Sep 28Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

> The power lies within you, within your family, and within the human species. The question we should all be asking is not who will win the next election but whether we, as a species, are moving in the right direction.

REPLY: Amen!!!

> the best version of ourselves as human beings, unshackled from the programming that tries to keep us divided, distracted, and distant from our true potential.

REPLY: Amen!!!

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Politicians are just the bagmen. They are simply following orders. They are not the top of the food chain, but are puppets of international bankers and giant globalhomo corporations. Conservatives need to climb out of the Con, Inc. cave and stop barking at shadows on the wall. Both leading parties in every Western country are bought and paid for by the same globalist cabal. People's unwillingness to understand this obvious and basic fact is why we lose every battle and are losing the war.

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> What I’ve laid out in front of you shows how both political parties contribute to the breakdown.

REPLY: Thank you for laying it out so clearly. I believe those that control the narrative let you and other share your insights, because those insights are little to no impediment to what they aim to accomplish in the immediate future.

But in perhaps a cynical vain, I believe this and other similar sub stacks are honey pots. It is a sieve with which to identify minds that are contrary to the narrative and at some point will need to be pruned from the body politic.

I do not mean you work for them. I do believe the platform that is Sub Stack is owned by them and it is a powerful inexpensive way to sieve people. That I strongly suspect.

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> new species of humanity known as transgender individuals.

REPLY: Not a new species as Transgender folk (male to female) cannot procreate except by "Gestational surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a baby for another person or couple.(https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/transgender-reproductive-options)"

It takes a lot of very expensive medical help to make this happen. In nature species come and go. Mostly the go. This fraud species hasn't been around long enough to prove it has worth to nature.

We should recall that the amount of energy/$ it takes to maintain this delusion is massive and unsustainable. Most importantly it is a distraction from the reality of endocrine disrupters and many other toxins now ubiquitous in the environment because of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastic products, food additives etc.


"Why is this concerning? There is a specific category of chemicals that may interact with our endocrine system, which is our hormonal system. These chemicals are known as Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). It is estimated that there are approximately 1000 chemicals that fall into the EDC category due to their potential to interfere with hormones."

Here too: https://www.endocrine.org/topics/edc/what-edcs-are/common-edcs

Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals: A Potential Health Problem That Can Be Solved - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3222987/

The folks that brought you this chemical stew of poisons that effect the biological function of living beings and as Tyrone Hayes proven "Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females". No one disputes the work of Tyrone Hayes though there was a large attempt to discredit him as a human being.

These many distractions of which the Trans fraud is but a sample, is to divert public outcry and demand that pharma, Chemical, BigAg, Corporate food etc. Clean up this mess. That the EPA be returned to the public and the CEOs CFOs and those holding large amounts of stock that are running these corporations are relieved of the fraudlently abtained financial gain. That said profit will now be used for the removal of these many toxins from our environment, food, water and soil.

That awareness of the true emergency we face is blunted by trans nonsense.

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A very interesting article. While I do not agree with all the premises here I will agree that it gives excellent insight and food for thought.

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Well, this is all well and good, but in my observations, the 100 IQ average gets in the way of most people's capacity to SEE THIS.

I've done the deep dive into the transgenderism. When the university presented this not just as a group to treat like any other person, but as a type to CELEBRATE, I smelled the rat that this is. They handed out badges and bracelets and imposed gender ideology on our syllabi, in addition to reconfiguring the restrooms. This came from the government. Obama was on his way out at the time.

Note that Harris speaks most about abortion, and not even in the realistic sense, but in the THREAT sense, that Trump will "ban" it all over the nation. And what's more shocking is that people believe it. They don't seem to comprehend the local government issue and the conflict with the constitution.

But more to the point, I read Harris as saying that denying abortion is "immoral." In other words, access to abortion is moral. This, in turn, loosely renders abortion a moral choice.

Instead of promising Americans that in this "opportunity economy" women will feel that they actually can choose to have babies instead of aborting them in fealty to economic pressures that, ironically, stem from a narrative that encourages them to stay alone as long as possible, supporting themselves in an economy that is fraught with danger for single people (as ever). Feminism gave men the choice to parent their offspring or not, while leaving women holding the bag or not having children at all.

Why is the Democrat Party line that having children is a last resort? And then when you do have them, you should sterilize them?

And I don't see how Republicans destroy economies, given the destruction the Dems have wrought over the past four years.

Meanwhile, dealing with ostensibly intelligent people who are extremely stupid. Recently, it came up while getting my hair cut that I am incapable of voting D until this gender madness is brought to an end. I believe I told this person about the law in California wherein the State would remove children from parents who do not confirm a fake gender identity. Anyone should be able to see that this is objectively wrong. However, just as I was about to show up for the next appointment, I received this bigoted note from the stylist:

Hey this is Laura from X Salon. After careful reflection and discussions with my colleagues, I am no longer comfortable proceeding with your appointment due to your expressed views on the trans community. At Etta Salon, we strive to create an inclusive, welcoming environment for all, and we pride ourselves on being a safe space for people from all walks of life.

