In my latest podcast, I took a deep dive into how last week’s experiences have given me new insights into navigating this world we live in. The highlights of that podcast include:
The world is in chaos—corporate greed is rampant, prices are soaring, and mass propaganda fills our daily lives. Wars and unrest across the globe add to the sense that we’re living in a hellish reality where nothing seems to make sense.
However, when we step back from the overwhelming narrative and look closely at our own lives, we realize that, even in the midst of this “hellish” earth, we can still find beauty. By focusing on these moments, you realize that heaven exists here on earth, even within the chaos.
Lastly, once we know the roadmap of this world and all its traps, twists, turns, and dead ends, we can start navigating it better. Once you understand the system, you can move through the maze with more clarity and intentionality.
These were the foundations that the podcast was built upon, and once we completed the podcast, there were two main takeaways from the show:
Level Setting Expectations: The systems of this world—whether it’s politics, corporate control, or the illusion of freedom—aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. It took years and generations (200 years, three generations) to create the world we live in today, and it will take time to change it. Change will come, and we’re laying the groundwork now, but the real change will only be fully realized by the next generation. We need to level-set our expectations.
Applicability of Information: We’re bombarded with information—through Substack, social media, podcasts, and news. But are we applying what we learn, or are we just getting dopamine from knowing something new? Are we passively consuming knowledge or taking action to make more moments of heaven on earth? The goal is to take information and transform our world, and if we look at our lives, we can see that it is possible to bring heaven to earth.
I encourage you to carve out some time to listen to the podcast because it does a beautiful job of tying these topics together. And once we have all the foundation laid down, it’s time to get into the meat and potatoes of today’s article.
Today’s article focuses on a significant principle I discovered after reflecting on the podcast: how we should view the world. This principle is essential because it ties together the ideas I explored in my book and our discussions, particularly with my paid subscribers through podcasts over the years.
There are two significant foundations I want us to understand by the end of this article.
The first is that you are a soul. When you fully grasp this, everything begins to fall into place. The world starts to make sense, and you see how it all fits together.
The second principle is understanding the theory of the mind. The mind functions as a plasma etheric, morphic resonance pathway connecting and exchanging information between your soul, spirit, and body.
When we understand these two foundations, everything else begins to align. We can see why the world functions the way it does; these foundations make it easier to navigate life with clarity.
And when we teach this to the next generation, they are now armed with the tools to bypass any propaganda and indoctrination taught by the school system. Our children will begin seeing the world in this light, enabling us to create the change we desire.
Without further ado, let’s dive into the article, How to See the World. The first principle we need to discuss is this: at the core of everything, you are a soul.
The Heart of It All: You Are a Soul
At your core, when you strip everything else away, you are a beautiful soul here on this plane of existence, experiencing reality. This is the fundamental truth, and once you begin to look at life from this perspective, you can navigate the world more clearly.
I’ve discussed this in several previous articles, like Know Thy Enemy and You’ll Know Thyself, where I approach it from the perspective of understanding the dynamics between the soul, spirit, and ego. I also delve into it in my series on spirituality, particularly in the article about the Invisible Matter.
Once you understand that you are a soul, you need to recognize the elements that make up and interact with the soul.
The first principle is that as a soul, you have a physical body, which you interact with daily.
In addition to your body, you have a spirit. Some people refer to this spirit as intuition, others as the Holy Spirit—whatever you call it, it’s your internal guide.
So, at your core, you are a soul with a spirit that guides you and a physical body that grounds you. This is the foundational principle of reality: you are a soul navigating this experience of existence.
Now that we’ve established this principle, the next thing we need to understand is the communication pathway. If you are a soul with a body and a spirit, how do the body and spirit communicate with the soul? This is where the mind comes in.
Your Mind As A Bridge
The mind is not just where our thoughts occur; it’s also where communication between the body and spirit takes place. All of this interaction happens within the mind, which can be understood as an etheric, morphic resonance field—a kind of plasma-like pathway for information.
We can define the mind as this plasmic, etheric field where information flows between the body, spirit, and soul. For example, when we feel hungry and think about food, that’s the body communicating through the mind to the soul. Similarly, when we experience intuition or insights, it’s the spirit communicating to the soul via the mind. This constant stream of communication occurs daily, influencing how we interact with the world.
Ideally, the soul makes the decisions, and now that we understand this principle, this knowledge helps us grasp what’s happening in the mental sphere. Once you know the world through the lens of these two principles—the soul and the mind—you’ll gain a clearer understanding of how to move forward in life.
This is what I mean when I talk about applicability and principles. When you grasp the core tenets, you are much more prepared to navigate and influence the world.
