I surely have an imagination. LOL! It took Me seven years, though, of applying for jobs, getting interviews, being told I had the job and They would contact Me to let me know when and where I start, and then hear nothing, with calls and emails unanswered, to imagine that I might be targeted. I kept at the job search for three more years (over 120,000 applications...) before I figured there were better things I could do with My time.

Though I have no religion, seeing Us as "co-Gods" co-creating the Now, I have imagined a future where Humanity is free from the moneyed psychopaths in control. I have imagined what We need to accomplish that, and imagined that I have more than My words of description to bring it about...

But thus far, I have only managed the words.

Still, I imagine I will continue until I succeed in getting enough of Us co-creating a better Now than what the moneyed psychopaths are creating for Us.

Worried? Don’t Be! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/worried-dont-be

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Powerful article - GOD will move the mountain but I need to bring my shovel - Thy Will & mine become One ...

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Imagination...is the key. A word I seldom hear...use your imagination. The Universe is all imagination.

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A great and very important article. These simple sentences, indicating simple practices, may truly make our life better, right now, right here, without any financial costs. A must for every household, I’d say.

Thank you.

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I listened to that preacher jabber about planning and how his particular god ("God") planned the torture and execution of his only son, Jesus Christ. Supposedly to "save" the rest of us?

No "father" who treats his own son in such a manner is any God I believe in. My own real father, and all the fathers I know, could not even dream of doing that to their sons. So why should I believe in, or respect, or worship, or listen to, a "heavenly father" who would treat his own son that way, when he has the power to interact with humanity in a much more intelligent way?

Challenges are how we learn and advance; cruelty is not. All it does is send people away. Don't answer me, these are rhetorical questions, but important ones.

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