How To Train Your Mind, Part One
Let's Set A Foundational Understanding On What The Mind Is
“If you don’t give your mind something to think about, society will give it something to think about.”— Franklin O’Kanu, October 2024
In my last article, How to See the World, I introduced two fundamental concepts for everyday life and how we view the world.
The first concept is that you are a soul, which is ultimately what matters in everything we think, do, and overall live.
The second is that you have a mind that helps you transverse this reality we find ourselves in.
In this article, part of a two-part series, I’ll dive into how to train your mind. This series is inspired by the title How to Train Your Dragon, and I’ve always wanted to write something along these lines, similar to my earlier piece, How to Tame the Beast.
I’ve considered titles like How to Train Your Ego, but with the work I’ve done exploring the mind and brain, I feel it’s time to focus more intensely on understanding the mind itself, hence the title How to Train Your Mind.
The first part of this working theory will explore what the mind is, and in the second part, we’ll discuss installing systems in place for using our mind. Before we can get into the application, we need a clear understanding of the mind.
So, without further ado, let’s dive in.
Redefining the Mind Beyond the Brain
Historically, when people think of the mind, they often assume it’s located within the brain. But if you’ve followed my book or work, you won’t be surprised I’ve come to second-guess this notion.
The idea that the mind resides in the brain is rooted in a materialistic worldview, which gained prominence with scientism concepts like evolution in the 1800s.
has an insightful series on pharmaceuticals and mental health, offering a detailed look at how society came to view the mind as confined to the brain.Big Pharma and the Big Lie - The Chemical Imbalance Theory of Mental Illness
Big Pharma and the Big Lie - The Drugs Don’t Work, They Make it Worse
But my unorthodox theory is that the mind isn’t inside the brain; it’s outside the brain and the body. For more on materialism and evolution, check out my archived article on the tenets that make up the religion Scientism.
One example supporting this idea is David Allen’s book Getting Things Done. David Allen, a well-known speaker and author on productivity, presents the concept that “your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”
In essence, the mind isn’t meant to act as a repository; it’s intended for creation, innovation, and shaping the life you want.
A study on flow related to Allen’s work connects improved productivity to our physical environment, supporting the external mental concept. This phenomenon hammers the point: your external environment affects your internal mental processing. For your mind to be clear, your environment must also be clear.
This connection between your external surroundings and mental clarity reinforces the notion that the mind cannot be limited to internal only but also interacting outside the body.
As mentioned in the previous article, we must stop thinking of the mind as something confined within us. Instead, consider it a plasmic, etheric energy field that extends beyond our physical form.
The Energetic Nature of the Mind
The first principle we need to recognize, which we just covered, is that the mind exists outside the body. The second principle is that this mind is an energetic, electromagnetic, etheric plasma field, bridging the physical and non-physical worlds. Think of the mind as your personal ship.
If you’ve read my book, you’ll see how I explain that scientism has stripped away the idea of a metaphysical world, leaving us with a purely materialistic view.
However, before the rise of scientism, people understood the visible and invisible, the physical and the immaterial, which I often describe as the metaphysical or spiritual.
As explained in my previous article, the mind acts as a bridge that processes information across multiple pathways.
The brain can be seen as the processor that helps us interpret information from the physical world.
The mind receives sensory input from the brain and translates it, connecting it to our soul.
This is why we attach emotional resonance to what we see, and why external stimuli can inspire internal responses.
The key takeaway is that when we understand the mind as external to the body, we also understand how it helps us navigate both our internal world—our thoughts, feelings, and ideas—and our external world, including our physical environment.
I emphasize the mind’s electromagnetic frequency because, in the first chapter of my book, I reference The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. From a historical perspective, we see that mental disorders like anxiety and depression became more prevalent with the manipulation and widespread use of electricity on earth.
In my article about Albert Einstein, I discuss how he dismissed the existence of ether. Once this concept was removed from public understanding in combination with the unleashing of electricity upon the masses, we began seeing an increase in mental unrest—people’s thoughts became scattered, focus diminished, and anxiety grew.
And here came Sigmund Freud with Rockefeller money to provide petrochemicals, aka drugs, to treat these mental disorders.
I hope you’re beginning to see how this unorthodox theory connects. Recognizing the mind as an electromagnetic etheric entity is critical, especially given the frequencies we are constantly bombarded with in our daily environments.
