May 18Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I was a drug addicted, alcoholic up until 2014. It took hitting rock bottom, for me to awaken within, surrender my ego, and learn to turn my will and life over each day to a power greater than myself 💫

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Thanks for sharing this Michelle! It’s funny that it’s always rock bottom that the wakes us up. I had my ego shattering moment when I also hit rock bottom— forced me to ask myself, what am I really doing here

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I was a second grade student in a Catholic school being prepared for my first confession and first communion. Being a bit of a nerdy child, I had decided that I would see how long I could go without committing a sin. And while I was sure this would become harder as I grew older, my little girl self was sure I could make it to 16, if not longer. When the nun who taught second grade told the class that we would have to confess our sins before we could take communion, I raised my hand and asked, "What if I haven't sin?"

Her response? "Believe me, child, you have sinned."

And so when the time came, I went into the confessional and made up the worst sin that I could imagine. I told the priest that I stole some apples from my neighbor's tree. My penance? I had to say three Hail Marys. As I was saying those prayers, I realized that I had just committed my first sin; that not only did I just tell a lie, but I had lied to a priest in a confessional. That's when I decided that religion was a rigged game. Not that I used those words... after all, I was only seven at the time... but that was the gist of it. Didn't take me long to apply that realization to government, education, the media, industry and other modern institutions.

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This was a cute, funny, and insightful! Thanks for sharing! As children, it’s as if we know these truths already — but it takes adults to tell us that we’re wrong. Glad to see you were hip to all the BS early on!

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& bullied by the one and only supposed to be righteous adult to do so....imagine that. Kids are so screwed. Jump when you are told jump, there is nothing left TO DO besides rebel for your own sake. Wish I could go back to my 'kidhood'. I would change quite a bit. Great that you shared with us. Thank you.

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Agreed. However, we were undermined by social scientists a long time ago. (See below.)

You're not alone in this. I was expelled from my PhD program for expressing interest in the COVID lockdowns for my dissertation.

Colleges seem to practice 'cancel culture,' a trend also seen in many other Western institutions. This involves marginalizing or censoring dissenting voices or controversial perspectives.

When I suggested writing my thesis on the handling of the health crisis in Quebec, Canada, my thesis advisor reacted very negatively. As a result, my academic record suffered, and I am no longer a PhD student.




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So sorry that happened to you Luc.

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I didn't start to wake up till 2014 in my early 50s after watching the film JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. I was brought up by parents who inculcated in me the evils of going along with everybody else, my father's two catchcries were "Propaganda" and "It was the CIA" and I was an independent thinker, I just didn't really have a clue.

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Interesting. It seems to me that people with an atheist mind set are not paying attention. A few of my thoughts on freedom:



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I had my first 'awakening experience' at the age of 3, in kindergarden, when I realised that the nuns running the place were not walking their talk. They told us, everyone had to keep their eyes closed during prayer. I checked and discovered they weren't doing it themselves. I was caught and punished for it! An unfair and humiliating punishment I never forgot!!

I was suspicious about anything adults said from then onwards. Especially when they spoke in some position of authority, trying to force me to do things which made no sense to me.

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