I find it hilarious that YouTube provides content warnings in the form of links to Wikipedia articles when a video that is not removed outright provides information that is contrary to the accepted narrative. Wikipedia is acknowledged to be unreliable but we are supposed to rely upon it for the truth?

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LOL! I know right?! In the NYT article on "Don't go down the rabbit hole," they actually mention the same thing.... but in this context, "defeating fake news," Wikepedia is a good thing lol -- smh. So contradictory, yet somehow it makes sense to them. This is the synestheticness of this matrix-reality we find ourselves in.

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Perhaps call it wokeipedia. Turning scientific Curiosity into ideological Certainty.

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I have a thoughts on this well-written piece:

1) What if I were to push the notion that the sun revolves around the earth? Would I get blocked on YouTube for peddling disinformation, or left on because we figured that out a few hundred years ago? If YouTube existed in Galileo's time, would I then have my content blocked because the prevailing wisdom (The Church) did not support this conclusion? My point I suppose is that my statement that the sun revolves around the earth is merely a hypothesis that needs to be proven right or wrong, thus the necessity for critical thinking. So many discussions that should incorporate thoughtful points on both sides turn into Monty Python's Argument Clinic, which turns into unhelpful back-and-forth. Never forget - once you start lobbing insults you have lost the argument. Period.

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Brian! Thanks for commenting! First to answer your question, yep, that kind of information (sun revolving around earth) would get blocked. However, I think this is part of the problem. It doesn't need to be blocked. As crazy as it sounds, it should be open to debate at the very least.

Ironically, I actual do propose that the sun revolves around the earth and that the model of a geocentric model is accurate (earth at the center of the universe) and I show that Einstein's theory of relativity came solely to disprove the study of Michelson/Morley that proved a geocentric model: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-magic-of-albert-einstein

What I do in that article, and others like it, like my dinosaurs article, is show that once you know how a narrative is told, and you know the biases involved, you can see how these narratives are formed -- and how true evidence is hidden. The same way we can see a lot of the COVID narratives were BS, if we apply these lens to history, we see the same BS happening back then as well.

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Well I learned yet another ridiculous fact about posting information on the internet. All the best to you and keep up the great work!

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“This repetition of ‘approved’ science created a feedback loop, reinforcing the illusion of intellectual authority. The result: a society that mistakes intellectualism with compliance, mistaking regurgitated talking points for critical engagement.” Right on. Happy to have found your work.

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Scott! Thank you sir! Much appreciated! Hoping you like it here :)

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Do you ever wonder why some of us are ‘true intellects’ who are somehow immune to the mind control used to keep others chained in ‘the cave’? I’m sure I am not the only reader who can say that I have always been able to see that we were being lied to specially to stop me from questioning the status quo. I often wonder why I have been gifted with the ability to see what most won’t bother to look at let alone try to understand. I’m sure most who read this blog can say the same… For some reason we knew something wasn’t right and had the courage to follow our curiosity eager to see what we don’t know. Those of us here see ignorance as a cage keeping us trapped and instinctively want to be free. We discover truth and eagerly share it with others only to find out they don’t want to be free. In turn, they lash out at us for daring to try to learn what has been hidden. I am grateful to have been gifted with the freedom of being free from the chains of the mind control and indoctrination. It isn’t the easier path but, like all things, the bigger the challenge gives the greater reward. I do wonder why some of us are ‘true intellects’ while others cling to their ignorance like a security blanket refusing to look at anything that goes against their programming. You’d think they would be grateful to be set free but this is far from the truth. I struggle with that. I can’t understand that mindset and often wonder why some of us were created to be free from the chains of the cave while others were seemingly created to always be captives of the programmer’s lies.

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Tammi, there are soooo many different angles to go here, but here are a couple of thoughts. One, there's like a higher-self theory and its as if, we've incarnated on this earthly plane with a purpose and while we try to figure out that purpose, things that don't align to that purpose, we can shrug off easily (e.g., lies, deception, etc.) vs others who have a hard time and its easier to accept the programming - since there's no purpose driving them. That's one theory.

Another on a similar line of thinking is one I came across recently about astrology and the different signs we were born under. There are different signs known as "exalted signs" and these signs, seem to grasp things easier and clearer than others (e.g., an Aries Sun, Taurus Moon are two of the exalted signs I know off head.)

The other line of thinking here is that there's a subgroup of the population, like 30%, that just don't fall for "brainswashing" or "do as their told" or "simply follow orders." This kinda builts off the first two, but yea, 30% are essentially those crazy, leaders, shamans, etc that have always existed throughout history -- even though our society looks differently from other societies in history.

All in all, the fact remains that a lot of us, like you and I, have this gift just to smell past BS, look for things for ourselves, and are strong enough to stand on an island knowing the truth vs falling for the lies. Society needs us. Heck humanity needs us. And ultimately, when we can awaken this yearning in others as well -- because I do believe its in others, most just need a little bit more work -- then humanity can begin to turn for the better.

As always, love the thought provoking comment! Hoping all is well!

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There are no facts everything is theory, it is all subject to change upon examination from a different perspective. The reason for this is that we did not create ourselves nor did we create our planet. Really the one thing that we know 100% with flawless accuracy is the difference between right and wrong ( good and evil ) it’s engrained into our DNA. Let that resonate for a sec!!! All of our experts are in fields that can never actually be proven for this reason. I believe there is only one man written source for truth and that is the Bible. To be honest because we did not create ourselves or our environment, how can we gauge what human intelligence actually is???

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These evil intellectuals playing roles program people into being fake intellectuals.

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”the essence of fake intellectualism. It isn’t about addressing ideas or exploring new perspectives; it’s about maintaining a carefully constructed persona.”

➡️ sounds to me like a perfect definition of the narcissistic perverts as described by French psychiatrist Paul-Claude Racamier :

”for a NP, a successful lie is the truth .”

”Kill a NP, he doesn't care - humiliate him, he kills himself” ...

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Yes, I believe that those that believe they know it all - will never know it all (not that anyone can, but you know what I mean)

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Intellectuals of all stripes are mostly highly over-rated.

In the Hindu and Buddhist Traditions, and Sufism too it is common knowledge that if you wish to find and even Realize the Truth then you necessarily need to find a Realized Saint, Yogi, Mystic or Sage and be thus blessed to receive his/her Grace-Filled Darshan.

And thus receive his or her guidance and instruction re the necessarily difficult process of re-alignment of your entire body-mind-complex to Reality & Truth.

One of the best ever descriptions of what it (thus) takes is described by Irina Tweedie in her book The Chasm of Fire.

You will seldom, if ever find such necessary guidance/instruction in theology schools and seminaries. And certainly not in the Vatican or the seats of (political) power of the other "great" world dominant religions.

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Pseudo intellectuals, not a new thing! Pretty sure. Many of those who succumb to nihilism and relativism seem to be prone to it. From my experience anyhow.

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Your insights on intellectual humility and the importance of embracing being wrong are so valuable. True intellectualism, as you’ve articulated, isn’t about clinging to certainty but about engaging in diverse dialogues with openness and self-awareness. I’m truly grateful to be at a place in my own journey where I can embrace this perspective, allowing myself to grow through the exchange of ideas. Thank you for sharing such thoughtful reflections! 🤔

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Another sharp, insightful piece, good sir; I’m really enjoying your content 🫡 Appreciate the gracious mention as well... 🙂

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