Jul 14·edited Jul 14Pinned

Since this event is happening as real time as possible, I opened up a chat on this thread for those who may want more real time engagement with others on this topic.

Update: This chat is free for all! Here's the link: https://substack.com/chat/750298

Let me know if any issues!

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Truly wish I had money with which to pay. Would love to chime in!

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It should be open to all! Try this link: https://substack.com/chat/750298/post/9e44802d-5237-4863-b828-4ca8de515dc2

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No... I took a screen shot of that link where it says "Paid subscribers only" with a note below saying, "Only paid subscribers can read comments."

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I think I fixed it! You should see two chats on the topic. The first for paid and the second for free. Let me know if you can see it and can access it!

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[sigh] Nope. Still unable. That’s okay. You tried! [hugs!]

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Thanks! Was told I had to pay when I when to chats…

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Try it again and let me know if it any of the two links I posted above work!

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I did just try, with same results.

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Hey Amaterasu, did you ever investigate the other assassinations to see if they were staged? Some of them sound very, very silly.

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Jul 14Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

So much about this whole thing seems off. The image of the shooter dead on the roof… where is the secret service? They kill an assassin and just leave him where he falls for bystanders to get a picture? And in this day of everyone having a cell phone, where is the footage of the shot and killed bystanders? We have footage of the bloody doc but nothing else. Speaking of cell phones… It is astounding to me all the people standing up and filming Trump on stage after he was shot. Many didn’t get their phones out until he went down. Not only is that tacky as crap, it’s not a normal reaction. Would any one here just be so casual after witnessing an assignation attempt? And why didn’t more people hit the ground when the shots rang out? The weird hipster looking guy with curly black hair on the left side of the screen behind Trump barely reacts at all. He just calmly watches everything and cheers when trump gets up. Doesn’t he look totally out of place to you? And the secret service…. First off- How in the world could a shooter be on the roof of the building next door and nothing is done? I learned in this blog someone reported him and still nothing was done?!?! And why did it take the secret service 3 seconds to get to Trump? But they announce the shooter is down within 10 seconds? I was watching the coverage on Fox last night and watched the clip of the shooting over and over each time noticing something different. Like how odd it is that the tall blond agent took time to knock the trump sign partially off. It looks like it was an intentional act but why? When you are in crisis mode protecting the president after a shooting the sign on the podium seems like the least things to spend precious seconds on. Is it a signal to someone? And the female agent with her hair in a bun… watch her. What is she fumbling with as they go down the stairs? And why does she take off her sunglasses? Again- this is another intentional act that shouldn’t be something you focus on when you are in probably the biggest crisis you’ll ever have on the job. Speaking of weird things… why were Trump’s shoes off? He says in the video he needs to get his shoes. Isn’t that weird? I saw a video once that said there is always odd things about shoes in videos of false flag events. But the biggest thing of all that I can’t figure out is where the flag came from that’s in the iconic image being shown over and over again. The first image on this blog post with the secret service around trump with his fist in the air and the American flag behind him. Watch the videos from the event and you’ll see that there is no flag in the air in the angle where the picture was taken. Notice the female agent’s glasses are off. So that means the picture had to be taken just as trump was about to go down the stairs when he does the second fist bump. The only flags I can see from the video are the fake yellow fringe flags. When I went to a trump rally there was a crane flying a huge flag but I don’t see that in the video. I do see the arm of a crane that could be flying a flag but it’s on the wrong side of the stage. There are other things I noticed that don’t add up but I will close with this. The flag is upside down in the image I was discussing. I see a staged photo with an upside down flag… talk about false flag! Something is very off about this whole thing. Oh! While I’m at it… Am I the only person annoyed with how the news always calls trump “The Former President”? Meanwhile anytime they mention any other past president they never use the word firmer. Like President Bush, Clinton, or Obummer. But trump always get the “former” added when he’s mentioned. I’m sick of all the games. This ‘show’ effects our lives in major ways and has grown stale. Enough already!

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The first thing I noticed was DT didn’t flinch to the left before he slapped his right ear. Natural reaction to anything hitting you is a flinch in the opposite direction. It didn’t happen.

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Good catch! I’ve been saying for 4 years now… “They’re f*#king with us”

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They've been fucking with us our entire lives is more accurate.

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They get off on winding us up and pushing the level of implausibility to the limit. Take the photo of the 'bullet' with Trump in foreground. It should have been a 100ft smear at best. Implausibly captured by the veteran whitehouse photographer - how many SS aquantainces did he make in 20 odd yrs? And I'm sure that 'photographer' is an often used cover for all sorts of undercover shit.

