There is evidence that the mind is holographic, is outside of the brain, but uses the brain as an interface with our physical bodies. A hologram can hold immense amounts of information. When one part is cut out it retains the whole of the hologram, which may explain why when rats are trained to run a maze and have parts of their brains removed they can still perform. This is an article from the Epoch Times that describes people who have hydrocephalus, have very little brain matter, but have normal, or above normal cognition. I hope the article isn't behind a pay wall. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/do-you-really-need-your-brain-5694486?est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcucqe10f2dPJ66YLnnVLBKB1xU4PLiVA1sxgDTFuWUy2RDufgYrmN%2BVvdQ%3D%3D&src_cmp=htop5-2024-10-06&src_src=Healthtop5

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Sean, my man as always:

1) thanks for sharing this article! amazing resource!

2) it's not behind the payway so I'm able to read it!

3) Here are my favorite quotes from it:

- Due to their properties, microtubules function like antennas. Hameroff says they serve as “quantum devices” to transduce consciousness from a quantum dimension.

- Therefore, according to Hameroff, our brains serve like information processors, receiving signals from the universe and forming them into consciousness.

I'll have to tie it into part two of this series, but this is very helpful and aligns with this current theory. thanks for sharing!

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this article is soo fascinating!!!

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The Universe is One Divine Mind playing all characters to discover Its endless possibilities


''The Conversation Never Had''

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You've come up with an interesting concept. Sort of a computer-age mashup of Hermetic/Rosicrucian beliefs. Wherever our mind exists, I am looking forward to your thoughts on training it.

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Ah! how I love that we can just, simply and factually, start talking about the Soul again. After centuries of fundamental alienation, I love to ponder my/our soul/s as a subject of interest, conscious interaction, as well as a vector of its own growth! Thank you.

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The evil mofo who rule over us hates God. So, they invented the concept of materialism, and scientism. Recently, we discovered that the rulers are Satanic worshippers? Hence if Satan exists therefore God exists.

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I've been wondering about these concepts, mind / body / heart / spirit/ soul. In French, the word for spirit (esprit) is used interchangeably to mean both mind and spirit...I wonder if there's a connection between these two??

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At some point, scientists discovered that human beings are a hive mind. We possess latent telepathic abilities. Which is why they inflict so much damage on parts of the populace, because it is felt on energetic levels by the whole. Traumatizing everyone into obedience.

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This is such a fascinating perspective. I’ve always been intrigued by the intersection of the material and immaterial when it comes to the mind. Redefining the mind as something beyond the brain challenges so many assumptions we take for granted, especially in Western frameworks.

Your point about the influence of materialism and scientism is eye-opening. It makes me wonder how much of our understanding of the mind—and even mental health—has been shaped by convenience rather than truth. The Academy of Ideas series sounds like an essential resource; I’ll be diving into that.

Thank you for offering such a compelling invitation to rethink what we “know” about the mind. Conversations like these are why intellectual humility is so necessary. I’m headed over to part two!

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Made me think of the quote,

“There is but one body of water in the ocean, but there are countless waves. Likewise, there is but One Universal Mind, but all of its divided units are that One Mind.”

-Lao Russell, God Will Work With You But Not For You (1955) pg. 20

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