Greetings everyone! Before I touch on the Trump assassination attempt, I want to take the time to provide some Unorthodoxy announcements.
Number one: This afternoon, I will release my latest Spiritual Sunday podcast. In this insightful episode, I will delve into the intriguing topic of why negative images and damaging thoughts come to our minds when we’re not looking for them. This podcast, a must-listen for all our subscribers, will be released later this afternoon in our Esoteric Wisdom section.
Number two: I'm excited to announce that I'm creating A Guide to Unorthodoxy for all my subscribers, especially those who are new to our community. This comprehensive roadmap will help you navigate the diverse topics we cover, such as spirituality, political science, science, and historical aspects, to gain a holistic understanding. It's a great starting point to get the most out of your subscription.
Number three: I’m looking to release my paid article for the week on the statement that 80% of our current industries do not serve humanity and are nothing but banking and financial investments. This article is a result of
letter to Corbett. I took a look at those numbers and realized that 80% of the jobs out there are here to serve corporations and bankers. This understanding is modern slavery, and this Thursday, I’ll be talking further about this situation.
Now that the announcements are out, let’s dive into the Trump Assassination event.
The Trump Assassination Attempt: A Spiritual Perspective
I woke up this morning, and this situation was the first thing on my feed. If you follow my articles and publications, you realize that when an event this big hits the airways and masses, I automatically think, “False flag.”
I’ve just looked at some of the information on my feed and am seeing a couple of narratives.
One narrative is how someone would get so close to a presidential candidate. Did the Secret Service fail or allow it?
Another is that this was a false flag, a staged event to rally the troops.
Again, if you know my work, I look at things from a very spiritual nature, and I ultimately want to address that, but there are some factors at play here that we need to discuss.
First, assassinations do occur. Two presidents were assassinated. Their assassinations lend credence to their motives. They attempted to change the country’s financial outcome. From Chat-GPT, we read:
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were involved in issuing currency that was not directly tied to the central banking system... Abraham Lincoln introduced the Greenback system during the Civil War, issuing government-funded currency not backed by gold or silver. Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 authorized the issuance of silver certificates in addition to fiat currency...
PS: If you knew the amount of Q&A, I had to get Chat-GPT to admit this, lol
Not only have American Leaders who attempted a currency change been assassinated, but others around the world have as well. Hussain, Gaddafi, and others come to mind — and this was also a move that Hitler was attempting to do with Germany and their manufacturing industry.
So, assassinations occur when someone tries to change the financial system in place. I mention this because unless Trump is trying to do something similar, then an assassination would be successful. Let us remember that JFK was murdered on live TV in a ceremonial manner. If they wanted someone dead, they could do so. However, I don’t think I have heard Trump attempt to “End The Fed,” but please let me know if I am incorrect.
Second, propaganda is a facet of our everyday reality. We have laws that allow propaganda to be enforced on the American public, you know, “for the sake and safety of the American people,” of course. Whenever a big event seizes the nations, with striking images to spread through the masses, you must consider the propaganda angle at play.
This image is perfect. Anyone who sees it is moved to action. It is reminiscent of the WWII photo and flag.
In my article “How To Tell What’s Real in the Land of the Deep Fakes,” I explain that under the laws that allow propaganda to be used on the public, images, such as deep fake technology, can be used. Unless we can rule out the use of deep fake technology, how can we know it wasn’t used?
Also, in my article “Three Ways to Decode the Narratives,” I mentioned that there are always three sides to the truth. First, we see the official narrative of an attempt; second, we see a conspiracy as to how the attempt played out. We don’t see or focus on the aftermath of the event or the spiritual actions that occur following the event.
I want to focus on this angle, but I also want to call out my article “4 Reasons Not to Watch the News” because the news can be seen as an act of “phantasmagoria,” which we will discuss this Sunday. The news directly puts the individual in a different state of being. From this point forward, what occurs is a spiritual attack on the population.
What is about to occur in the population is the spirit of Aries is about to move through the population. In astrology, the spirit of Aries is associated with courage, action, and sometimes, aggression. There’s about to be a lot of anger in the country. Individuals saying, “I was not going to get involved in this election,” will turn out in droves. This election was slated to be one of the lowest turnouts, but now people are going to turn out in masses. The spirit of Aries/Mars will get people to move. But do we need to move in the direction we are being pushed towards?
I have another podcast coming out called “The Difference Between Anger and Frustration,” and the one key takeaway is that anger should only be taken in the appropriate setting. With this spirit of anger about to move through the population, one can only hope it does not lead to civil unrest and more instances of violence across the country.
The takeaway from this article is that:
one, we need to remember we are all humans,
and two, as humans born in the last century, we all have fallen under the guise of propaganda in our lives.
