The Big Three: How False Flags Shape Our Collective Reality, Part 3
Locking Down the World for a Virus With a 99% Survivability Rate… If You Can Believe That
Welcome to the three-part analysis of The Big Three: How False Flags Shape Our Collective Reality. This is Part II of three. You can find Part I here and Part II here.
As a millennial growing up, I recall, as a child, seeing on the news the threats of the anthrax virus. Essentially, we had to be careful opening the mail because this deadly virus could spread and kill people.
All in all, there were five deaths from “anthrax,” but following 9/11, tensions were somewhat high, but they later disseminated.
Following the anthrax scare, I recall there being different virus outbreaks that would occur here and there: SARS (2003), MERS (2012), H1N1/Swine flu (2009), and recurring Influenza outbreaks (ongoing annually), etc. However, I do not remember a mass pandemonium regarding these breakouts.
Anthrax had a strong reaction as that was after 9/11, but the others were simply nothing to cry home about. The media made a big deal of these viral spreads, but — as far as I can remember — no one cared, and everyone went about their day.
That was until the COVID-19 pandemic that we took viral diseases seriously.
I remember in the early months of 2020, as the pandemic began to spread from China and there were talks of it coming to the United States, in a group text of mine, anxiety began to spread into our conversations. During one of the discussions about this new virus, one of the individuals made the following comment:
“Relax guys. This is the same virus shenanigans that they would talk about when we were kids.”
That’s what I thought so as well. Granted, we were no longer kids but now adults with families of our own, but at the same time, this is the same viral shenanigans the media has always talked about.
But this time, it was different.
Unfortunately for me and the individual who made that comment, we were in the minority as fear and tension began to spread in the states. Once the virus made landfall, all fear broke loose. Mandates, lockdowns, the whole galore took place — mind you, for a virus with a 99% survivability rate.
In this last installment of the Big Three False Flags, we’re not going to point out the glaring apparent fallacies within the pandemic, such as:
PCR Tests that were suddenly approved for COVID testing when 1) they weren’t to be used in that way or 2) they can be manipulated to show positive or negative status. Or,
How masking was a requirement, even though the proposed virus was small enough to slip through the masks, and how the masks themselves made people sicker.
No, we’re not going to talk about the fallacies of the pandemic because, for the most part, everyone knows — even the mainstream followers — that this was blown out of proportion. No, today, what we are going to discuss is why this virus campaign was so effective.
In this article, we are going to examine:
The Impact of trusting authorities and how this obedience is formed over the years,
How the media, specifically social media, amplified this outbreak out of proportion,
And the ability to look behind the scenes to think for ourselves when it comes to topics we may not be familiar with (i.e., health),
Since we’ve explored the first two false flags, the moon landing and 9/11, we’ll be able to see some of the same elements repeatedly. However, what makes the COVID-19 pandemic so important is that it shows how easily the population could be swayed into servitude. This aspect must be discussed in our analysis of false flags.
So please sit back, relax, and let’s dive in.
Trained To Be Obedient
One of the most significant pieces of awakening to the reality of our world is to understand public education has a role in society. Most think it serves the role of educating members of society, but as I discussed in my book, society’s intellect actually decreases when public education is in the mix.
This is because public education does not serve to make individuals brighter; it serves to indoctrinate the mind. See my article on the origins of education.
Through his work, the late great John Taylor Gatto has shown that the average individual can pick up learning instantaneously if the information is presented in an approach that allows the system to play, learn, and interact with the information.
For example, we take a driving test once and never have to learn how to drive again because we engage in the act daily. By replacing interaction with repetition, there is no involvement in the learning process but rather regurgitation.
Our modern school systems are not created for learning but for regurgitation.
This is a key factor for an obedient society: one that regurgitates rather than thinks for themselves.
Since we are not able to think for ourselves, what we are told to do is “trust the experts.” As we’ve gone through the education system, our teachers have provided us with information and direction on how the day should go. In this learning format, the child, who becomes an adult, is primed to only look for direction from teachers and, as adults, to look for direction from authority figures.
We don’t think for ourselves. Instead, we “trust the experts.”
This mode of thinking applies to so many different disciplines, but it reigns the strongest when it comes to anything regarding health. Instead of learning about our body, we’ve been instructed that the experts, the doctors, scientists, etc., know what they’re doing, and we should listen to them. After all, did you go to school for all those years?
This blind trust in an adult population makes it easy for adults to align with whatever the health authorities have mentioned. Instead of researching for oneself, the years of programming have made it so that one doesn’t think for themselves but rather — spits out the same information the authorities have provided. Regurgitating Automatons.
What also occurs is that we have the rise of the “fake intellectual.” The individual who knows precisely what the authorities have to say, supports it wholeheartedly, but expects you to also. These individuals become “messengers of the authority,” intellects in their own regard, as they regurgitate the information from the mouthpiece.
