Great article. I, too, went to bed last night instead of watching another useless political episode. But, I have a question. How can anyone ever become "debt free" with a system that taxes its citizens?

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Quite so. I shall await a cogent answer some day, too.

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You would simply have a system of equity where the power to create credit is in the hands of the people instead of central banks. Universal community trust is currently working on this system by reverse engineering the fraud committed by banks and their fraudulent mortgages, into a credit based system.

Freedom cannot exist with a centralised banking system and a centralised government.

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Mankind is the ‘living infrastructure’ on this planet; all skills, time and knowledge reside in us; all man-made assets are designed and built by us; we create all demand, supply and spending power.

Faced with mega-corporations funded by billionaires, we must take the opportunity to begin a process of local co-operation to reclaim our ability and power. As we do, we can terminate this nefarious ‘shadow government’ and its global ‘casino markets’ engineered for psychopaths to dominate and manipulate their ‘wage-slaves’.

The Co-op Lab process provides the operational framework wherein we, as the living infrastructure, can enjoy life as we develop our talents and interests locally with others of like-mind - our birds-of-a-feather. As we pool and exchange resources, we access the collective power of co-operation and spending; while guaranteeing demand for and supply of the goods, services, quality, values and lifestyle we produce.

Check out beta test at https://co-oplab.com/ and contact admin@co-oplab.com for discussion and sharing

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This sounds very good, Peter. (I quickly looked at co-op labs, too). I see a lot of white pills, as they say today, not only in Franklin’s post (although anything mentioning the Gnostics is generally rather black pilling, imo) but also in the comments here and elsewhere. Anyway, all best to you.

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Thank you TS, the platform and processes are for local people to co-operate, exchange and barter based on their skills, time, knowledge related to their offers, needs and project proposals. Essentially, Co-op Lab members are co-owners who can collaborate and innovate across like-minded networks, while developing their own apps to support their own local requirements. In effect, a system of hands-on self-education can drive growth through cross-sector development of a new 'Market-Space'. An operational model based on applying common sense and real values for individual and collective benefit.

Simply, join up and start a local Co-op Lab with like-minded folk who would love to facilitate social-economic-cultural-political-financial systems in networks that can evolve in support of the endless possibilities of mankind.

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Thank you for the broad explanation. Very useful. Cheers.

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I've quipped here and there, "How about we make "America" America again?" To look to and live by its ideals? The ideals expressly stated by the Declaration, but also by the implications of its words? But as Christopher Cook (Thank you for the introduction to him.) aptly states, the overthrow of those ideals and the march back toward centralized power began almost immediately.

Without reading Wagner, I have to say -- and will apologize in advance if I've got it wrong -- her view sounds completely adolescent to me. Elect others to carry out my will? To carry out my desires? WITA does that mean? Perhaps in her work, she clarifies what she means with those words, but as Mencken said, paraphrasing, that democracy is the idea that the people know what they want and deserve to get it -- good and hard.

Democracy as an "ideal" has always been garbage. Good for deciding on pizza toppings, maybe, but that's it.

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> this is the world that the Archons built

The world was first built in our mind. We have to clean our mental house first. That is scary for most people. Consider gold. For those who have a linage back to Mesopotamia and Sumer, gold is more valuable than soil. To the first people the world over it was merely pretty. The never would have mistaken it for soil, food etc. We do. We think if we have gold or it's equivilant we can have all the food etc. we want. We are mad to think this way.

Revelation 18:17-19

King James Version

17 FOR IN ONE HOUR SO GREAT RICHES IS COME TO NOUGHT. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,

18 And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!

19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

We who have nothing or live humbly are now having our minds cleansed. For so great a riches to come to nought in one hour there has to be a datum shift in our minds. We must be like the first people who see the idea of wealth and money as a funny fiction. Become free of this notion, "the notion that one needs wealth to be free" is the first step to freedom.

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Great work, and well articulated truth 👏

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Excellent article outlining the deception called democracy aka demockrazy because you’d have to be nuts to believe and support it.

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Why do we keep paying people that are pay to work for as but don't, the same reason we have allowed the ( civilized societies) to become over run with technology, brain dead

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Let’s be great indeed. Love this. Debt no one trap. Needs to be managed as a risk very carefully. Thoreau eloquently explored in Walden.

