Currently trying to help and emotionally support/inspire 20-somethings who are convinced they don't deserve to live-that is how powerful the biohacking is. No matter where they look the message is they don't measure up and never will. I sent this in hopes it saves a life. At 59 I still.struggle with finding purpose and actively reject the trappings of technology and corporatocracy to the degree I can (moved to the side of a mountain) but if I were in my youth the desperation to find meaning and purpose and okayness would be debilitating. Independence is not rewarded- herd following is belonging. And this generation can't begin to afford any form of (safe/med free) therapycounseling.

Tragic really. Breaks my heart.

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Lucy! I pinned this comment because it described exactly what's happening in our society today. I'm a millennial in my 30s w/ siblings in the GenZ who are in their 20s. Everyone of us is having this same feel of worthlessness and despair. Even at 59 years young, you have those feelings as well.

It was this feeling that made me look around and question, "wait, I don't think this is normal - I really don't think humanity is supposed to wallow in depression." That's what prompted me to look at just how society was formed and long story short, I wrote my book and ultimately this substack: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-history-of-you-a-book-that-connects

Nihilism is the word that comes to mind and this is when we strip the spirituality from our existence. We're human beings and we've been spiritual ever since our conception and only in the last 200 years did humanity stop living spirituality, thanks to what I call "scientism." Scientism created the world of the last century and so we're born into this world not knowing who we really at at our core, and we walk helplessness in life trying to figure that out.

But thankfully, there's hope. Thanks to people like yourself who are shedding and shining that light, we somehow, someway bring back the spirituality to our life and others. That's what I'm hoping to do as well and in somehow some way, I find my purpose in life.

I've written about purpose before and I'll revisit it again, but I honestly think that we all have a purpose and that purpose involves helping one another in such a way that we receive value in the form of compensation for it. A society functioning like this has no need for corporations and only thrives on the human compassion for each other: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-find-your-lifes-purpose-in

Thanks again for sharing this comment! Greatly appreciated!

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Great comments. Thank you for YOU. I love your stack. And if you ever leave to publish elsewhere please let us know how/where to find you.

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Ditto from me! This was a welcome find today!! ✨🌟🌍🕊️

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I loved reading this and feel honored to be mentioned. I’m also very inspired by Steiner’s work and continue to go back to it. Thank you for this piece. 🙏

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Thank You Dr. Matluck for writing the work that inspired this piece. Funny story, when I first came across your page, I thought to myself, "hmm, wonder if she knows of Steiner's work" because your work was very similar to his! Glad we've connected and looking forward to more great work from both of us!

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Sep 17Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

Very good and blessed, Franklin. Thank you for the (for me) timely essay.

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Thank you Sir! And no worries, this message was for me too man. We definitely need to have some grace on ourselves because this society has set us up to fail before we even began

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Sep 17Liked by Franklin O'Kanu

This article was exactly what I needed today. Thank you.

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You’re more than welcome! 🙏🏾 glad this came on time!

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Are You familiar with Mindcurology? I have been using the techniques and seeing some pretty amazing results! Thought I would share, given Your discussion of health and wellbeing:

Mindcurology" https://maxsmindheal.substack.com/

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