Awareness is the key to understanding what it means to be human. Without being aware of where are thoughts originate, why we react the way we do, without knowing just who the hell we are at our core leads to mental instability, major mental instability. The affects of this instability are now appearing in societies across the globe, people suffering delusions about gender, pharmaceuticals, "Democracy", and themselves. By becoming aware that you are a human who has come to earth in order to grow and learn you will suddenly notice the fakeness of everything, and almost everyone, around you, the obscenities that pass as architecture, the denial of beauty and amplification of deformity, these are some of the things that you will soon wish you did not notice. By perceiving the falseness of this shared reality you realize that you can only fight back by refusing to play their game, that feeding into their madness is a losing strategy, by refusing to even acknowledge their version of reality you, and other like minded souls, can create your own. This is what the powers that be fear, that people start rejecting their narrative/shit version of life and decide that they can do better.

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Whew! Reverend, man, what a comment! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Where do I begin?

First, by becoming aware, you begin to grow? Amazing work here!

Second, By perceiving the falseness, you only fight back by refusing to play their game!

Couldn’t agree more and thanks for the comment! Lastly, creating our own is key, and I’m more excited than ever to do so!

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Freedom is best represented by free speech. Free speech, and therefore freedom itself, is under threat by the rash of anti-Semitism laws being propagated around the world.

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