With a society that hasn’t learned to think for themselves, one that obeys what’s told to them, one that blindly trusts the experts, this society can be swayed to believe in anything, from dinosaurs to unicorns.
But don’t take my word for it. Take English Philosopher Bertrand Russell’s own words for it. In my article They Would Never Do That, he says:
It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black…
We’ve been trained to be obedient since childhood. So when they want to ramp up their mandates and policies, that programming is already in us, lying dormant, waiting for them to play the right tunes and keys, to awaken that regurgitating automaton.
All that’s needed now is to turn on that automaton. All that’s required is the proper programming. And here is where media comes into play — as we’ve seen with the other false flags.
For the pandemic, a new type of media was needed. To achieve totalitarian control like never before, one that gripped the entire world, a more effective media was required, one the world had never seen before.
Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to: Social Media.
The New Media At Work
In 2017, the social media app TikToc was launched by the Chinese company ByteDance. In 2018, following its merger with the app, TikTok became mainstream in the U.S., combining user bases and rapidly increasing its popularity in the U.S.
It’s essential to understand the growth of social media because when I was a child, the only media source was the TV. As my generation became adults, we were no longer dependent on the television for news; we became dependent on social media apps to deliver our news.
In 2018, according to Pew Research, approximately 68% of U.S. adults reported getting news on social media sites, with 20% indicating they did so “often.”
In 2020, just two years, we see an expansion to where about half of U.S. adults (53%) said they get news from social media “often” or “sometimes.”
The key here isn’t that adults aren’t watching the news on social media; it’s that they are getting information about the world in bite-sized snippets and making their perspective of reality. In my article, 3 Key Methods to Decode Official, Conspiracy, and Unorthodox Narratives, we read:
Information can be seen as silver, a conductor between our present and future realities. Just like silver, it can be pure or debased.
With many individuals viewing reality through an app, the information needed to create their future reality became very debased. In the years leading up to the pandemic, we see social media prepared to prime the population.
From 2019 to 2020, TikTok saw explosive growth in the U.S., becoming a cultural phenomenon. It gained traction across various demographics due to its short-form videos and algorithm-driven content discovery.
Between January and March 2020, TikTok’s U.S. unique visitors increased by 48.3%, adding over 12 million new visitors and reaching 52.2 million.
In March 2020, U.S. visitors spent an average of 858 minutes (14 hours and 18 minutes) on TikTok, marking a 26.2% increase from January 2020.
By April 2020, videos tagged with #Coronavirus had amassed approximately 68 billion views, indicating the platform’s role in disseminating information and personal experiences related to the pandemic.
TikTok was why the masses were more scared and crazy about this viral pandemic than the others.
Unlike traditional media, TikTok’s algorithm thrived on sensationalism, ensuring videos of body bags and overwhelmed hospitals dominated feeds. With millions receiving the news from social media, all they saw were the bodies in early 2020. They saw body bags from China, New York, and many more. What they saw on their cell phones was carnage and death. What they saw was the horror of 9/11 all over again.
And they spread those videos.
They spread those videos to Facebook, Instagram, and more. The mainstream media got on it, too, sharing videos of massacres and death bags due to the pandemic. Fear spread so much that by March 2020, the public was begging for a shutdown.
Soon enough, the lockdowns happened, the mandates started, the ventilators began being used, and slowly but surely, we started to have actual deaths occur. Not deaths due to the virus, but deaths due to seniors being left alone, children committing suicide, and ventilators being used when they weren’t needed.
Read My Article How COVID-19 Protocols Killed Millions Of Americans. In it, I describe:
The use of inexperienced clinicians. Remember how they asked first-year physicians and nurses to help out?
A deeper dive into the ventilator misuse and how they led to more deaths,
And finally, how lockdowns led to more damage than good, separating us from our humanity.
I hope we see, from Part 2 on 9/11, how the images of horror provide cognitive stress, so individuals are more willing to accept the lies. This “virus” had a 99% survivability — they were throwing it in our faces, almost like it did not exist — but the masses accepted the lie without questioning it, hence the lockdowns and what followed.
The COVID-19 virus wasn’t deadly at all. It was said that it had a 99% survivability rate. Yet, hundreds of thousands died during the pandemic years.
The only things that went viral were the fear and pandemonium. To think there was a deadly virus at that time? Ha — if you can believe that.
Questioning The Experts
Fortunately, not all of us are blind following automatons. Within every one of us is a rebellious spirit and a sense of true intellectualism that looks to ask why. Fortunately, some are stronger in this sense than others, and these individuals are looking to start asking questions.
