moon during Apollo 11.
Even more puzzling is the fact that only one full-body image of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, exists—a surprising oversight for a mission touted as humanity’s greatest achievement.
Conclusion: The Moon Landing Was One Grand Illusion
Let’s recap the key details:
A year before the Apollo mission, NASA launched the TETR satellite to simulate telemetry data from the moon. This allowed ground crews to rehearse every aspect of the landing, preparing them to handle what appeared to be actual data.
Also, a year prior, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey mesmerized audiences with its groundbreaking depiction of space travel. This masterpiece effectively primed the public for the moon landing, making it feel both plausible and inevitable.
During the actual launch, access to the monumental event was tightly controlled, with only high-ranking officials present on-site during the Apollo 11 launch.
Also, for the first time in history, the media coverage was strictly managed, with only government-approved videos and a mere 20 photographs released to the public—an astonishingly low number for such a historic event.
Now, consider the technology of the time: The Apollo spacecraft was essentially a tin can reinforced with tape. Yet, in 2024, with all of our advancements, we haven’t replicated this feat.
Isn’t it curious that the supposed pinnacle of human achievement remains untouched and unrepeated after all these years?
The question remains: Did we go to the Moon?
To borrow the words of the CNN reporter: “If you can believe that —”
Closing Thoughts
This brings us to Elon Musk, the greatest charlatan of our time.
Through SpaceX, Musk has convinced billions to buy into the fantasy of space exploration, colonization, and life beyond Earth. His grand visions of Mars settlements and interstellar travel remain speculative at best, yet they serve as a powerful distraction.
It’s a carefully crafted illusion designed to keep the public focused on the stars while ignoring what happens here on Earth — while billions go to military development.
The moon landing fits into a broader narrative of inversion.
As I argue, Earth is stationary, geocentric, and exists under a firmament. This is our reality.
Yet, there is a persistent force that seeks to invert this truth and all truths.
In the inverted solar model, we are presented with endless planets, galaxies, and alien possibilities—
All designed to pull us further away from understanding the true nature of our existence.
Currently, we’re experiencing sightings of drones in the United States, which some are framing as evidence of extraterrestrial life. The modern UFO narrative began with the British novelist H.G. Wells, whose fiction laid the groundwork for the more recent usage of predictive programming.
The Rockefellers later amplified this narrative through Orson Welles’ famous radio broadcast, War of the Worlds. These stories conditioned society to accept alien phenomena as reality, distracting us from more pressing truths.
As Chazz Michael Michaels says in Blades of Glory:
“No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative… it gets the people going!”
This quote perfectly captures the essence of the “Strategy of Tension.” To control the population, a small group must provide sensational, attention-grabbing narratives while working behind the scenes to implement their true agenda.
This is the result of propaganda. This is the legacy of the moon landing. And this is how history operates—not as a record of truth, but as a carefully curated illusion.
The moon landing is the first of the Big Three False Flags—monumental events that have shaped humanity’s collective psyche through deception.
In the next installment, we’ll examine the second of these psyops: 9/11.
Articles on Space, Flat Earth, and More
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Franklin O’Kanu — The Alchemik Pharmacist
Oh, my. Where to start? I guess the thing that leaps out to me is that your first three "points" are nothing more than facts loosely related to space as a subject. Not one specific, articulated or sourced fact. But, hey. Maybe you're right.
So let me take the other side of the argument. But you're wondering, who is this J Boss character and why might he be qualified to disagree. Fair enough, so I'll provide why I can counter...
I have an electrical engineering degree and have worked at NASA for 30+ years, mostly because it was challenging work that pays well. Didn't really think so much of "space" or NASA because I was raised in it. I grew up in a suburb of Houston just 11 miles from JSC. I attended school with kids of many of the key flight control and design teams, knew Gene Kranz and half a dozen others that were in front room at the Mission Control Center during the Apollo 11 landing. I've become close friends with a dozen of the elders there that night and many other nights through my church and its leadership teams. My mom worked onsite in the administration building for 40 years.
And I should probably add, I witnessed the last space shuttle launch from the closest viewing location possible next to the Vehicle Assembly Building. Have YOU ever attended a launch? Felt the power vibrate your entire body? I guess you're not thinking THAT was faked because it's so easy to refute.
So, to say I've had a few conversations with the key principles that you're accusing of fraud would be putting it mildly. But, the conspiracy theory persists, so about two decades ago I began to ask questions about specific claims.
One of the earliest claims I recall seeing was the flag standing straight out defying even the reduced lunar gravity. Well, just so happens that the man responsible for that flag was an elder in my church. So eventually I asked about it. He kind of smirked at me, and asked me why I thought he might be involved with the flag? I had no clue, so he enlightened me: the primary point of the flag was the photo op. "How good a photo op would it be if the flag fell straight down and draped the pole?" I didn't think that would be so good. "And that's why the flag has a support rod going horizontally out, to keep it fully displayed."
And then there's the 'tin can" capsule held together with "tape" claim. So I asked Gene Kranz about the capsule design a number of times. You do know it has a heat shield on it, right? And that twice they had issues with it related to how thin it was... once was a faulty heat shield "loose" sensor that nearly forced a Gemini mission to reenter the earth's atmosphere at an angle never tried or even simulated before. The other was the Apollo 13 anomaly that forced the mission abort. So why is it so thin? Well, did you know the Saturn V rocket stood 36 stories tall at launch, but upon return the capsule was one story tall. Almost all the missing stack was fuel.
So let's move to today... I work in the training facility, where all the crew and flight controllers simulate various missions. That includes International Partners, commercial partners, everyone. I walked the fields recovering parts of the Columbia wreckage. I knew two family members of astronauts killed on Challenger. One of my friends from work and church was the assigned astronaut to a family from Columbia; he was at KSC for the landing that never happened with his assigned family. He was distraught for several weeks. He also spent 181 days onboard ISS, where I witnessed his muscle atrophy and recovery after he returned.
These people are NOT actors. They are remarkably calm under extreme pressure, but they could not control the emotions from those experiences. "The right stuff" does not include being able to fake crying for fake deaths.
I could go on and on, but why bother? You're not likely to believe me. But I'll say this: I'm as red pilled as anyone, and I'm always challenging what I think is the truth. Which is why I'm here, reading this post. What usually leads me to the conspiracy theory that turns to fact is that same instinct you're channeling, that too much of the oddities lead to a conclusion it can't be true.
The difference here is I've lived it for a lifetime with people that are not actors, whose stories never change, not even while drunk, with many hundreds of people involved. And I've never seen anything in my collective 70,000+ hours of work or a lifetime of relationships that's made me doubt it.
Maybe I'm blinded by my desire to believe. But I don't think so. The elite people I've worked with are the epitome of the NASA stereotype of "the right stuff" and smart nerds. I see technical "magic" happen among these teams multiple times a year. It's an amazing place and has been an amazing experience, which I didn't fully appreciate the first two decades.
Most of what people get wrong results from not understanding how "it" works. Space flight requires 100+ disciplines of elite experts working on razor thin margins with ultimate consequences if you're wrong. It's not for everyone; it's not like an airplane or typical IT data center.
And it's not fake.
Who setup the camera on the moon to film man’s first steps. Hmmm…