Jan 18Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I am enjoying this analogy, but I want to push back a little (consider this a conversation more than a comment or criticism): what about those unexpected occurrences like hurricanes or other ships that end up on a collision course with your ship? You may be doing all you can to stay in course, but in life (on the ocean) there are always inevitable counters to your will, intentions, and presumed life course. Are you planning to flesh out the analogy further?

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Hey Sherry and thanks for this comment! I can expand upon this and will plan to do so here in the next couple of days! Synchornistically, I just read a quote from Bruce Lee in where he talks about "being like water" and "flowing." The phrase used that resonated with me is that "no way is A way."

This is the role I see hurricanes and other ships playing, but I will expand upon this further!

Thanks for this comment! It provided me with an idea to dive into :)

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Jan 19Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Great point....I wonder about this as well. I have fallen into the 'only think positive' and it will happen, and do understand the concept, but we are also here, IMO, to experience many more E-motions (energy in Motion), then just joy and bliss. Otherwise, why would they be here in this reality? What is your perspective of 'bumping' up against another ship...the why of it? I love this kind of conversation, thank you for starting Sherry!

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Thanks Lisa for this comment as well! I just replied to Sherry that I plan on discussing this and gave a preview, but Jim's comment below is along the same lines as well.

One idea that we can do is to almost change our perspective (this is extremely hard to do), but the idea is isn't too look at events from our perspective, but from a bigger perspective.

Instead of viewing events as "positive or negative," how do we view them simply as events, or energies, and how can we transmute those energies how we want?

If a ship just threw our ship of course, how can we use the energy of being thrown off course, to get back on course? Easier said than done of course, but I definitely want to expand upon this in the next couple of days :)

Thanks again for the comment!

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Good article. Break it down to the dance of Shiva and Shakti - Consciousness and its Energy. Happiness is energy, so is joy. Enjoy life.

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Thanks Jim! Thanks for the Shiva and Shakti reference as well. Namaste!

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Jan 18Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I need to go back and read the book again. His follow-up work Outwitting the Devil, delves into the barriers that keep us from achieving our goals. With so much fear porn, politics, and negativity in the media, most find themselves trying to protect themselves from the dangers life presents instead of achieving what they truly desire in life, if they even know what it is. I think Napoleon Hill would have been aghast at the mind control the media has over the masses and astonished at all of the "time saving" inventions that steal so much of our attention; keeping us from realizing and attaining our purpose.

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You're 100% spot on here man! I have another article I want to write when I finish his book, but what I'm seeing as a byproduct of his practices is really setting dedicated time to hone your attention on your main goal. These practices are even more necessary in today's world when everything is gunning for your attention (another article I wanted to write on).

Love your comment here man, "most find themselves trying to protect themselves from the dangers life presents instead of achieving what they truly desire in life.." There is great wisdom in this quote!

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Jan 18Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

My mom always used to say to me, “Thoughts are things!” Be careful what you’re thinking.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

What did you think of Chapter 11? My introduction to this book was through a man about 20 years older then I.....he was charismatic, full of energy, but I could feel WHICH energy he most desired. Sometimes....people can be vampires of energy....you have to be careful of others intentions. I feel when intentions come from a pure place...maybe that place is the Heart chamber, where the bride and groom meet as one within, that this energy utilized is powerful and can be used for the greater good

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Love how you put words together! Heart chamber, bride and groom as one, beautiful stuff! I'm currently on chapter 8 about persistence! Can't wait to get to 11 and the others!

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Jan 22Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Thank you for the interesting article, Franklin! Matter and energy are the same thing according to Einstein. The difference is speed of vibration, matter being slower and denser. I love your analogy of habits being like vortices, its like they have their own gravity well that pulls you back in. With more strength for the amount of time/energy invested in said habit.

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Thanks Antila! I can't take credit for that habit/vortex reference because I actually heard it from Napoleon Hill first. But yes, as I started seeing things in energy, like habits, like laziness and the energies they have, it's almost, somewhat easier as to "okay, this is the energy that is around me now -- here's how I am going to move with this energy. Hoping that makes sense...

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It does make sense, thank you. Speaking of Napoleon Hill. Have you ever read the book that inspired him? As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen.

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Jan 19Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I struggle with this a lot. I wake up, determined to have a good day and remain positive, and then I go into a royal mess at work. I become stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted. (I work in a pharmacy distributing medical equipment.) My goal is not to be, but sometimes really bad things happen and it's too much for me to stay positive. I also have a hard time turning my brain off after work. I appreciate this article and will keep working on it!

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Hey! We both have a pharmacy background! That's amazing! I used to work in the retail community a couple years ago so i TOTALLY UNDERSTAND how things can just throw your day off! Totally get it!

I'm going to work on an article here shortly on how to stay focused of our energy when things come! But nice to meet someone w/ a fellow background here :)

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Ahh, so this is chapther 11! I've heard about it and discussed it w/o reading it yet, but I do have some thoughts and I've learned a lot of the topic even before reading it. Yes, sex is a POWERFUL energy and actually, i think he says it, its the force of creation (i.e., life). When we realize this, 1) how crazy is it that we use this life creating power all over the place (i.e., porn, sex sells, etc.)) 2) we also see why society has been enginered this way -- so we missues our creative powers.

By using that power wisely, I can defintiely see how one can create a future they want to live, vs creating moments of pleasure that don't amount to anything substancial

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