In my article on Milton, with the power being out for three days, I mention how quiet my mind was when there was less electromagnetic activity around, highlighting how much our modern world affects us.
I can guarantee that most of us have never heard of our mind, the processor we use daily, in this light before, especially in a light that makes so much sense and simplifies everything.
Imagine if we were armed with this information growing up.
Rethinking Mental Health Beyond the Mainstream Solutions
Consider how different this perspective is from the traditional idea that your mind is in your head.
The mainstream scientific approach suggests that if you’re suffering from anxiety, paranoia, or depression, you should take a pill to resolve those feelings. But those pills often come with side effects that can harm your body. This perspective is the mainstream rational way.
But what about an unorthodox perspective? What if, instead of thinking the mind is inside your head, you recognize it as an energetic field outside your body?
In that case, the first step might be to ask: how much time are you spending in nature? What if the solution to a clearer mind is to step outside, get fresh air, connect with the earth, and recharge yourself naturally?
As I discussed in my article How to See the World, if the mind is a bridge between the physical and the material, we must consider what physical substances we’re putting into our bodies that disrupt that connection.
What are we watching on our hyper-realistic TV screens?
What media are we consuming that might affect our perception of the world?
The body cannot always distinguish between what’s real and what’s imagined. When you watch something on TV, your body reacts as if it actually happened to you. This phenomenon is why after seeing a scary movie, you might feel anxious in your garage—your body remembers that fear, even though it was fiction.
This is a form of mind control.
Again, let’s remember, the mind is external to the body and serves as an etheric field around the body.
By controlling the mind of the population, you control the population. This reality is the reason for the news: to consistently bombard the population and falsely increase their sense of risk.
With anxiety becoming the “norm” in our population, how can we not think this is the case? This mind control is affecting us, and we do not know how to address it.
On a personal level, we’re constantly bombarded by so many voices in our minds that we struggle to distinguish between the ego, the spirit, and the soul. This reality has left us in a state of confusion, almost schizophrenic in nature.
But here’s the powerful truth: there is only one voice you need to pay attention to—and that’s the voice of your soul. When you understand this, you realize that you have a mind, and that mind is meant to serve you in your journey through life.
Closing Thoughts
This theory is how we need to start seeing the world in a new light, and this is the first step in rediscovering what your mind truly is.
In part two of this series, we’ll dive deeper into how to train your mind, discussing systems, habits, and practical methods. But for today, we must begin to look at our minds in a completely different way. It’s not in your head, as we’ve been taught.
You are a soul, and it’s crucial to understand this concept. You possess one of the greatest metaphysical, plasmoid gifts—the mind—to help guide you. When your mind perceives information from the environment and internalizes it within your aura and etheric field, your soul processes that information and can act on it.
Yes, your mind can sometimes get loud and overwhelming, and yes, that is the exact intended result that society would like to achieve. But that’s when you need to take the time to declutter, rest, reflect, and quiet your mind.
Once you do this, you’ll be able to control your mind and direct it wherever you wish to go.
Your mind is incredibly powerful, so much so that so much effort is made to influence and overload it—from an influx of information to desires that can distract you from your path.
Understanding these two insights like:
you are a soul and that’s the only voice you need to pay attention to, and
your mind is here to guide you on your path,
can make a tremendous difference in your everyday life, which is what we explore here at Unorthodoxy.
If you enjoyed this article, please like, subscribe, and stay tuned for part two, which will be released in the next few days.
If these concepts are new to you, I highly encourage you to read my book, as it lays the foundation for understanding how we got to where we are today. Once you grasp that, much of this will begin to make sense. I also have a wealth of archived articles on the mind, so feel free to explore those as well.
Please note, that you must become a paid subscriber to access these archvied articles.
Once again, thank you for your time and attention. I hope you have a wonderful day. Ashe.
Franklin O’Kanu — The Alchemik Pharmacist
There is evidence that the mind is holographic, is outside of the brain, but uses the brain as an interface with our physical bodies. A hologram can hold immense amounts of information. When one part is cut out it retains the whole of the hologram, which may explain why when rats are trained to run a maze and have parts of their brains removed they can still perform. This is an article from the Epoch Times that describes people who have hydrocephalus, have very little brain matter, but have normal, or above normal cognition. I hope the article isn't behind a pay wall.
The Universe is One Divine Mind playing all characters to discover Its endless possibilities
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