Great article Franklin! Rudolf Steiner was a prophet of the modern age and was there to help usher in the era that is coming, one in which the nature of humans as spiritual beings will be at the forefront of society. How? He is helping to expose the extreme levels of conditioning that we've all been put through from the time we pop out of the womb(along with his warnings on vaccines). Lately I've been thinking about the nature of thoughts and from where they come, why and how do thoughts enter our mind. Our brains are essentially like radio receivers, depending upon how "tuned" you are you will then pickup ideas, images, words, from the collective consciousness(or the ether using your parlance) and believe that it is your own thought. As each of us has our own unique "radio" in our heads thoughts do not occur in all minds, it is up to each individual to learn how to tune themselves to the right frequency in order to receive what would be considered "clear thoughts" and not ones that are distorted/twisted. I think this is from where a lot of what is considered to be mental illness comes, people whose minds have been warped by indoctrination, electronics, religion, or alcohol/drugs will show signs of having a mind that is no longer capable of receiving clear thoughts. People who are extremely tuned to the frequency will most likely show signs of schizophrenia as they receive so much info from the ether they essentially break from objective reality, they can no longer determine which thoughts are theirs and which are not. I used to compare my mind to that of a radio as it seemed that no matter what I had some type of crazy thought train running through my mind. By using meditation, plant medicine, and binaural beats I have learned to become a master of my mind/thoughts, I only tune into the ether when I choose to do so, it no longer comes through unless it is my choice.

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Aug 8Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

like an electron in orbit is the source of light, words are the source of schizophrenia.

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Fully concur with your response. May I inquire as to what plant meds you utilize and more importantly how you use and benefit from binaural beats. It's been on my list to delve into for some time. I train on the periphery of the ultra distance world and once attempted to immerse into beats while at cruising speeds for hour after hour. I didn't really have a good source of how and optimal use.

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I mainly use DMT due to having a 2 year old but I microdose shrooms regularly, and drop acid 1-2 times per year. I listen to binaural beats via YouTube, hate using them but only place I can find good beats. Check out lovemotive meditation music on YouTube, guy that creates them definitely knows what he’s doing. You can listen to beats that are for astral travel, produce DMT in your brain, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

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My man! Dude, thanks so much for taking the time out to write up this response! I first found out about Steiner right when COVID happened and Dr. Thomas Cowan quoted him in his speech on electromagnetic frequencies. Dude, his statement on vaccines and babies opened my eyes in so many ways – it was prophetic.

Regarding your comments on thoughts and a radio, you’re 100% spot on as well. Steiner touched on it and I’ve written a few articles on it (let me know if you need help getting to them – I have them all over the place), but yep, you’re 100% spot on! Due to the frequencies and “dirty electricity” everywhere, we have all these “thoughts” in our heads – but we don’ t know how to tell the difference so we think they’re all ours and like you said, have these mental disorders. Our minds have been wrapped by so many ideologies that that’s where we need to start first – reclaiming our mind.

I also have a 2 year old so we’re on the same page there! I’m a fan of plants and support the microdose as it provides just enough to function in mainstream world, but to gleam those subtle spiritual insights as needed. Definitely experienced with binaural beats as well so we’re definitely on the same wavelengths.

Thanks again for taking the time out to share your thoughts man! Greatly appreciated!

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Thank you sir, love substack for this exact reason, helps like minded critical thinkers find one another in these crazy days. Have you read any books by Kingsley Dennis? Found Steiner through reading his articles on the waking times website. He’s a fantastic source for information on the quantum physics of the Akashic fields and has written numerous books on that topic. He has a substack as well, check him out as I bet you’ll dig his work. Having a 2 year old is a lot of work but well worth it, enjoy as much time with yours as you can brother!

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We operate under so many false paradigms!

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So many! It can be taxing! But the good news is, once you see how this is false and that is false, you start to see how all of these are false and begin to tear them down. And then, after all that tearing down, we can see the beauty in life for what it really is :) -- and why they try so hard to hide it from us.

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I truly appreciate the choices you use and the methodology of your delivery, because it's not a ride for everyone. I've read much over the years about the those assigned historical feats and as you mentioned, once you see through the facade it becomes obvious that this path is the only true exploration of the realm. I'm interested in your ideas on a previous world wide civilization with much evidence and infrastructure still used today. I ordered your book well over 2 months ago, but have yet break the bonds of busy to immerse. Is there mention there?

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Hey man! No worries - the bonds of busy are here exactly for that, so no worries at all!

I do not discuss a previous world wide civilization in my book, because, honestly I haven't looked too much into. The closest I've looked into it is like Mud Flood which showed me the new history of the 1800s onward which is what tipped me to industrialization and that is where i focused from.

