Thank you for this nudge to do something I should have been doing for a while. Journaling about this wondrous Spiritual awakening I’ve had/am having listing all of the miracles I’ve been given. I think I’ll call my my Blessings Book. This past year has been unbelievable so far as all of the physical ways the Spirit has shown me the presence of God in my life. Seriously. It’s unbelievable. When I tell people about them I can see the distrust in their eyes and feel the shift as they choose not to believe me. Funny how that works- how a person will believe some ludicrous notion pushed by msm (like masks are for health or elections are real) but they won’t believe a person when they tell about a miracle they’ve experienced. I have had such an incredible Spiritual journey full of visions, healings, knowings, and literal ‘uploads’ of info. I have shared all of these things with my husband who has witnessed many of these things himself but I didn’t write them down. I ashamed about that! How rude of me to have divine intervention and not to write it down, preserving the memory forever. If I had documented these amazing things as they happened maybe I wouldn’t sound as crazy when I am telling about them. Would they believe me if I could go to my book and recount them as they happened as opposed to rattling off things from memory? Maybe. Or, is it that most people don’t truly believe in divine intervention? If people understood gifts of the Spirit then they would maybe at least consider my unbelievable stories. Instead, it’s as if my telling about these things sets off an annoyance (or some similar energy) in most people and they make a choice not to believe me. I watch it on their face and feel the shift in their energy. I am curious about this. Why do some of us get it while others just don’t? Are some of us chosen while others are not? What makes us different from the ‘sleepers in the cave’? I have always had an ability to see bullshit for what it was, even as a child. I’m sure you can imagine how this didn’t go over so well with the adults who always seem to lie. Why do people lie so much? Most people live in so many lies that they can’t stand to be around a person who lives in truth. I have always been different and didn't understand it when I was young. I learned quickly that almost all adults lie and they have no tolerance for some big mouthed kid calling them out. You’d think that would have made me keep my mouth shut. It didn’t. So I wonder… what made some of us immune to their tricks and mind control? It’s as if we were placed ‘in the cave’ without chains just to see what we’d do. What do you think?

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Tammi, as always, I look forward to your comments! Here are my thoughts!

I too have wondered, "wait is it just me who sees this and no one else? like how don't you guys see it?" --- Then, i've wondered, "alright maybe it IS me, maybe I'm crazy." --- But when I explain it to someone else, they THEN begin to see it, and i'm like, "wait, so its NOT me, you guys see this too but eventually it takes you some time huh?" The questions then goes back to why do we (like me and you and others) see it more clearly and faster than before? Before I answer, I have to give a preface.

I've come to the realization that there's A LOT OF things our human minds can't comprehend, however, I don't need to comprehend it to "know" that this is the right path or this is the "truth" to something. It's not off of blind faith or whatever, it's like we building off of some logic and fact, and we may not have that missing piece, but we know it's true and have a solid ground to stand upon when asked. So again, I/we don't KNOW anything for a fact, but I/we have a solid credence to stand off on.

That being said, why do we see things faster and better -- and eventually proven right -- than others? I think it goes to the notion that "those who have eyes, see, and those who have ears, hear." I think just some people have just that "bullshit radar" from an earlier age and some don't. This then goes into past-lives theories and reincarnation and "did I come here for a purpose, but i forgot, but slowly am seeing how and what i'm supposed to learn in this life time?' ideas, which have a legitimate leg to stand on as being factual, real, and a part of life. So too w/ synchronicity.

So why do people just "see" things better and faster? Why do people just experience more miracles than others? These are questions beyond my human comprehension, but I must trust that this Divine that we interact with all the time is somehow somwhere at work, and some people were destined to see faster and hear better than others. That being said, that doesn't make one group better than others, in fact, us who see NEED the strength of others who don't. One theory, like your comment stated was that, what if we were born into the cave, but w/o the chains, so that we could related to those born with the chains. Makes me think of Christ's word, "you need to be IN the Earth, but not OF it."

To close, one of my grand theories is that our spirit, souls, are literally experiencing physical, material reality. Carl Jung, two years before he died, (as he was about to leave his physical body), mentioned that in a meditative session, he saw HIMSELF meditating and then realized that THIS, WAS THE REAL HIM. Essentially, HE was having the dream of LIFE and as he was close to passing (my interpretation), he was close to WAKING UP as his true self (row row your boat, life is but a dream -- when you die, you wake). I think that those of us who do see and hear and experience these phenomenon of miracles at a greater frequency might be more in touch with our spiritual sides.

Lastly to close, yes, journal your miracles! I have a voice memo app to whenever anything happens, I make a voice note to capture it! So at least I have it somewhere, vs writing it down (the big ones I make sure to write it down so carving out like 30mins or so, but who has that time right?) But yea, I definietly try to capture them, either via a notes app or a voicenote app! I thought I was silly at first, then I realized that CARL JUNG DID THE SAME THING! And no one things he's crazy lol.

Lastly, lastly to close, this is like the Kali Yuga, or last days, or whatever. The amount of hidden information has no choice but to burst out at the seams! Some of us who are more familiar with the "intuitive" truth almost have an obligation: to help those who don't see, see!

More to come on this topic but thanks as always for an engaging response!

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I thank you BOTH for letting me eavesdrop. You know you both make me feel like I'm actually part of the conversation. What you say (write) here will also be read by others, too. Because my SSDisability budget precludes my being a paid subscriber, I try to write "value added" comments! The likes & replies

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How much wise words !

And asking myself : wouldn’t it be a kind of blindness, or even hubris perhaps, when we plan to change too much ? Or, a contrario : are we ”so bad” that we have to steaghten so many things out ?

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Thanks CocotteMinute! I'd agree that we aren't "that bad" that we have to so much stuff to straighten out! Sure, there's bad habits there and there, but once we change that ONE or TWO things that aligns our life, the rest of things fall into place :)

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and all the more so since choosing what to change will force us to question the most important thing... thank you for your article!

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