Studies have shown that 70% of humans will fall for some form of emotional manipulation, aka propaganda — hence why my book discusses just how we got here and the propaganda that goes into our journey.
When we deal with other humans on this topic or anything related to the election, come forward from a place of love and perspective because we don’t know where everyone is coming from. We don’t see the propaganda and how strong that propaganda hold is. So, as this conversation unfolds and everyone talks about this, let’s aim to not carry this energy forward in a negative way. Let’s not make any mistakes or take actions that we will regret.
The country is polarized, and if you wanted to polarize a nation, this even does it. No one can agree with this statement, no matter your stance on this event. This polarization is what I claim is the ultimate end-all-be-all for both parties, as both parties are two sides of the same coin.
This series of events is just what the propagandized nature of our reality is. So, from the unorthodox, spiritually-focused perspective, we sit back with our popcorn and watch. There is spiritual action at play in these events, and you should check out my article on “Why We Should Stop Voting in Presidential Elections.” There’s magic in rituals, and these things are at play in the population. If we are not aware of that, we might be taken aback or taken under by these waves.
So, that’s it. Thanks for the time and attention in reading this quick article.
Let me know if you have any questions or feedback in the comments, and I wish you all a blessed rest of the day!
Franklin O’Kanu.
Last announcement: The planets. If you return to Gnosticism, humanity is essentially under the planets’ sway. This event reeks of the spirit of Aries and Aries/Mars on July 14, a very, very magical number.
However, a wise man controls the planets. Just be on the lookout and move from a place of love, and everything will be all right. Remember, WWJD!
Since this event is happening as real time as possible, I opened up a chat on this thread for those who may want more real time engagement with others on this topic.
Update: This chat is free for all! Here's the link:
Let me know if any issues!
So much about this whole thing seems off. The image of the shooter dead on the roof… where is the secret service? They kill an assassin and just leave him where he falls for bystanders to get a picture? And in this day of everyone having a cell phone, where is the footage of the shot and killed bystanders? We have footage of the bloody doc but nothing else. Speaking of cell phones… It is astounding to me all the people standing up and filming Trump on stage after he was shot. Many didn’t get their phones out until he went down. Not only is that tacky as crap, it’s not a normal reaction. Would any one here just be so casual after witnessing an assignation attempt? And why didn’t more people hit the ground when the shots rang out? The weird hipster looking guy with curly black hair on the left side of the screen behind Trump barely reacts at all. He just calmly watches everything and cheers when trump gets up. Doesn’t he look totally out of place to you? And the secret service…. First off- How in the world could a shooter be on the roof of the building next door and nothing is done? I learned in this blog someone reported him and still nothing was done?!?! And why did it take the secret service 3 seconds to get to Trump? But they announce the shooter is down within 10 seconds? I was watching the coverage on Fox last night and watched the clip of the shooting over and over each time noticing something different. Like how odd it is that the tall blond agent took time to knock the trump sign partially off. It looks like it was an intentional act but why? When you are in crisis mode protecting the president after a shooting the sign on the podium seems like the least things to spend precious seconds on. Is it a signal to someone? And the female agent with her hair in a bun… watch her. What is she fumbling with as they go down the stairs? And why does she take off her sunglasses? Again- this is another intentional act that shouldn’t be something you focus on when you are in probably the biggest crisis you’ll ever have on the job. Speaking of weird things… why were Trump’s shoes off? He says in the video he needs to get his shoes. Isn’t that weird? I saw a video once that said there is always odd things about shoes in videos of false flag events. But the biggest thing of all that I can’t figure out is where the flag came from that’s in the iconic image being shown over and over again. The first image on this blog post with the secret service around trump with his fist in the air and the American flag behind him. Watch the videos from the event and you’ll see that there is no flag in the air in the angle where the picture was taken. Notice the female agent’s glasses are off. So that means the picture had to be taken just as trump was about to go down the stairs when he does the second fist bump. The only flags I can see from the video are the fake yellow fringe flags. When I went to a trump rally there was a crane flying a huge flag but I don’t see that in the video. I do see the arm of a crane that could be flying a flag but it’s on the wrong side of the stage. There are other things I noticed that don’t add up but I will close with this. The flag is upside down in the image I was discussing. I see a staged photo with an upside down flag… talk about false flag! Something is very off about this whole thing. Oh! While I’m at it… Am I the only person annoyed with how the news always calls trump “The Former President”? Meanwhile anytime they mention any other past president they never use the word firmer. Like President Bush, Clinton, or Obummer. But trump always get the “former” added when he’s mentioned. I’m sick of all the games. This ‘show’ effects our lives in major ways and has grown stale. Enough already!