15 years ago myself and spouse researched all pagan foundations of modern holidays for a book we titled, "Pagan is as Pagan Does". We can either follow the teaching in the bible or be Christian, we can not do both.

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Amazing work here Kitty! This is the deep research that's needed nowadays. Do you have a reference to the book by chance?

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You know a funny thing about that. We were finishing editing when our house was struck by lightening and the whole thing erased. Obviously thought it was a sign, but have started over again recently.

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Yeah, but Christianity, even as a concept, has been thoroughly perverted. There's tons of fake-Christians; and those are the only ones people end up knowing of, because true followers of Christ never have any kind of spotlight. It's just the way the world works.

So if you ever want to get to know God, talk to Him directly, and read the Bible, instead of looking at what Christians in the world are doing. Don't forget that most Americans consider themselves to be Christian. Most Americans are maintaining appearances, constantly. They just want to be on the right side of history or something. But in reality, they're too stupid to even know what they believe; and their trust is in man, not God.

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Perspective from an avid follower of Christ here.

I would say that Celebrating Halloween is the most anti-Christian thing that people do, lol. And honestly, and this is another point you could make, is that most "Christians" effectively celebrate Halloween.

What I've realized a long time ago, is that most of these people are "Christian" in-name-only; so you really can't go by what most Christians do, think, or say. I know a lot of 'Christians' that worship Trump. 'Christian' in the modern day doesn't mean anything to me; it's only real to me if Christ is the focus, which is a daily, ongoing, perpetual (and ideally, tireless) process.

As for Christmas, as you said, it's always down to personal conviction and what we make of it. If a family actually is celebrating the birth of Christ, the date of which doesn't really matter, (as long as they understand that's impossible to know) they could vigilantly avoid the pagan aspects of it by really keeping the focus on Christ. But like I said, that's extremely rare, as most Christians these days are caught up in the World. 🌍

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Once I learned the truth about the psyop of Christmas I felt a deep conviction to “come out of her my people”. This is the second year that we do not celebrate the pagan holiday given to Christians as a Trojan horse tricking them into playing along with all the traditions. If you research all of the different aspects from the tree, wreaths on our door, Santa, and all the rest you’ll find that these are not what they seem at all. These actions are actually rituals steeped in witchcraft and feed the satanic energy that preys on our ignorance of what we are doing. Our enemy desires to steal our worship and loves that we have been tricked into following these practices. When we do these satanic rituals we actually give energy to the beast. I also believe these practices block our ability to receive Spiritual gifts because we have made our soul unclean and unable to be a vessel of the Light of the Lord. Jesus was actually born sometime in March and I’m certain He wouldn’t want us paying tribute to Him by paying tribute to roman gods and preforming satanic rituals. Part of us ‘coming out of the cave’ is to learn what has been hidden and how we have been tricked and stop doing those things. Easter is even an worse psyop than Christmas and it’s considered the most important day to church folks. It’s astounding that the church is the most ignorant of these things. And when you tell them they instantly defend their actions while admitting that they know it was a pagan holiday saying “It’s all what’s in your heart”. Fools! You are doing exactly what the beast wants playing into his hands and giving him power. I won’t do it. I proudly do not celebrate Christmas or any of the other satanic holidays we’ve been tricked into. Instead, I celebrate His life everyday. I try to be grateful, cheerful and giving every day trying to have the Light of the Lord shine through me in all that I do.

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Having no religion - was raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion - I just wish People "Joyous Generic December Holiday!" That covers anything anyOne is celebrating this month, Haha!

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No religion just means "we don't/didn't know we were religious, or what our religion was" as absolutely everyone is religious.

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Well, I guess... Thou art God.

My Spiritual Experience (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-spiritual-experience

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