Thank you for bringing up what people in New York actually saw on 9/11. Since the nose of a plane is badly dented if it flies into a flock of birds we know, or should know, that a plane can't possibly fly into a building. The plane would be smashed and barely penetrate if at all. And there is some old video floating around that was shown on a news cast , then removed, that had a plane flying into tower and coming out the otherside. We have been lied to about a whole lot of shit for years. If we could think back on assassination of John Kennedy for example, we'd questioon all the official stories immediately. We'd have never fallen for the whole scamdemic. And yes we need to talk to people face to face.Engage with real living beings.

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Thanks for this comment Alice! I actually found old raw clips of the 911 incident and placed those links in the article for those to see. I always questioned the official story, but being exposed to this information now is clear how the world was deceived back then.

speaking of JFK assassination, don't know if you've seen this article I wrote on that topic:


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To be clear, are you saying that planes didn't hit or run into the Twin Towers? That this whole thing we think we know that two planes took down two buildings on 9/11, this was all a lie?

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Yes. Watch Loose Change and those links supplied in the article above.

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Not to mention the seismic signature of the fallen buildings: that of 10 story buildings and not 110 story buildings, video footage of massive steel girders turning to dust in mid flight, firefighters announcing to those near building 7 that "it's going to come down soon" when a building this size would require weeks of preparation for the controlled demolition we all witnessed, Larry Silverstein recounting a call he had from the fire department commander and then deciding to "pull it," (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq-0JIR38V), "and we watched the building collapse," testimony from eye witnesses that there were no planes that hit the buildings. The buildings exploded outwards etc etc.

But we all saw it on TV! And we were all ignorant about CGI... and whales flying through the sky in Dubai: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tN18wcQDgMk

Now we have small white bodybags of babies, as far as the eye can see (as we are told in the latest Israeli narrative), to shape our thoughts and elicit hatred towards a population of 2.3 million in Gaza who have no clean drinking water, are constantly under attack by Israel, and live in the worlds largest open air prison. And now they are being erased by the madman in Israel with full US support. All because of an Israeli Intel failure of the most highly monitored border on the planet that can detect the movement of a cockroach... allowing cars, motorcycles, motorized gliders and thousands of "terrorists" to stream across the border in numerous places, UNIMPEDED!

Thank you Alice for not sleepwalking through life... like the majority of Americans!

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I’ve seen that video of the nose of the plane coming out the other side of the building - impossible. And where is all the wreckage from the plane that crashed into the Pentagon (with no video footage)? Or the one so heroically diverted by the passengers to the field? I’ve watched enough episodes of Mayday to know planes don’t disintegrate on impact. 🛩️💥

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Unslowed and undented, then backed back into the tower after a single frame.

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i think we witnessed how easily the masses are swayed by tv images and talking points during the plandemic. i cannot imagine the population control deep-state cgi will attain. we must be able to define for ourselves the difference between what you believe and what you know - because those are two very different things.

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You’re 100% spot on. I once heard that you don’t “believe” your name is “so and so,” you KNOW your name is “so and so” because of the evidence that supports it (ie; birth certificate, what you’ve been called your whole life, etc, etc)

I used to say that if you broke down the word “believe,” you get: be- | lie | -ve

Which simply is:

Be: the state of being

Lie: something not true

Ve: having being “past tense”

Put that all together, “believing is: the state of being lied too”

100% agree there’s a difference between believing something and knowing something

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speaking from a logical perspective one could say that these terms are mutually exclusive. because when you believe something but don't know it, you'd say that you believe it, while when you know something, then you'd say that you know it, not that you believe it.

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OHHHHHH!!!! This is now my fav article!!! Will be sharing far and wide! Yes, our body/mind innate abilities MUST be tapped back into. As well, like the analogy of stay in your own lane, connect with real people and live your daily life! So well written!

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Lisa!!!! Thanks for this comment!!!! So appreciative of this thought here :) :)

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Roger Waters (formerly of Pink Floyd fame) has an album out called “Amused to Death.” I’m pretty sure it came out in the early 90s.

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it fucking happened, because Israel & wash-dc are going nutz

I would worry more about the mind of your cuck that says its a false-flag

This one is really fucking bad, because this guy was in a flight-crew of US-MIL bombing gaza, and his friends are coming out and explaining why he did it;

So fuck yes, like 911, they have to call it a false-flag, and anything but the truth;


Its been in the Israel news for a week 24/7 and nobody in Israel is calling it a false-flag, just CIA cucks in USA;

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The fall of man came by putting eye-impressions above God's word. https://nasb.literalword.com/?q=gen+3%3A6 The first and second commandments were aimed at not adding to this. https://nasb.literalword.com/?q=exodus+20%3A3-6

I thus find it no surprise that the enemy's end-game entails massive profusion of distracting-exciting imagery which we know is of dubious provenance, but don't care b/c it feels better than reality.

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Signs and wonders in the heavenly realms to deceive many even the elect if possible.

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Blue Bean or Blue Beam?????

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How to tell a CIA limited hangout operation from a mile away?? Just read crap posted on this site and learn how they do it;

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Excellent article. You couldn't be more right about how devastating the long term effects of processing information intake from screens has been on humanity, compared to arriving at conclusions based on firsthand experience. Thank you for this food for thought.

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Well written! I say something very similar all the time, but not as eloquently.

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Can anyone tell me how to get the paid subscription? When I try it says I can’t pay inside Substack but I can’t find an independent website to pay at.

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Great substack addressing some of these psyops, https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/2-suns-in-the-sky-optical-illusion.

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Thanks for the repost. I had not read this yet. It is a very important and poignant subject.

Deep fakes are going to have a profound impact on the criminal justice system and when put into the 9/11 context, they already have. They are a form of magic in this sense: I love watching magicians, especially the street magicians who are so adept at misdirection that entire crowds can be fooled. But no one really believes they are making things appear out of the aether, or paranormally (is that a word?) creating the mark's birthday written in black marker on the five dollar bill given to the magician moments before. If the magician were to reveal how the trick was done, it would lose its "magic". Once someone pointed out that aluminum, titanium, and plastic jets cannot penetrate two of the most structurally sound skyscrapers in history, or that skyscrapers don't collapse into their own footprints without explosive demolition charges, the magic spell was broken. I remember sitting in morning briefing watching the second jet hit the tower and I was spellbound. Then I spent years believing that Muslim "terrorists" were the greatest threat to the world since Hitler. I even contemplated rejoining the Army in 2001 and probably would have if I wasn't already in a career field and a new father. I now realize the world government that created the narrative and the "terrorists" is the real threat; spell broken.

Regarding limiting the information we take in; I get several emails a day from various news (propaganda?) outlets with headlines like, Body of missing 13 year-old Girl Found in Woods, or Mother of 3 Dies in Fiery Car Crash. They never say, Seventy Five Million 13 year-old Girls Not Murdered Today, or 100 Million Drivers Safely Make It To And From Work Today. I delete them immediately now, because like you said, it has no bearing on my life. Besides, I have seen enough horrible shit to last me several lifetimes and reincarnations. I don't need any more reminders of the world we live in.

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They have to try to deconstruct objective reality in order to insert and sell deepfake lies

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