I see this as not just an attack on men but an attack on women, a humiliation of women with men pretending to be women, grotesquely so, and having the State refuse to acknowledge the natural definition of women (see What Is A Woman). Ultimately, this is an attack on natural reproduction, on sex and clear gender boundaries, and on the family. Some may say this is Communism in action, where children are the property of the state, but I'd go further and say this is a preparation using the Overton Window to accept the unthinkable - the abolition of humanity and its merging with the machine of transhumanism in a post-human world, or in Klaus Schwab's words, the Bio-Digital Convergence.

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Yes, these men actually hate women.

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Always loved the Overton framing, good idea to bing it out in a piece like this! In many ways we watched this happen in HYPER SPEED during COVID.. where certain ideas were whack and unthinkable and then within months were accepted. That is in juxtaposition with watching things like UFOs being Unthinkable for decades and then suddenly there's policy now around UFOs. lol

I am writing about this in my Embodied Sensemaking book to illustrate that some shit takes a long time to be acceptable, and others don't, but that if we practiced our sensemaking better, we'd likely not react so oddly to things.

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Everyone should inform themselves by reading and listening to a VARIETY of publications, authors and opinions. As a healthy diet consists of all kinds of foods, so our minds are nourished and strengthened by the consumption- and thoughtful digestion - of quality intellectual material. But beware the over-processed and GMO ( Government Mandated Opinion?) products! Always "consider the source"...

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Good post. Important.

And the people you mentioned Alex and Jeff are very biased. If one reads Jeff everyday without engaging with their own conversations and opinions (if this even helps) the Overtone Window will be created then too.

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Any substack with a large following is possible controlled opposition, yet the fact that Alex did write about the attack on men, and Jeff did write about the ceremony as an attack, I feel like, suggests how, as you say, reading/listening to a variety of perspectives is key, yet, too, to not dismiss either Alex or Jeff for they, too, I believe, are shaping the Overton window in good ways.

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I like that ws, because I include as much as I know and what I don't know and even give a place for what I will never know. That feels whole to me. Thanks.

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I agree. Thank you!

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It works against them too. More and more people are seeing the vaccine injuries are real and have been met with a callous attitude from the medical profession; opening their eyes to the fact psychopaths are in control.

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I read your article and your explanation and it hit me like a brick in the face. My name is Joe Berezoski. I’m known in Houston as Coach Bear the Urban Farmboy. I’m ahttps://unorthodoxy.substack.com?r=2aq1jw

Did you know that college it’s almost 60% women at 40% men.

Did you know the second biggest moneymaker besides cancer pharmaceuticals are the ADHD meds they put young boys on.

Did you know that every one of the school shooting killers have been taken the ADHD meds for many years. my ex-wife was a high school, a large one Nasa in Houston. This was 1997 , I tellYou, but she said she spent all day passing out meds to Young Men. The federal government subsidizes free ADHD medicine for those whoare free lunch. And Young Men in America has been going to these meds since the 80s !

We must battle Satan and wean our young troubled men off these highly addictive meds!

Joe Berezoski


The Urban Farmboy

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Unmistakably, an attack on women.

Shudder to imagine what comes next.

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I did watch it and it didn’t depict The Last Supper, it showed Greek gods including Dionysus, the god of wine. He was the one in blue latex body paint, not something seen in The Last Supper. It also showed Sequana, the goddess of the River Seine and healing springs. Many claim the inspiration was from a painting The Feast of the Gods by Dutch artist Jan van Bijlert, painted in the 17th century. This painting is presently in the Musee Magnin in Dijon France.

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Somebody suggested to me this morning, referencing the opening of the Olympics, isn't that how the billionaires act when they are together, from what we hear and maybe know about the Roman Empire's last laugh?

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Jeff Childers or maybe it was Mattias Desmond notes that using this second painting as an inspiration is no less a mockery, for it was, itself, a pagan parody of the Last Supper.

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