I really like how you question everything. Everything.

We are controlled through language. Just take the word history for example. History = his story. Define a word differently, such as gay, and afterwards people assign a different meaning to it. What changed? The mind. The perception. The story behind the meaning.

The new meaning involves repetition until the new definition becomes the new reality.

Zeitgeist was a real wake up call for many. Religion is made up of stories. Lots of stories. Conflicting stories. Peaceful stories. Violent stories. Essentially, religion exists to tell stories to change behavior.

Language exists to change behavior. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that most things we do and think are for the purpose of changing behavior. So, we might ask ourselves, qui bono? Who benefits from changing behavior?

As humans, we are social animals, and as such, we form hierarchies. Hierarchies can sort levels of skill, power levels, etc. and can be observed and experienced in many parts of society, in many different forms. We even have a symbol that connotes hierarchy. The pyramid. It’s even on our one dollar Federal Reserve Note. Another one can be a religious figure, or an image of a religious figure.

So, who is on top of the hierarchy? That depends on which hierarchy one focuses on.

Since religious beliefs form around the idea of (usually) a central deity, where did that idea originate? Linguistically, all ideas of a god or gods can be traced to stars (our sun), the moon, and planets. No one has, so far, traced any mention of god-beings prior to the “heavenly bodies” in our solar system.

Today, most religions focus on a human-like deity. The explanation is too lengthy for this response here.

Part of the shift involves oral history into written history. Oral stories about creation were passed down generation after generation and were told precisely to audiences who were familiar with the story and could and would correct the storyteller if they changed the story.

Once stories were written, people could share stories far and wide as they traveled to different populations to share their stories. They no longer had an audience to correct any variations in the official story.

So, how long has history been written and rewritten? How long have people been telling stories?

Back to the present, we have a lot of media and a lot of storytelling and storytellers. If anyone believes that everyone is telling the truth about history when, through contemporary media, we can see and hear stories, changes in stories, and disappearance of stories to change behavior in ways we are unlikely even aware of, one has to be very naive at best.

It’s in the questions that bring us different information and new solutions. Learn how to ask the right questions to get the answers you seek.

Question everything.

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If the news is fake, imagine how fake history is. —Yuri Bezmenov (Substack Author)

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On 9/11 I watched WTC towers collapse on the TV in my hotel room in San Diego. The story we were told is that jet planes hit the towers and they collapsed from the heat of the fires. I intuitively knew that day that the story did not add up. Perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage.

I did not at that time believe the government would lie to us, and that the FBI would in time get to the bottom of what happened and we would know the truth of the matter. I was naive. I know better now.

When I first saw the Zeitgeist movie, I immediately knew the truth had finally come to light. I later read The Trigger by David Icke and learned who was behind the cover up. It was the FBI. The FBI prevented David Icke and Christopher Bollyn from doing any investigative journalism.

I was raised a Christian, and schooled in Christian ethics and morality. It was not till later that I learned of the Talmud and discovered there are those who follow the Talmud that practice the opposite of morality, at least with regard to gentiles. They are behind most of the problems we experience in society today. They control the banks and therefore the money. They control Hollywood, and the media. They influence our politicians via their lobbying organizations. And now we are learning that they make up the NGOs that are behind housing, feeding and funding the immigrant problem.

The new documentary titled Treason is coming out later this year.


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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Excellent Franklin. I was near there when it happened and much Truth came out initially. I knew the official narrative was BS by 6 pm on 911. Have researched it extensively since then.

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Ha. Saw commercials for a new movie last night —Fly Me To The Moon—about a plan to fake the first moon landing “just in case”. A Plan B so to speak. Looks like a comedy. 🤔. Watched “American Moon”. Wasn’t a comedy but pretty convincing IMO. Did we or didn’t we?

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Great analysis Franklin, broad-minded and analytical thinking. It took me 4 years and help from friends to understand the events of 11 September were staged. If you have not heard of Christopher Bollyn, you should check him out. Best examination of 911 ever.

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I always keep one thing in mind with regards to history, history is written by the victors; I've come to believe that almost all the history I've been taught is complete garbage. We have no way of verifying the truth and are taught to rely upon "experts" to tell us the truth; based upon the lies of the government how can one trust them to tell the truth about anything? Any credibility "experts" may have had is long gone and anyone who claims to be an "expert" I laugh at because I know they are nothing but liars. This is one of the reasons I don't understand how people think the bible is the word of god, how could it be when it was literally put together by Constantine's government at the council of Nicene around 325 AD. Knowing what we know about our current governments would anyone believe a bible they put together is the word of god(actually there are probably more that would than I like to believe).

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My non-denominational female bible study group is starting back in in September. We are studying Revelations. I am a bit reluctant to just use the biblical interpretation. Any other sources you could provide? I found one that said Apocalypse is not the end of the world, but a new beginning of a new age. I like that one better!

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What part of the holocaust should we be questioning? The existence of the extermination camps? The number of Jews killed?

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All of it. Is the holocaust off limits? Why? It is very difficult to investigate because to even question it marks you as a supporter of Hitler, which is ridiculous. If you are not allowed to question an event it is likely that information is being hidden. Question everything. Commit to being agnostic until you have the evidence. Don't be afraid to let, "I don't know. All I know is what I have been told. I haven't done enough research to comment on it." be your answer, because for many things it is the truth.

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It is easy to question something that happened 200 years ago but with holocaust we still have living survivors of the extermination camps. We have their stories. Please visit yad va shem museum in Jerusalem.

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I understand. I visited the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. I also saw the Apollo moon lander replica at the Smithsonian. There are also people who worked on the Apollo missions, and witnessed the jets hit the towers on 9/11. I'm not saying the Germans didn't put people in concentration camps, just like I'm not saying no one died on 9/11 or we didn't launch rockets. All I am saying is that everything should be open to investigations and questioning. I haven't studied the holocaust. All I can say is I have heard conflicting stories. I don't know what the truth is.

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Looks like I'll be busy for a bit. I'll comment after more reading.

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