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and the noise... 'pops'. guns don't pop! bb guns pop!

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Try listening to what different guns sound like. The AR uses a very small bullet.

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I caught that, too. Zero effort to protect Himself, either. No ducking for cover. Nada.

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His right shoulder went back before he slapped his ear and then he immediately ducked down. I thought they may have got him twice, but I guess it just whizzed past that close to his shoulder before his ear

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How about, where’s the blood? They’re all wearing white shirts yes no blood on any of them including trump . I would think with “so much blood” it would have at least dripped down his shirt .. plus having secret service presumably on top of him , none of them have blood on their white shirts . Also , when he holds his right hand up after it’s done there is no ( visible ) blood on the palm . Wouldn’t you think after he touches his bleeding ear with that hand there would be evidence of blood on it ? .

Not one me ruin of who the innocent bystander was, where they were in the audience, etc .

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I thought the same thing. Why isn’t there blood all over everyone who was covering him with their bodies. This whole thing is fishy

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That was meant to say : not one mention of the bystander.. where he was positioned .. etc

The shoe thing is weird too .. t

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Totally agree, but I think his shoe just fell off in the kerfuffle. Or the makeup artist stood on it while they were huddled up and it came off. The anomaly is the idea that they would WAIT for the charge to put his shoe back on. Real assassination attempts there is no messing around with shoes or iconic photo poses - they are gone and halfway down the road before you know it.

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I'm reconsidering the shoe. It does seem to be a theme, albeit usually visual not verbal.

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Yes!! A signal , a sign that mission complete?

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Read an article about Trumps 'wound' where he said "“My hand was covered with blood. Just, absolutely, blood all over the place,”

Really? Has he not seen the footage?

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Indeed, it was a phony fake show. I have a meme that says:

I have found that if I look at things like a play or circus being played out on the LITERAL world STAGE, with live props and participatory audience, scripted to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, things make a whole lot more sense. Because there's too much that just makes Me scratch My head, otherwise.

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Well done. I too am sick of all the games. So sick that I spend a great deal of time just praying. Why must there be a new media crisis every five minutes with “Trump?” It’s too much.

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Tammi, I firstly must admit that I watch zero television news and haven't for close to ten years, notta nothing. I do read and follow certain researchers.

I did immediately see the photograph yesterday after the first reports came through on Substack with the flag flying so appropriately staged with the blood (fake or not) on Trump's face and ear. I too was looking at each individual inside the perfectly framed photograph. There were a number of things that immediately appeared to be staged in such a manor to illicit a reaction from the citizens whether they be Trump fans or not.

I believe you pointed out many things which tells me you have keen senses for details, I applaud you for those details you've shared here, thanks Tammi.

Lastly this world is run by occultists and signs and symbols rule our realm. The more people understand this the more they'll start to look at these events as rituals and sorcery. Blessings of peace and love to all.

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Can you attach a link to the flag photos you are talking about?

One reason that there weren't Secret Service agents on all of the roofs is because Trump does not have a full Presidential protection package. Dan Bongino has been talking about it and saying it is outrageous for months. It is simply a matter of manpower, but they should have been scanning every elevated position in the area. Also, the sniper team was very visible and exposed. That is really, really, really, shitty from a tactical perspective. It tells me that they were not taking threats seriously.

To the question of why no one got down, you have to realize that you are hearing gunshots on video, which was picked up by an electronic microphone. Microphones pick up sound in a different way than our ears do. Also, the gunshot sounded like it was either suppressed or from a small caliber rifle, like a .22. If you are in a crowd surrounded by things the report can bounce off of, it is very difficult to hear suppressed gunfire, determine what it is, and where it is coming from. From memory, I heard four shots in a couple of seconds. That's not enough time to react. I could go into details but that's too much to write.

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When they inevitably restructure secret service and homeland security in response to the scape-goating, having less agents will be a fond memory. With bi-partisan support, what is the likelihood they will gain MORE power and control? Is this how all politicians will be controlled in the future? They also deal with financial crimes - who will actually benefit in this new arrangement? Banks? Multinational corporations?

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The flag photo is the one used in this blog. I can’t post photos in this string. I’ll put it in the chat

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Haven't noticed the agent knocking the sign - but it makes sense ... it would indicate 'distress' (like the upside down flag, which we were all conveniently and specifically educated about just a few weeks back) and enhance the 'realism' in captured footage - it makes the footage look more authentic and much less contrived. It's all a manipulation of the collective unconscious. And you're correct about the significance of shoes with these type of events, seems to be a theme. Well done.

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I learned about the shoe theme from another blog I read. In fact, I only just recently stumbled onto the theory so when I heard Trump ask about his shoes twice I knew it was a clue that we were watching a staged event. I don’t know about you guys but I’m sick of “the show”.

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Yes, longtme djt supporter here, but admit my spidey senses were immediately twitching:

~ The reaction of the crowd not falling to ground or scrambling - though, given there were bleachers, there was little space to fall to. BTW, the "hipster" guy, Vincent Fusca, has been a constant presence at djt rallies for years.

~ An Iwo Jima photo - my first thought as I viewed it: Wow, well, how iconic is that?!

~ The agents standing/crouching around him in the Iwo Jima shot as if they were posing - when they should have been better covering him?

~ The Keystone Kopettes - like a very bad B movie. The sunglasses / the holstering (why holster when there may still be active shooters?) / the adjusting of jackets. They looked like the keystone cops coming up the stairs in the Ashley Babbitt shooting.

~ djt talks of lots of blood in his speech - but little evidence.

~ Actually, the shoes, imho, could be a sign of validity of the story. When people are traumatized they can focus on the most bizarre, mundane things.

~ The bullets sounded like they came from a 22, or even a pellet air gun. And some said it just sounded like some fireworks. If that is the case, then, yes, there would be confusion but less inclination to react as they would to what they imagined would have been the sounds of sniper's bullets.

Who knows what to think any more? But there is this:

1) If it were a planned live false flag, how is it that it was so badly done - things so easily identifiable? Or it could be that this is how things play out when there are less-trained agents and the perfect storm of incompetence? As they say, sometimes a rose is a rose is a rose. Who knows?

2) If it were a planned false flag, would they permit the loss of life and the serious injuries? Just to ramp up a candidacy?

3) Perhaps it is a false flag, but planted by the dems and intentionally done so poorly that they can easily point at djt campaign and say a "false flag" designed to create sympathy and a spirit of courage around djt.

Finally - just to throw into the mix: Why was Barron not at the final day of convention when the 17 yr old, well-spoken granddaughter and his other grandchildren were there. It was not a matter of safety.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

I agree with everything you are saying and have wondered the same things. I think you may be on to something with your #3) false flag observation. ESP considering how msm propaganda pusher joy reed is suddenly a conspiracy theorist regarding the whole thing. And Baron…It’s odd that in his speech at the rnc Trump mentioned him as if he was present. At first I thought I had missed him but upon further investigation saw that he wasn’t there. Something else he said in the rnc speech was how there was so much blood. He elaborated on the amount of blood as if it traumatized him yet this isn’t what we see. In last night’s speech he indicated that he wasn’t sure he was shot until he saw the blood on his had after grabbing his ear. Wtf? We all have eyes and see this isn’t the case. I really don’t know what to think about this whole thing other than I really don’t like the games. Our nation is in bad shape and we really need to get people who are real to untangle this mess. And JD Vance?!? Come one man!

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Yes, feeling manipulated. And confused. Spidey senses are often accurate. What’s wrong with this picture?

JD Vance. A puzzling pick. But Tucker is big on him, so that helps. Am rereading Hillbilly Elegy. A fascinating relating of his experiences. Frank. Open. Indication of a thoughtful examination of life.

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I read some place that Vance has changed his name 3 times. I’ll try to find the article where I learned this. Also, he doesn’t look the same now as he did when he was a never Trumper. This is a trend with many of the players in this shitshow we are watching- suddenly being a different person than before. Joe Biden is the perfect example. Compare pictures of obummer’s vice to the current resident of the White House. It’s obviously not the same man. Again I ask… Why?

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I am rereading Hillbilly Elegy. There he explains his convoluted past and why he ended up choosing the name.

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Just wanted You to know I got Your book! And thank You for Your payment of appreciation for My article! I am much enriched!!! Now to the Trump performance.

What I see is a psyop, a phony fake show. As I watched footage of the "gun shot" I saw Trump lift His right hand to His right ear and kinda smacked it. He did not jump. His head remained steady. Just His hand moved and it appeared to have something in it held in the way a sleight-of-hand artist holds things. I place high probability it was a blood pack.

If One is shot, even an ear, unexpectedly, One would expect to have some kind of physical recoil. Some kind of movement away from the impact. Some sign of effort to protect Oneself. But Trump stood there, did not duck, did nothing but smack His ear with His hand.

