Apr 12Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Hmmm, I would like to think that your intentions for writing this substack are honorable, but it seems like you are leading us around the cul-de-sac, as Sage Hannah likes to say. You have written about electricity and how EMF's fit into the picture. You have mentioned Arthur Firstenberg's book "The Invisible Rainbow" So, if someone wants to improve their health, how can dieting and exercise overcome the bombardment of EMF's that we are exposed to when we know that these EMF's cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer? The person who wants to improve their health first needs to recognize that we are being poisoned every day, and then they have to Understand that they can protect themselves. Protection doesn't come from imagining a force field bubble around themselves. To manifest the physical, they need to first think that they need the force field, then they need to emotionally feel that they are protected, and then they will manifest the physical by taking whatever Action their Intuition has told them. The biggest hurdle is feeling the emotion. That is where affirmations come in. You say them every day until they get downloaded into the subconscious mind. And then magic starts to happen. Those are the steps, Think, Feel, Act.

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