Many aspects of the pandemic gave individuals pause for concern and reflection. Any one of these was enough to prompt questioning and critical thinking, including:
A virus—with a 99% survivability rate —was spreading worldwide.
To “stop the spread,” masks were needed to be worn.
On top of that, we needed to lockdown societies, stay six feet apart, and more.
The cherry on top is that we needed to take the first released mRNA vaccine for protection.
I’ve discussed most of these bullet points in my work here on Unorthodoxy, but the most critical bullet that all these bullets are built upon is: A virus — with a 99% survivability — was spreading worldwide.
Two things need to be discussed here, and once realized, it blows the whole charade away. First, it’s 99% survivability, so why is there an excessive need for anything like mandates? Second, what is a virus anyway?
Now granted, most have not looked into virology, so they still believe in the concept of a virus, but other signs become glaringly alarming. Let’s remember, this was a virus with a 99% survivability.
This was my alarm bell. Why are we doing all of this for something that we will all survive? Why risk severe adverse effects from a new technology you will most likely survive from — especially if you have “natural immunology1.”
All in all, there was significant pushback against these experts and their mandates. People began to finally question the science, so much so that mandates and policies were revoked due to the pushback.
Check out my article on how I beat the vaccine mandates with a religious exemption, where I discuss:
How you have rights and these rights can protect you against any mandate,
You must show how you’re living your philosophy; tangible evidence must support your stance.
As people pushed back against the totalitarian regimes, a deeper dive into the history of virology — the second question — began.
Without the pandemic, we probably would not have even questioned what a virus was. I wholeheartedly thought that the virus was due to the Wuhan lab until the germ vs terrain theory came on my radar.
From there came the research into virology, thanks to many individuals who’ve poked holes in this ideology. Just as I did my research on dinosaurs, evolution, level earth, and more, others do their work on virology and can break down this religious tenet of scientism.
Once we were able to think for ourselves and question the narrative of the virus, we began to see the whole facade crumble.
Questioning the narrative is key to understanding the big three false flags.
At the heart of these false flags lies a simple truth: belief drives control. From the moon landing to 9/11 to the pandemic, narratives were crafted to exploit deeply held assumptions.
For the moon landing, it was the belief in travel in space that allowed us to think we could go to the moon,
For 9/11, it was the belief that deadly terrorists exist and that attack was successfully achieved,
And for the pandemic, it was that a virus exists that is so deadly that all kinds of precautions must be taken.
When we break down these narratives, the fallacies become evident:
For the moon landing, there is no scientific evidence of travel beyond a firmament—only theories.
For 9/11, most terrorists are U.S.-made for false flag operations, and pulling off the attack as depicted is highly improbable.
For the pandemic, if a virus has a 99% survivability rate, then its lethality is questionable. And fun fact: viruses don’t exist.
However, it’s the belief in these tenets that gives them viability. When they have viability, the media then does the rest with its spread of debased information:
For the moon landing, the repeated videos and movies depicting space travel as accurate, and writing the history books,
With 9/11, the repeated images of horror provided cognitive stress to where individuals don’t think twice about the pictures they’re seeing,
Last but not least, the pandemic, with a combination of the two: movies and shows priming the audience for such an event and spreading crisis-actored images2 of those events.
Let’s not forget: the television “tells-lies-to-your-vision.”
To close, it’s the belief that sets up these false flags. The more we question these narratives when these events happen, the more we can recognize a false flag when it occurs and can awaken those around us.
The good news is that with the advent of social media — and with platforms like Substack — we can use the power of media to our advantage.
I hope you all enjoyed this three-part analysis of what I call the biggest false flags that have shaped the course of humanity. As a bonus, I’m writing one more article on what I think the next biggest false flag is. This article will be a paid subscriber article, and I’m looking forward to your thoughts on pinpointing the next false flag.
As always, thank you for the time and attention — and have a great and wonderful day.
Franklin O’Kanu
Articles on Viruses and Virology
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Notes and References
Natural immunity, when proven by a positive test, falls under the charade of the PCR tests. See how narratives upon narratives build upon each other?
There needs to be a study on the images shown on TV or social media to confirm how many are authentic vs. images from crisis events.
Perfect timing for this series as it appears that we have entered false flag season. From the drones, the fog, and the ‘terrorist attacks’ we can be sure they are only just getting started. The new ‘virus’ in China is the current hoopla making the rounds. I didn’t mask or lockdown the last time and I dang sure won’t do it this time. What I will do different this time is that I’m not keeping my mouth shut. I plan to boldly tell everyone I encounter about the fraud hoping to make at least one person brave enough to also speak up. If we all resist they can’t win.
Franklin, here is a pdf of my "False flag" book about the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013. Not only is the patsy on Death Row (Biden bypassed him the other day), the court did a perfect job of covering up all the exculpatory evidence. Really, they are perfectionists at it: