Send your "Christian" friends and family members this podcast; less than 1% will even take the time to listen to it. That's today's "Christians" for you.

*Yes, the Trump shooting(s) was obviously staged/fake. Every event of that nature is staged these days. Where you're wrong though, is the notion there was a 'patsy', or that anyone died - it doesn't work that way anymore, they don't kill anyone, they just fake random deaths.

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"The world is in chaos—corporate greed is rampant."

What do you want from corporations? They're in the business of making money, and whether or not you call that "greed" is irrelevant. You're always free to choose not to trade with any corporation(s) you don't like. Is that not enough? Do you want the government to step in to "correct" the problem of "corporate greed", perhaps?

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Hey JdL, all business are in the business are in the business of making money, so that wouldn't be the point behind that statement. Greed is especially relevant because greed is what makes corporations act like soulless entities rather than good businesses that keep the humanity in the business.

You may resonate with this article, but let me know your thoughts: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/profits-over-people

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I remembered that there was a nice diaper company that charged very little and that Amazon put the price is lower until that company was ruined and then they shot the prices of diapers up

That’s just one of the ways they get you it’s very hard to start a little business, especially during the Covid

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I really enjoy that you glide so smoothly between soulfulness and anarchy/voluntaryism! I totally agree that we want to consider all layers of liberation at once. I believe that statism (the belief that lay humans need a ruling class to control and steer us all) has become organized religion that inhibits the true possible expansion of our souls.

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Trump is an extra *disgusting* human being. The people supporting him, aren't truly Christians. When I get to know them (they're in my own family) it's easy to tell, they call themselves Christian, sure, but they aren't really listening closely to God's messages and teachings.

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You can’t judge if someone else is a Christian or not. That’s very silly. You can’t call yourself a Christian and then do things directly against the Bible like kill a baby or promote sodomy which is giving very dangerous diseases to people around the world.

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