It has been the policy of the United States since the early 1970s to reduce the population of the world based upon the false idea that it is overpopulated and cannot sustain so many people. This has now become world policy, and the menticide of environmentalism, veganism, the LGBTQIA+ movement, etc. are the outward signs.

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Excellent article Franklin. It is obvious that the Predator/Parasites who control this world want to eliminate most of humanity and make a small % slaves.

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How many Americans protested the Georgia Guide Stones, much less even heard of it?

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Jun 6Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Outstanding writing Franklin! Somehow I am reminded of what Peter Zimbardo showed in his fine book The Lucifer Effect. Thanks much.

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Zero Carbon Emissions by 2030 means Climate Change is code for depopulation.

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Jun 13Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

I think Agenda 2030 is a dangerous, ideological push for world depopulation. Democide and Menticide right ‘in your face’ on show. They are so arrogant and evil.

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The Western libtard governments are paying farmers not to plant food or raise animals.

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What does that say about the Farmers?? Are they that stupid, and going along with this Holodomor on America?? If so, they too are sell outs and traitors to the American people!!

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As a social scientist, I'm concerned about how many of our Western leaders seem intent on undermining our civilization and harming their own countries and citizens. And yes, I've been acutely aware of these troubling developments for the past 50 years or so. In the 1960s and 1970s, we used less explicit terms in our literary works, such as Johan Galtung's "systemic violence" and Chombart de Lauwe's "the aspiration world."

- Luc


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Jun 17Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Wow, Franklin, I am impressed. Thankyou for commenting, otherwise I would as yet not have been introduced to your wisdom.

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Thanks David for the kind words and thanks for the time and attention in reading as well!

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What an amazing well written and thoughtfully laid out article! I think that so many of us have bought into the lies of what government has told us the American Dream is rather than pursuing our personal dreams. I look forward to reading more of your work! God bless you!

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Trying to find your podcast.

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Hey! Here’s the link to the podcast on Menticide: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/september-11th-and-menticide

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I believe the planes on 9/11 were holographic and the impact on the twin towers was Directed Energy Weapons, similarly to Maui, Hawaii.

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