For Your Review: Archontic Deception systems:


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THAT sounds like a super interesting book! I’m a big bookworm-I love books!

I’m very interested in the spiritual aspect of reincarnation, karma, etc. I am no longer a follower of man made religion (a former Catholic), for various reasons.

I do love God!

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VERY interesting! I saved the article to read later. I’ve heard a few other people touch on this aspect. Thank you!

There is so much that humanity is not aware of, or OPEN to. Most people are brainwashed, and they don’t even realize it!

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🎯🎯 All religions are a form of mind control! I've found that Christians can be some of the nastiest people! But I do believe in the teachings of Yeshua and His message!🙂

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YES! I agree with you. I am of the same reasoning Amii!

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Thank you. I’ve thought a lot about evil since so much of it was in our faces during Covid. At first during that time the unexplainable events of harm to others and over the top fear made no sense to me. Then when the harm was leveled on me and my family, the truth broke through. It all made a sort of horrifying sense. An evil entity was in charge, using people it corrupted and sent loose against us. I’m a Christian but churches never mentioned the c@use of all this trouble in our lives and countries . I saw that we were not being prepared to face a darkening evil. They mostly caved. I left my church. I listened to a sermon on line that said that Satan has a kingdom also. It runs along side Gods kingdom and it is similarly set up with angels and demons. That whole cities may have corrupted angels or demons who are in charge and the personal demons that will take a crack in us and inhabit or control. But before that I believe God opened my eyes to this kingdom. Not in any detail but that our enemies were a different sort. It was a warning. Of course, satans kingdom is evil and corrupt but will be here until Christ returns.

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Yeah fallen angels still roam the earth! Remember the Bible talks about "the son's of God coming to the daughters of men" producing the nephilim/giants! I don't believe that all of them died in the flood either! Also I think it's some of Ham's sons also married nephilim women! By that time the nephilim and fallen angels looked like real human beings and they are still here today! There's just too much evil on this earth!

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The only impossible thing is a closed mind. Sorry your investigations have run aground on that impenetrable shore. One of the most effective tools of these interdimensional negative high-frequency beings is that they have managed to convince much of humanity to only look to the "light" ... the light of Christ or Buddha or whoever. So we never deal with the dark right before our faces, deliberately driving society to madness. You say it truly: "Christianity is a powerful force for good when it’s practiced as a relationship with the divine, not a doctrine." I once saw a meme saying "Christianity is a wonderful philosophy ... if only people would embody and practice it." Sadly true for many camps. Keep up the great work!

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Exactly! Humanity has been, I call it "trained", as soon as we are born we're taught to be passive and we are told "it's all God's will!" The last thing that the "controllers" of this planet want to see is for humanity to realize how powerful we really are and take our power back! Many people got a rude awakening in 2020! I tried to tell as many people as I could not to take the jab! I knew what it was! Many people are not educated on the actions of DNA and RNA!

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💯 You hit the nail on the head 🤗

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Makes a lot of sense.

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