I stopped watching sports about the same time your did brother and have never looked back. I used to spend every fall sunday sitting around watching football and seeing how much booze I could pound back in an afternoon. I look back at the time I wasted doing that and am beyond thankful I no longer feel a need to waste my time like that. the sports media is the worst, grown ass men sitting around dissecting a football game like they're generals directing troops, it is truly embarrassing to watch these clowns. As you said sports are nothing but bread and circuses, but hell at least in the Roman days it was free to get into the arena and you'd get free bread; our overlords charge us for the pleasure of being "entertained".

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Excellent article Franklin! I came to that conclusion over 20 years ago (I was about 40) and have not watched a game since. Very Liberating.

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Men should be playing sports, not watching with another man’s name on his backk

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Thank you for this article Franklin! It resonated with me. When I was young I hated playing sports because I felt my friends would turn into my enemies just for the win. I never liked that feeling and I believe competition also sparks division, and we need to unite more than ever. Sending you light brother! 🌟

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I have felt all of this deeply since I was very young. The challenge for me is that I have never had enough money to truly escape the grip of “their” oppressive prison. As such, I am constantly dragged back into is grip.

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Good article.

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All sports along with movie starts and musicians all control by the deep state who are trying to control the rest of humanity. So sad! 😡😡😡

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Another related point is that rooting for the home team fosters a habit of supporting whatever everyone else is suppressed to support, and blind patriotism as well. No coincidence that the national anthem starts every game, or accompanied every medal.

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Male energy..a ball going into a goal…female bits….oh, spare me. I'm unsubscribing.

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so that one sentence was enough for you to unsubscribe?

That actually says more about you than the author......

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