Let’s begin by using these two principles as a framework to truly see and understand the world.
Freedom vs. Liberty
One of the key concepts to consider when looking at the world is the distinction between freedom and liberty. Let’s apply these principles to our modern world.
Take elections, for example. Let’s break down the concept of freedom. Freedom is when someone gives you permission to do something. But ask yourself: is your soul truly free if someone else has the power to allow or restrict its movements, whether physically or mentally?
You can see how limited freedom is when framed this way. It raises the question: who has the right to dictate where your soul can go, what it can think, or how it can express itself? When we examine freedom closely, it becomes clear that it often involves external control, which leads to the entrapment of the soul.
Freedom, as it’s commonly understood, often perpetuates the very systems of enslavement that exist in the world today. These systems control not just our physical bodies, but also our minds—restricting what we are allowed to think, know, and experience. So, when we vote for a new leader, we must ask: does our soul really need someone to lead it? Is that true freedom?
On the other hand, liberty is different. Liberty is about self-autonomy. It’s the ability to do whatever you want, think whatever you want, and travel wherever you want without external constraints. That’s why it’s crucial to understand that liberty, not freedom, is the ultimate goal. Your soul needs to be liberated from both the physical and spiritual chains that the world imposes.
Once you understand the difference between freedom and liberty, you begin to see the world in a new light. Liberty grants you self-autonomy, which is critical to living authentically.
Now that we’ve established this, let’s explore how this understanding applies to the world today and how the soul and mind come under attack.
A New Meaning Of Mind Control
Now that we have a clearer view of the mind, we can better understand what we mean by mind control. If the mind is an information pathway of plasma etheric morphic resonance, what happens when we are bombarded with all kinds of information?
This idea builds on my previous article, We’ve Been BioHacked to Make Bad Decisions, where I explained how chemicals in our food introduce information into our bodies that ultimately affect our souls. These chemicals can trick us into thinking we’re hungry, giving us the false idea that we must eat certain foods. This is a form of biohacking and, ultimately, mind control.
The same applies to the images we’re constantly shown. Our bodies can’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s artificial, so we start to believe that what we see—often from situations across the world—has happened to us personally.
This is how the news operates: by feeding us cluttered, irrelevant information, it entraps our souls and clutters our minds. Many articles have explored this concept, such as:
Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to this? They wouldn’t, yet this is how menticide—the systematic killing of the mind—is used on a global scale. Menticide is a tactic we must recognize because it’s being deployed on an unprecedented level.
So, what can we take away from this? First, remember that you are a soul. Second, your mind is how you interact with the world. When you understand these two principles, you must ask yourself: Is my soul truly free, or am I just being manipulated?
Mind control is all around us—from phone notifications to constant distractions. But now that we understand this, we can center ourselves and ask, What does my soul want to do here? This is how you reclaim your autonomy.
I hope these concepts resonate with you as they did with me: You are a soul, and your mind helps you see and navigate the world. When fear arises, it’s simply negative spiritual information reaching your soul through the mind, and we need to address it accordingly.
Understanding these fundamental principles allows us to move through the world with more knowledge, clarity, and purpose.
Conclusion: Seeing the World for What It Is
It was a moment of reflection, realizing, wow, this is the world we live in.
When you start to see yourself as a soul, you understand that you don’t need anyone to tell your soul what to do. You don’t need to vote for a leader to guide your soul. If you feel like you do, it only reinforces the idea that you need external validation or freedom. But your soul already knows what it needs.
To close, I hope this lesson resonates with you and helps guide you on this journey on this plane of existence.
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For those interested, take advantage of the discount, and if you’re looking for a place to start, check out my book, An Unorthodox Truth.
It covers how we arrived where we are, with an entire chapter dedicated to our mental reality and understanding who we are as souls. It explores how the mind helps us navigate and understand this truth.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and I hope you found it insightful. Let’s be great in this world, this beautiful world, and let’s continue to create more heaven on earth. Thank you for your time and attention.
Franklin O’Kanu
Send your "Christian" friends and family members this podcast; less than 1% will even take the time to listen to it. That's today's "Christians" for you.
*Yes, the Trump shooting(s) was obviously staged/fake. Every event of that nature is staged these days. Where you're wrong though, is the notion there was a 'patsy', or that anyone died - it doesn't work that way anymore, they don't kill anyone, they just fake random deaths.
"The world is in chaos—corporate greed is rampant."
What do you want from corporations? They're in the business of making money, and whether or not you call that "greed" is irrelevant. You're always free to choose not to trade with any corporation(s) you don't like. Is that not enough? Do you want the government to step in to "correct" the problem of "corporate greed", perhaps?