That being said, man, i'd need a lot of time to dive into old world and the one thing that keeps me away from it is I just don't know how much of that would be real or not. I'm familiar with Project BlueBeam and as I remember, one of its missions was to instill a fake history timeline. So when I hear things like Tartaria, I can't necessarily dispute if its a Project Bluebeam timeline or not, but, specificially Tartaria, it sounds fishy to me -- then again, look at the topics I discuss haha

Now (sorry for this being so long), I do think old civilizations exists and I do see their technologies everywhere. From star forges and more, there was definitely tech being used, so there definitely is something here. I need to watch more Michelle GIbson videos because she's introduced me into this stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwLsu5-ynpU

Definitely a longer response, but let me know your thoughts!

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Aug 8Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Nice one Franklin. A great read.

Tesla thought of relativity as a "beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a king" and "a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even common sense".

...taken from the 'Tesla's interest in anti-gravity.pdf' in the Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive.

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My man! Thanks for this share! I gotta get some time to read and dive into Tesla's work but he's a great example of what could occur when we mix spirituality and our technology!

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Aug 8Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Wonderful Exposure of Truth Franklin - Thank you! A very close friend explained this to me about this 20 years ago but I never saw anything else on it until now.

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glad you enjoyed it sir! glad to see the lesson come back around years later!

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I believe because you are inside the Gnostic Truth!

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Aug 8Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Great information and discussion. There is more that man does not know than what he does know. Peace, out. 🙏

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100% agree Richard! More we don't know than we know!

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Einstein admitted, and modern physicists even admit, that they cannot detect that the earth is moving and by all means of measurement the Earth appears to be at the center of the universe (or the apparent universe, the stars of which are not trillions of miles away). Einstein created his special theory of relativity to account for that fact. There is a great video by Austin Witsit ( https://www.youtube.com/@Witsit ) where he displays dozens of quotes by physicists who admit that they simply rely upon the Copernican Principle that the Earth cannot hold a special place in the universe, therefore it is not the center of the universe. That is their proof: a religious supposition. Unfortunately, I cannot find the video in his Relatively Speaking playlist, but the entire playlist is full of information that is really good. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoeKBeKeoPx4ASWZ9nQiBxLJUFzAz6Tpg

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Einstein was a bandit of ideas and a liar. He didn't invent the concept of aether, and he wasn't the first to abandon the concept. Let't get that out of the way.

Light exists, we all see it. Light is energy, which we all can feel walking under the bright sun.

sound travels through air. We can't see either, but we hear sound and we feel air when the air flows and we call it wind. Sound travels through air when it's flowing.

light travels through aether. We see light, but we can't see aether. We can't experience the flow or turbulence or any physical manifestation of aether. Michelson-Morley found no evidence of aether. Aether has never been measured by any experiment. Would be strange indeed if sustaining electro-magnetic energy were the only property of aether, that aether by itself couldn't move, flow, or sustain currents. Look at all the properties of air, moves, it can be hot or cold, it can be removed from chamber, it can support clouds, it can smell bad, it carries the fragrance of flowers -- air has many properties beyond carrying sound. Should not aether have other properties beyond carrying light?

It is odd to me that "spiritual" people need a medium to carry spirits in. Like trying to measure the weight of the soul by measuring the weight of a body just before and after death. Spirits are invisible, and I mean invisible by every method known to man and knowable by man.

If aether has no physical properties beyond "carrying light" then why not say light carries itself? I time changing electric field creates a time changing magnetic field which creates a time changing electric field. Time changing electric and magnetic fields are each others source.

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Hey John, I understand Michelson-Morely did find the ether and here's why:

"Despite the overall null result, Michelson noted that the experiment detected a small effect that was only 1/6 of what was expected if the Earth were moving through the ether at the expected velocity. This small detection suggested that space might still be composed of something substantive. The small presence of ether detected was measured by the degree of shift in the interference pattern, which was much smaller than expected."

To your comment to we "see" light, It's been said that only 1% of light is visible and the other 99% is not-visbible by human eyes, but only with technologies, like x-rays, etc.

This is the same as the ether -- slightly measured, but relatively un-captuerd (if that's a word).

let me know your thoughts!

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Space and time are substantive because they can form waves that carry energy. No need to add mysterious aether, space and time are mysterious enough, for me anyways.

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I am very much looking forward to this series, Franklin. Thanks!

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Author if you have an open mind I can expand on his magic and explain the double slit which with the answer answers more QP and gives framework to tarski

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That was mind, body, spirit dazzling me beyond why the Albert Einstein theory of relativity was so bling bling and illusive at best. Nobody was intrigued to provoke and explore the other scientific research and data further into the ether relevancy.

That is why State and Religion are separated and considered by enforced government consider irrelevant to universe, science, and religion matters.

Thank you for keeping the mind of your readers engaged and attentive by ultimate demand.

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I remember as a young child my parents always referring to the “ether”.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m sure I once read that it was on the periodic table, but was removed?

As far as Einstein and his works go, he was a plagiarist and a liar. Tesla did not have anything good to say about him.

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Bobby! Thanks for the share! This is one of many favorite article that Alex has written (I think I have this saved for reference!) Glad to see where both on the same page! Alex's work is what really made me dig into the Ether and his work inspired the following series: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-esoteric-philosophy-is-vital

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