I also noticed no continuing blood flow from the initial "wound." Believe Me, if that were real, One would see blood continuing to flow from a wound at that location!

I have to give probabilities approaching 100% this was a staged act to cast a sandy hook into Our emotions and drag Us where They, the play writers, the Ones who cast the actors, the Ones who direct from the wings, the psychopaths in control on Our planet, want Us to go.

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💯 agree! Nothing adds up at all with this!

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Not in the least! 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

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This is a horrible comment. So the people behind Trump who were shot in the head? Seriously- shooed your words more carefully. At least one person is dead today.

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Or so We are told. Any and all of it could be faked, or They could have sacrificed someOne for the purposes of making it have more verisimilitude.

Ignoring the evidence because someOne was killed (supposedly) is not intellectually honest. Just saying.

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Maybe your words are wrong. If you mean “fake” on terms of it being planned, fine. But to say that he used a blood packet when he dropped to seem like he got shot at kind of fake, that’s totally different. Which one do you mean?

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Any or all of the whole event, including the blood - which I am going into in My article coming out later tonight - could be fake. Stay tuned for the article.

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ALWAYS allow yourself free thinking 🤔 especially in these situations 💯

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False flag operations usually kill some innocent people to give the impression it was real. They could have been shot from anywhere, not necessarily the roof. Let’s try to find out who the evil murderers really are, instead of just accepting the narrative we’re being handed.

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Very probable analysis of it all. But whoever set this whole thing up, must see that it will make the dems look really really bad, so in conclusion, was it set up by the republicans?

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No, Sam it was set up by the Ones who operate both wings - the Ones who own the for-profit corporation, USA Inc., who have been duping Us since 1871. The Ones who write the script, cast the actors, and direct from the wings. The Ones who own all the other corporations People call "governments" around the globe.

Both sides are being played.

What a Play! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/what-a-play

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I think you’ve got it exactly. Cui bono? Trump. Only Trump, and his puppet masters.

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I think you're spot on here, Franklin. From a bigger perspective it's about voter turnout, about motivating it. Once DJT is in office, then anything and everything that goes wrong, ie. Civil War, will be blamed on him. Another option is that the vote will be rigged and the Dem replacement will take office and still, Civil War and blame DJT and the 'far-right'. Regardless, the knowing that we're being played at every turn helps us not do anything rash or stupid, in other words self-defeating. They're trying to force us into a corner to become violent, which means they can unleash their full force in return. We are dealing with twisted evil psychopaths, after all.

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It's not the "voter turnout" They're after. They're after getting People to REGISTER to "vote." Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

The fact is that the controlmind (government) appoints its CEO...

In 1871 the civil war debts came due, and to pay them off (and then some), a for-profit corporation was set up for DC that looked very much like the constitution but with a few words changed, and no Bill of Rights. The People in the original controlmind quietly moved over into similar positions in the corporation and the public was none the wiser.

They (the owners, the psychopaths in control who own **all** the "governments" on Our planet) used interstate commerce laws to reach into the states.

And since then have declared the People the enemy. All while keeping Us slaves taking Our money. To maintain the illusion We have a say, They hold "elections," "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).

So everything since 1871 is what They have chosen for Us. We would best not consent to being ruled by a corporation that sees Us as dollar signs only.

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Good comment. But I'd say it's not either/or, it's both/and. They're after registration and turnout. But then who knows? I certainly don't. Informed speculation at best.

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Why would "turnout" be important? Seriously, They could claim any numbers, and any results They want to.

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💯 I'm not registered and I don't participate in their selection of a puppet leader!

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👏 👏 👏 Me either! I do not content to the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system. Haha!

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting

Dear AnyOne, I Am Not in Your Jurisdiction (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/dear-anyone-i-am-not-in-your-jurisdiction

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Yes, and in 2028, the dems will return, triumphant!

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And nothing will change.

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Jul 15Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I just received an email from Dr Rima who I have been following for about 15 years

Rima E Laibow MD from Dr Rima Truth Reports Substack Now I am thinking this incident was a false flag. There seems to be no blood on Trump's hand after he covered his ear. She brings up other facts like blood didn't flow down. I hope nobody was actually killed but will we ever know what really happened. Was a young man set up and sacrificed. Was someone in the crowd killed to make it appear there really was an attempt on Trumps life?

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Thanks for this comment! And yes, so many questions arise from this. Unfortunately with staged events, real people do end up dying. Don’t know if you saw my latest article on false flags but it attempts to discuss WHY these things happen

Thanks for the insightful comment!