As someone with close friends and family members who are part of the trans community, I am committed to standing in support of them, and as such, I will not be able to provide services to you, effective immediately.

Thank you for understanding.

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The reason people are so easily programmed today is that they have been stripped of religion, family, and nationality. They are rootless, deracinated, searching for identity and belonging, so they look to the media/"education", and accept it's prompts. This stripping is part of the marxist playbook. Using the media/"education" is simply less crude than re-education camps, and way more effective. It also explains why whites are so much more susceptible. Other cultures are "celebrated", their families and children applauded, their countries of origin valued.

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Speaking of Brave New World and 1984 too we now "live" in a world which combines the dark dystopias described in both of these books as described here:


Chris Hedges is the author of the prophetic book American Fascists The Christian Right and Its War on America.

In my opinion this outfit is the leading edge vector of this war and the American Wetiko psychosis too http://www.project2025.org

As indeed is the Heritage (lies, lies and more lies) Foundation.

Kevin Roberts the number one honcho for this project is an Opus Dei opperative/hack. J D Vance is also closely associated with Opus Dei too.

This site provides a detailed description of the in-and-outs of Opus Dei http://www.odan.org

At another more foundational level American "culture" has always been deeply psychotic.

This reference describes the nature of this Wetiko psychosis


The function of TV in creating this zombified psychosis


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> on the rise is the polyamorous society

REPLY: As mentioned Brave New World first edition 1932 presented to idea to the modern era. Since the 1960s books like the Harrad Experiment first edition published in 1967 was all about Polyamory. Robert Heinlein, "stranger in a strange land" also touched on this subject first published in 1961.

The amazing awakening of youth in the 1960s and early 1970s was cut short by the distraction of sex, put forth as free love again an example of Polyamory.

I don't mean sex is a distraction. But if it is not connected in a deep way with a movement but used to subvert it, sex is a distraction. We should have learned that from Edward Bernays.

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> But what I want to call your attention to is the fact that everything I’ve outlined follows the playbook of two individuals who knew how to destroy a society:

Yuri Bezmenov

, a former KGB agent and Soviet defector, and

Aldous Huxley, a famous British author.

REPLY: You left out Edward Bernays: The manipulation of the American mind: Edward Bernays and the birth of public relations - https://theconversation.com/the-manipulation-of-the-american-mind-edward-bernays-and-the-birth-of-public-relations-44393

> In short, hedonistic values promote pleasure and self-gratification over traditional morals and responsibilities.

REPLY: This type of programming can only happen now. It is unsustainable in the long run. People caught in myopia of the present day, are lost to history. Life has been on Earth for 3.5+ billion years. Species come and go. This moment in human history is but a brief flash of madness. Those that follow this path will not pass on their genes to the next generation, with the slight exception of those who are rich enough to afford the very expensive medical means to procreate.

In the deepest sense of the word "unsustainable" the flash of Trans is unsustainable.

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> left-leaning

REPLY: Please define "left-leaning"

> we quickly realize why we should not put our hope in any presidential election to save our country. We are the ones who have been called to save it.

REPLY: Amen!!!

> [Please note that Trump was simply the ‘Obama’ of the Republican party — an outsider who gave the party a new makeover.]

REPLY: Two rails on the railroad to HELL

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> see where humanity is headed,

REPLY: It is important to see these for sure. My parents saw them in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1963 they leased 200 ac of which about 30 was in spring pasture and dry in the summer. The rest was oak and scrub. Still we grew our own beef and had a wonderful cow for dairy and chickens for eggs. Around our home fruit tress and a small garden which provided green beans, corn, squach, salad greens potatoes. But mostly our own Beef. Even in those days Corporate beef was laced with antibiotics and hormones. My parents considered such meat toxic. Thus the leased land for our own small herd of cattle.

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> This is the reality of our experience in the 21st century. This is the power that exists in programming, and if you haven’t read the full article, I urge you to become a paid member to access it.

REPLY: This reality can only happen when people are cut off from the Earth. If we look at societies ground in the daily reality of being a part of the Earth, like the Amish and what is left of the First peoples around the globe we see people who are not caught up in this madness.

But those who live cut off from a grounded life in nature, who are plugged into their cell phones mass media and corporate food and medications will behave just as pointed out.

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Thank goodness for all the independant thinkers who CAN see what is going on! Thank you Franklin.

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Irony is that democracy and communism are societies.

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