Unorthodox Perspectives
Exploring Complexity and Spirituality in Modern Life

Exploring Complexity and Spirituality in Modern Life

Back to the Mic!

Greetings, everyone! Franklin here, and I’m glad to be back on the mic recording an episode of “Spiritual Sundays.” It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and I’m excited to get back to having deep, meaningful discussions with you all.

Disclaimer: I’m still getting into the swing of things, so I’m asking upfront for your patience and understanding as I work through the quality of the recording. It’s always better to start now versus waiting for perfection, so here we go! However, I’m confident the conversation will be worth your time.

AI’s image of me - not too off

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In this episode, we’ll explore a range of intriguing topics, from the concept of complex vs. complicated to the role of spirituality in understanding reality.

  • While there is an order to the flow, this is intended to be a fireside chat, candid and relaxed, evoking the informal and convivial atmosphere of a bar conversation. I hope you find it both thought-provoking and engaging.

  • I’ll be breaking down the topics discussed in the podcast into more detailed articles moving forward so that the information will always be accessible for deeper dives.

Below is a summary of the podcast to guide you through our discussion. Remember, this is an interactive journey, and I encourage you to reach out with any questions or feedback. Your input is invaluable. Thank you for joining me, and let’s get started!


Introduction (Timestamp: 00:00 - 02:30)

Summary: Franklin O’Kanu introduces the podcast “Spiritual Sundays.” He reflects on the time since his last podcast and shares his thoughts on balancing quality and frequency of content.

Key Points:

  • Introduction of Franklin O’Kanu and the podcast “Spiritual Sundays.”

  • Reflection on the hiatus and approach to podcasting.

Main Topic: Complex vs. Complicated (Timestamp: 02:31 - 15:45)

Summary: Franklin discusses the inspiration from the podcast

Aether Pirates of the Materium” and the topic of complex vs. complicated. He shares a personal anecdote about interactions and differing opinions on the existence of viruses, tying it to the complexity of the topic.

Key Points:

  • Inspiration from “Aether Pirates of the Materium.”

  • Complex vs. complicated concepts and their impact on understanding viruses.

  • Personal experience with feedback on a related article.

Timeframe Highlights:

  • [03:06 - 03:44] Discussion on the historical perspective of viruses and pandemics.

  • [04:05 - 04:18] Reflections on public reactions to his views on viruses (amazing response by

    on Metaphysical Terms in Physical World).

Q&A Session (Timestamp: 15:46 - 25:00)

Summary: Franklin discusses the existence of viruses and the complexity of the topic. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the distinction between complex and complicated.

Key Points:

  • Audience feedback on viruses.

  • Discussion on the concept of gatekeepers in information dissemination (amazing work by

    article on the topic).

  • The importance of critical thinking in evaluating scientific information.

Main Topic: Science and Scientism (Timestamp: 25:01 - 30:00)

Summary: Franklin delves into the field of science, highlighting the difference between true scientific inquiry and scientism. He discusses the role of metaphysics in understanding scientific phenomena and references various authors and their works.

Key Points:

  • The difference between science and scientism.

  • The role of metaphysics in scientific understanding (

    excellent Comment and article on Quantum Physics).

  • References to works by authors like Elliot Goldratt and Nassim Taleb.

Main Topic: Navigating vs. Inhabiting (Timestamp: 30:01 - 37:20)

Summary: Franklin explores the concept of navigating versus inhabiting in the context of the psyche and physical world. He shares insights from his interactions with AI and reflects on the mental landscape versus physical reality.

Key Points:

  • The concept of navigating the mental landscape vs. inhabiting the physical world.

  • Insights from conversations with AI (ChatGPT).

  • The importance of understanding the psyche in navigating life.

Main Topic: Self-Referential vs. Self-Reflective Thinking (Timestamp: 37:21 - 43:23)

Summary: Franklin discusses the distinction between self-referential thinking and self-reflective thinking. He explains how self-referential thinking can lead to negative outcomes like anxiety and rumination, while self-reflective thinking promotes a more objective and purposeful perspective.

Key Points:

  • Differences between self-referential and self-reflective thinking.

  • Impact of self-referential thinking on mental health.

  • Benefits of self-reflective thinking for personal growth.

Main Topic: Principalities, Probabilities, and Philosophy (Timestamp: 43:24 - 52:00)

Summary: Franklin reflects on the concept of principalities as the foundation of reality and introduces his principles of probability and philosophy. He discusses how these principles guide his understanding of the world and influence his spiritual beliefs.

Key Points:

  • Principalities as the foundation of reality.

  • Principles of probability and philosophy.

  • Influence of spiritual beliefs on understanding reality.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts (Timestamp: 52:01 - 57:16)

Summary: Franklin wraps up the podcast by emphasizing the importance of spirituality in understanding reality. He invites feedback from listeners and shares his future plans for the podcast and his work.

Key Points:

  • Importance of spirituality in understanding reality.

  • Invitation for listener feedback.

  • Future plans for the podcast and personal work.


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Unorthodox Perspectives
Examining spirituality within our material reality