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In my opinion, the Trump shooting was staged. They are claiming the shooter with the last name of “Crooks” used a AR-15 semi automatic rifle. The banking authority would love to get rid of this weapon in the US. This maybe a gun grab for the AR-15. Currently, only 9 states prohibit assault weapons. Lets see if after this story, this weapon is banned or confiscated. Only time will tell.

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That's a great point! This may be something staged to come after our guns! Once one type of guns gets banned, they won't stop at just one type, they will come after all of our guns!

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yes, we will see what happens. If you read the article, there is alot of focus on the gun that was used.

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Where is the blood? They’re all wearing white shirt yet not a drop on any of them including trump . When he raises his hand afterwards no blood on his palm which he used to touch his ear after being shot .. in fact I do not see blood on any of them ..

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Was this a staged event? False flag? Good question? As this unfolded yesterday I kept watching the people sitting in the bleachers! Every platform, especially YouTube, kept showing the replay when Trump ducked down with the attack happening! To me those people in the bleachers/stands were too calm throughout all of it! The usual reaction of people in a crowd hearing gun shots would be screaming and people running to flee the area! It looks to me like people would be rushing and pushing to get off those bleachers/stands especially when they see Trump duck down realizing that Trump had been shot! When people witness something like that their reaction is horror, fear and screaming with people trying to flee the area! But with this people basically sat calmly, with hardly no reaction, some people stood up when they realized what happened with their reaction like "meh 🤷‍♀️oh well!" Especially the people at the very top of the bleachers/stands on the top right side were just as cool as a cucumber standing up and looking around and looking in the direction the bullets came from, I thought "that's not a normal reaction of people when they hear gunfire, people would usually duck and scream and stay crouched down screaming in panic and would try and get off those bleachers/stands!" I thought "why are people so calm, not panicking and still sitting in the bleachers?" "Hmm,odd!" Also the fact that this "event" took place on the 13th is no accident nor a coincidence because these elitists/powers that shouldn't be/globalists/secret societies usually like to study numerology/Gematria and use the power and influence of Gematria/numerology to influence and manipulate the public! These people of influence like to use master numbers like 3,6,9,11,22,33 and 13 to plan events or use certain dates, times and anything else related to numbers! I'm just starting to learn about numerology/Gematria myself and I'm not all that familiar with the workings of it! I think it's good for people to learn what these tools and things are and how these things work just to be aware and pay attention to how this world works and what the "controllers" do and use to influence and manipulate an unsuspecting public that's not educated in the teachings of the mystery schools! I believe it was a staged false flag event with well rehearsed crisis actors playing their parts!

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Franklin, thanks for the invite over. I recommend everyone download the 2016 Presidential victory party and snoop around. Pay very close attention to the hands and ears. Zoom in too. You will see what we are up against. Peace.

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My man! You’re more than welcome! Glad to connect us all to those looking at the truth of things! There’s some comments in the chat as well if you’re interested!

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Aug 11Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Excellent article and I agree with you almost 100% on everything. Propaganda has been the ruler I say since probably the mid-1800s the beginning of the building factories and employing of children and men. I looked you up and saw that you were Nigerian, I have friends that I have taught and coach with who are Nigerian. Their last name is Adebayo, and they are workers like Ukrainian. They had several side businesses. We would often laugh and talk about different things in this country. Take these for granted, and how Nigerians would often clash with American blacks over a different set of values. There is a sportscaster in the Houston area, University graduate Indy, who is a real estate logo and a very intelligent man. he like you represents the Nigerian culture very well. Keep writing and I may be asking you for some help as I’m going to start writing a couple of podcast here on Substack by the end of August. One is going to be on coaching as far as sports, because a lot of a lot of people follow me because of my success and football soccer. But I’m gonna transfer it over also to the Leadership and different companies. The other one I’m gonna write on is the reason why I’m here in New Orleans to help mothers raise boys. It’s called for the boys. Anyway have a blessed Sunday. Will talk to you later, hopefully this came out well because I really don’t go back and check. I will once I start doing my Substack.

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Always a pleasure to hear from you Joe! I think there's an email I need to respond to as well. Either or, we'll chat soon!

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“When we deal with other humans on this topic or anything related to the election, come forward from a place of love and perspective because we don’t know where everyone is coming from. We don’t see the propaganda and how strong that propaganda hold is.”.


