Judaism is not a righteous religion. They have no God, no hereafter, no morality. They are their own Gods on earth. Has not history of the Jews shown us what they are? What they have done and what they continue to do to this very day? That is only made possible by those who have no God, no fear, no beliefs, no love and no humanity to do right unto others.
I believe t's the biggest lie and obstacle to our freedom and happiness on earth at the moment....they were never our friends. All the wars are their creations to kill us and take control of nations.
Franklin, this is such a powerful reflection! I really appreciate how you’ve highlighted the importance of discernment and the ability to distinguish between fear-based doctrines and genuine spiritual growth. As we discussed in our podcast interview, (dropping next month!) critical thinking is a spiritual gift—it’s not just about questioning, but about nurturing our ability to think clearly, challenge assumptions, and seek truth in a way that aligns with love and purpose.
Your point about the fear-driven nature of some religious systems really resonates with me. It’s easy to fall into a trap where ‘right and wrong’ are defined by rigid boundaries rather than internal discernment and personal growth. The process of questioning our beliefs and expanding our perspectives is essential for spiritual evolution. It requires courage, humility, and a commitment to truth, which is something you touch on so well here.
I’m excited to see where you take this conversation, especially with your series on esoteric philosophy. Looking forward to diving deeper into these ideas!
You might want to look at the work of Neville Goddard, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Htd-wjSl0&list=PLv7EWeugY8-MgowJfPis0uL23CiC-Rfp8&index=1. and also read this, https://archive.org/details/godmanwordmadefl00carerich/page/10/mode/2up. The bible has been misinterpreted in so many ways. I grew up orthodox jewish and we were not taught that the hebrew language was not a spoken language, but one where the letters had an allegorical meaning. Nothing is to be taken literally. We were taught that it is not literal but then we practice male genital mutilation. Sin is basically thinking bad thoughts, speaking bad language, because these are energy and can be manifested in the 3-D. We only hurt ourselves when we don't practice the Word. That is what dis-ease is.
Judaism is not a righteous religion. They have no God, no hereafter, no morality. They are their own Gods on earth. Has not history of the Jews shown us what they are? What they have done and what they continue to do to this very day? That is only made possible by those who have no God, no fear, no beliefs, no love and no humanity to do right unto others.
I believe t's the biggest lie and obstacle to our freedom and happiness on earth at the moment....they were never our friends. All the wars are their creations to kill us and take control of nations.
Franklin, this is such a powerful reflection! I really appreciate how you’ve highlighted the importance of discernment and the ability to distinguish between fear-based doctrines and genuine spiritual growth. As we discussed in our podcast interview, (dropping next month!) critical thinking is a spiritual gift—it’s not just about questioning, but about nurturing our ability to think clearly, challenge assumptions, and seek truth in a way that aligns with love and purpose.
Your point about the fear-driven nature of some religious systems really resonates with me. It’s easy to fall into a trap where ‘right and wrong’ are defined by rigid boundaries rather than internal discernment and personal growth. The process of questioning our beliefs and expanding our perspectives is essential for spiritual evolution. It requires courage, humility, and a commitment to truth, which is something you touch on so well here.
I’m excited to see where you take this conversation, especially with your series on esoteric philosophy. Looking forward to diving deeper into these ideas!
What a load of New Age word salad malarkey.
You might want to look at the work of Neville Goddard, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Htd-wjSl0&list=PLv7EWeugY8-MgowJfPis0uL23CiC-Rfp8&index=1. and also read this, https://archive.org/details/godmanwordmadefl00carerich/page/10/mode/2up. The bible has been misinterpreted in so many ways. I grew up orthodox jewish and we were not taught that the hebrew language was not a spoken language, but one where the letters had an allegorical meaning. Nothing is to be taken literally. We were taught that it is not literal but then we practice male genital mutilation. Sin is basically thinking bad thoughts, speaking bad language, because these are energy and can be manifested in the 3-D. We only hurt ourselves when we don't practice the Word. That is what dis-ease is.
An. Why an Open Perspective is Critical. :)