
Teach our children that our rights are not gifts from the government!

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It makes no difference who you vote for, the Jews pull the strings behind the scene.The political leaders just carry out the instructions of the their Jewish Overlords. Read the book:"The Conquest of The World by The Jews." No country that is controlled by Jewish International Finance is allowed to print their own debt free currency, this is why Western Democracies have to borrow billions and trillions from the private Central Banks that are bankrupting Western countries.

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Living in a small village in Uganda, it is very easy to imagine living without a government. Locals with little to no education understand that life would immediately improve. But when you ask them if it is possible, the answer is 'no'. Why? I am not an expert but I think it has to do with self worth, greed and fear.

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https://web.viu.ca/johnstoi/rousseau/socialcontract.htm - another interesting point of view....I was recalling the SIN or SSN number as a contract as well, to solidify elegance to the government

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