To understand the impact of this election you have to understand what RFK has been doing for the past 40 years to improve our lives.

If you live in a swing state, vote for Trump. Otherwise, vote for RFK.

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Right on Franklin! Vote harder achieves nothing but tyranny.

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And consider... To "vote," One needs to REGISTER... Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.

No, things are moving along with the plans of the moneyed psychopaths in control. We might want to solve for that....

A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/The-GentleOnes-Solution:c

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28 USC 3002 let me know that the United States is a federal corporation and no longer a constitutional republic

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What would America look like if we had heeded the warnings of the “Anti-Federalists” who warned us that creating a central government will grow too big, corrupt and uncontrollable? Since we didn’t listen, nothing will change unless we do something different- like go back to America’s original Constitution- the Articles of the Confederation - which could even prevent a civil war!


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It's difficult to maintain hope in these dark and unsettling times.

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Luc! Sir! Hope is what is needed in these dark times! Not the illusionary hope provided to us by these "wanna-be rulers" but the true hope that steps in the right direction are being taken!

For one, people like you and I are able to gather on platforms like these are share ideas! Slowly, we're waking up to the truth of this world, and the Plato's cave we find ourselves in! And now that we've found this cave, we can begin to look and work together towards our way out with hope and faith that we WILL get out of this cave!

Hope this helps Sir! Let me know your thoughts!

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Yes, it helps make my day. I thank you. - Luc

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Correct on all levels! I am disgusted. Appalled. Humiliated. Insulted. I don't see a turning point.

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