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Lots of evidence that the JFK and Lincoln assassinations were fake. This event smells fishy.

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I agree. They've been putting on a show for Us for a very long time. What I discover was that "Jimmy Carter" has a perfect match in His teeth to Kennedy. I give good probability the roles were played by the same actor.

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Heard about this theory before too. Not convinced but intriguing. Have you seen this? Forget goofy intro (start @ 1:30) & then ignore the silly cartoons. But...food for thought.



deneldtremp24 - 1 year ago

Plus this investigator - Fakenukes Phil - who has talked about JFK & Jimmy Carter too.


See: Unravelling Staged Ritual Events With Fake News [Fakenukes] Phil - 8 months ago


From Dublin to 9/11 to Kennedy… Here’s Fake Nukes Phil channel:


**Correction: 60 years since JFK not 70. My mistake

Mirror From ":" Gemma O Doherty





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Well, I hunted down every pic I could find that showed Their teeth and analyzed them. My conclusion is that they are identical. No two People's teeth are identical. Ergo, I give probabilities approaching 100% that They are the same Person.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Solar - Could you pls share your research/cites here w/us too? It's important to read the archives of factual evidence that are out there for ourselves. Many thnx.

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I just looked at pictures - many, many pictures - about 20 years ago. I never published anything, but I do not doubt, especially with Yandex, that images to compare are available for verification.

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Hmmm! Yeah I've seen information about that too! The teeth don't lie! The dimensions of a person's face doesn't lie either! Technology is available today to compare 2 faces for similarities of features!

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I haven't tried that - the software stuff - but I do know there are implants and bone shaving that might be enough to fool it... I don't know.

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Yeah they definitely do implants and shaving too! A good plastic surgeon can do wonders! I'm not aware of all of their techniques either! They are using AI for everything today! They hide all kinds of technology from us!

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Yes indeed. I mentioned elsewhere - don't remember where - that I read a paper out of the University of Saskatchewan about 20-25 years ago that showed that teeth could be made to regrow by applying specific frequencies to the gums.

Within a week, the paper was retracted and when I contacted the university, They were standoffish in answering why the paper was removes, finally saying it had errors. Well, demonstrable teeth regrowth did not seem "erroneous," but it surely threatened the "dental health" industry.

Never hear of the work since.

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Not FAKE. People died. Maybe planned by powers that be are better words? Be careful … at least one spectator is dead today.

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I am not sure how I would react in a state of shock. Maybe like that fuzzy haired guy. I can remember one time when i was hit over the head with the bottom of a glass by a crazy angry person. I didn't move. I didn't even grab my head. I just stood there with blood streaming down my face. Other people around me helped me. As far as how people reacted, including Trump, I am willing to give benefit of the doubt, as all in state of shock. And maybe when Trump stands for a long time he takes off his shoes. And it is kind of funny what you might think of in that moment of shock.

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I suggest an impact to the skull is a very different thing than a grazing of the ear. Head impacts can affect One's consciousness through the vibrations delivered. The ear would dampen any vibrations...

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I really appreciate that you are attuned to spirituality and astrology as, for me, that is what leads/guides us and is the basis for everything. As a double pisces i feel and intuit EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! A blessing and a curse if you will. So whenever i feel heaviness, i look to my chart and the transits and get guidance and affirmation as well as, checking in with my tribe and “track” how they are faring in their world of happenings. So, thank you.

Trump’s purpose is to “stir things up”. Just like Putin’s sign is all about ego. So his shenanigans are a big, duh! Though we may not/don’t like it, he was going to show up on the biggest stage of his life in some way shape or form. And he chose what he chose. We’re all God’s creation and God wants to experience Itself as each of us along with each of our astrological south node , hoping we learn the lesson we came in with so we can ascend into the next life just a wee bit lighter, lovelier and brighter shining our light to show the way for others. We’re all in this together. Shine bright 💫

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I have not studied the clip like Tammi below. Just saying at first I saw the flag as flying upside down but then realized the photo was taken from below the stage. If I am standing between the stage, ,the stage on my left, and the crowd with the flag on my right, and I take a photo looking upward the flag would appear at that angle. So the flag is not flying upside down, just looks like that from the angle in which the photo was taken.

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"Let us remember that JFK was murdered on live TV ..." Is there some reason so many people believe this falsehood? The JFK motorcade was not on live tv. What you remember is seeing the Zapruder film, which was shown on national tv twelve years later by Geraldo, of all people. For twelve years the film was suppressed. Nobody saw JFK get shot on tv for twelve years.

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