Very nice essay!

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Our enemies are the people (parasites/reptilians) children of Satin. Deviants void of morality or consciousness.

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These are beings that have "fallen" from an elevated state. As they descend through states, they eventually move from spiritual being to material world. Like we are taught how electrons descend from one "shell/Sphere" to another. Many of these beings, or fallen angels now in the lower realm of material matter have flesh but high intelligence (not wisdom) and also contacts with their fallen peers. These have been given a time to have influence over whoever refuses to harmonize with the way of Our Supreme Creator, which happens to be the majority of humans. They exchange material possessions and manipulation of the masses for their necessary energy. Similar to photosynthesis they live from lower energy vibrations only. Hence the rituals and sacrifices prevalent amongst the different governments across the world and other corporate entities that hold sway over populations.

Solution: Become familiar with the universal laws of our Creator, His attributes, his ways and His Kingdom (within us and as presented externally)


Do not feed the atmosphere with low vibration energy

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Government has become the enemy, it has evolved into an enemy, it was not always so. Our true enemies are cunning, skillful, relentless as rust, and derive their real power from Satan, not just evil.

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When was government not the enemy of liberty?

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This is an excellent article. It really provokes thought and helps us truly define "Friend" and "Enemy" which we thought we knew but I'm not sure we're truly cognitive of. Defining them and thinking of the root of what separates the two is essential to being able to sift the thoughts and illusions presented to us when best engaging with people, situations and surroundings. Because indeed there is extreme subtlety in so-called evil. Particularly how it can present as something good or pleasing to our senses

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We can note in all spiritual traditions those individuals that were leaders also embodied liberty and autonomy. Many like Jesus paid with their lives for manifesting liberty and autonomy. Some like the Buddha left the life of privilege and one the throne, to discover the nature of reality. He too walked away from all luxury and wealth, attaining liberty and autonomy, and then he spent another 40+ years helping others to realize liberty and autonomy.

Others prepared the way like John the Baptist. Many more could be named. Thank you for the clarity with which you defined the enemy.

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The Geneva Bible actually says worldly Governor’s in that verse.

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Yup, everytime we bicker, they win.

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Thank you for the clear thinking of a very confusing situation. I am so happy I 'found you'! Also, love your book! And thank you for taking a moment to sign it with kindness!

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A couple of thoughts:

-not all governments are equal, comparable or “bad”.

-some form of “government” is necessary to (attempt to) maintain the thousands of procedures, services, civil protections, etc. that a modern nation requires. Not to mention the most obviously difficult functions: taxing and spending, legislating the endlessly contentious issues of a diverse society, enforcing the laws, raising and maintaining a military sufficient for protection from aggression by other militaries.

-the American experiment has produced one of most sustainable and resilient and reliable governments in the modern era. We’re not in the same longevity league as Egypt under the Pharaohs, or Rome, or even Great Britain, but given the complexity and interconnectedness of the world, the mere fact that we elect our highest leadership (obviously excepting SCOTUS), is extraordinary, for a society as large and fractious as ours.

Is our record perfect? Of course not. Did Covid produce some government overreach? Certainly. Before that there was government protected slavery, government sanctioned extermination of Native Americans, the seizure of Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam, and arguably Texas, the internment of Japanese Americans, the scandalous war in Vietnam, and the many questionable foreign incursions of more recent years, etc.

-bottom line: try to imagine life WITHOUT a functioning government. I personally can’t see an alternative.

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The key word in your last sentence is "functioning". I suggest you read an essay called The Law by Frederic Bastiat. There are several translations, some of them are in free PDF form. Bastiat argues the purpose of government, which should be an extension of the individual, and its only duty is to protect and preserve rights. The government should have no more power over you and your neighbor than you do over each other. If it is unlawful for you to use force to coerce your neighbor to give you his money to defend your home, then it is unlawful for government. If it is unlawful for you to make your neighbor give you money to send your children to school, then it unlawful for government. I was in law enforcement for 24 years and I often used the principles to guide my decision making, no matter what the legislators had decided was legal.

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We need a society based on natural law and ethics then we wouldn't have the mess that we have today because our government is nothing about practicing ethics! Check this substack out about this subject!


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Is Donald trump going to stand in front of a bullet for anyone ( this is not a joke about what supposedly happened to him!! ). These politicians are not going to save us from anything, and when push comes to shove they will chose their own families over any of ours all day. Systems are definitely an issue, especially when they are clearly not of God. Natural law is Gods Law, we should not be looking to anyone to save us but God. The level of Deceit we are up against from Satan falls way outside of our scope of understanding. He was here when the world was created, he deceived the 2 smartest human beings that ever lived. There is nothing new under the sun. We have the answers, we know what we need to do, maybe we just need to do it with less of us then we had hoped? We want to save every one because we are loving caring people, it’s probably the same reason we can see what’s happening so easily. Jesus said hope it’s not winter!!! Just something I’ve been questioning!! Great piece! God bless

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I agree in principle on most of what I have found written by amaterasusolar, but implementation of the ideas is the biggest hurdle.

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Then we need to make a quantum leap :)

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Oh exactly! I agree! It is a big hurdle!

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The quantum leap has already happened. Jesus said the Kingdom of heaven is within you. He also asked the question to the effect of "which of us by thinking can grow your hair longer." It is not an exact quote. It provides a truth about our status with our body.

We cannot rule it like a dictator. Our body has to accord with the natural law. In all the years of study of the human body, there has never been found a dictator or emperor that rules the body. The body is governed by harmonizing the inner world with the other one.

Perhaps we should start by learning what our body already knows.

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Oct 16Edited

Hi Amil,

You care deeply _/\_. The only way you can reach your husband is to walk the path yourself. He is watching you. If he sees changes that are promising, he will reflect deeply on the path you walk.

He will talk to you to find out what he needs to do.

The path resides inside you. Recall the garden of Eden. However we left it try to do your best to approximate that garden in your own world or yard and garden. Try to grow Edenic foods and naval gaze if you will, to begin to hear your own body guiding you.

I have no idea where you are on the path. So I gave a first step approximation you may find useful.

Forget trying to get others to see what is happening. They didn't when Jesus spoke of current event of the day and where it was leading. So don't expect you can either. Just care for your self as best you can. Those around you over time will see and ask you questions.


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Beautiful! Exactly 💯 😃 But when will we learn? I feel exactly what you said! But do I practice what you said! No! I don't! But I should! I need to! I'm actually trying to! Yes, I am!

I'm awake! And I'm trying to wake my husband up too! But it's not working, he's drinking the "Trump kool-aid" 😆😉! "Trumps gonna save everything" type thing! I told my husband tonight "please, yes! Get me that stronger proof bourbon that you've been promising me!" I told him "because the regular bourbon is not working anymore!" 😆 I told him that "being "awake" is painful" which my husband clearly is not! 😆 And "yes" "I need something stronger!" " inorder to deal with the bullshit or completely to "zone" out on! 😁 So, yes, please, get me the stronger bourbon!

It's actually sad that I have to feel this way, but I do! Because I don't want to think about the shit going on in this world anymore! A stronger bourbon will help me "zone" out for while and escape this prison shit show!

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