Good luck and God Bless

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Wow, actually "getting your eyes opened" by a person (Tereza Coraggio) who is promoted on Russel Brand's platform – a known controlled stooge – and who obviously knows next to nothing about the history and essence of democracy, since she actually thinks that Athenian democracy's character was defined and finalized by Solon's reforms is beyond disappointing.

You don't even seem to realize that a democracy and a republic are completely different systems of government, the latter being a representative/oligarchic/plutocratic system modeled after ancient Rome's system, when the most basic classics scholar knows that these two were vastly different in essence and character.

Just goes to show what modern propaganda can achieve, making people in the west believe that they actually live, or ever lived, in a democracy...

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These two references describe the hidden or more correctly the in-your-face agendas of applied right-wing Christian politics and J D Vance's connection to such;



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Consider the lilies how they grow ...

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> Second, we must generate income outside of the system.

The second actually is the root cause. It is even before #1. The idea of being compensated for one efforts is the first step to entrapment.

Luke 12:27 - Jesus spoke: “Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

If we consider all the benefits we get from the Earth, air to breath, gut bacteria to digest and make nutrients available to our body, far more than we can begin to pay, were it monetized (which what the Archons of financial system are working overtime on now) we could never afford it.

Bee's pollinate for free (unless poisoned by Monsanto, Dow, Union Carbide etc).The Earths natural recycling system is free and fantastic. It become messy and cluttered when we dump refuse from factories on the land. Factories we are enslaved to work in.

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> If you study history, you’ll see that rulers have always existed for millennia, controlling most of the population.

According to Michael Hudson's book "Forgive them their debts" The three headed monster, Religion, Banking, and King (army,enforcement) appears about 10,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Rulers and ruled is a dichotomy that is worth exploring in depth. For it starts in our minds and hearts. Deference becomes subservience. Which is one of the slopes humanity tumbles down to Ruled and seek Rulers.

Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and others I can't remember and others still we have never known about, rejected ruler ship. They led by example. Our choice to implement the example or not. Those that clamor for Ruler ship and those that seek rulers bring upon themselves and the Earth much suffering.

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Excellent info as usual Franklin. I love America. Her shining principles. Her heart. Her hope. I love how she was founded. I love what's she's been to so many. What's she's stood for and what's she's accomplished. I love the beacon of freedom she's been. I love all the opportunities she's given me.

But the two-party governmental system has always bothered me because it inevitably boils politics down to opposing values and taking sides. And if by democratic we mean something vaguely resembling "fair," then the two-party system is not really all that democratic. I mean what on earth is egalitarian about almost half of a country's citizenry at any given time not getting the government they desire just because their representative lost the election?

One party getting in and developing legislation that goes against the will of millions of people in the opposing party just seems wrong.

Of course, when actually very little changes regarding social conditions for the Have-nots (no matter who is in office) and restless voters switch sides and the other party gets in and eliminates previous legislation, thus disenfranchising all the millions of people on the previous majority's side, it all balances out.

I've voted democratic in every election right up through the year 2020, although not always a straight ticket. I've tried to be open minded and base my votes on the actual voting records of individuals on the issues that mattered to me no matter what party they represented. But basically, I voted to support the little guy and the environment over the Fat Cats and resource exploitation.

Because isn't that what the two-party system of Republican and Democrat really represents? The Haves and the wannabe Haves versus the Have-nots, artists and environmentalists? Isn't money fundamentally the political dividing line of American politics? Isn't it the same in other nations in the world?

Haven't money, power, and control historically been pitted against individual sovereignty, human dignity, and freedom in nations across the world forever? As you point out this "milksop system for the masses" is no longer acceptable.

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Iluminated piece Mr. O'kanu . . . the rulers and the ruled . . . Yes, that's been going on for a very long time and how much longer do we want to be a part of that game?

Any society that would even consider giving anyone "the power to rule" is already lacking the requisite level of responsibility required to insure any lasting freedom and prosperity. Add to that the public having been conned into believing that an (ersatz) "expert class" exists that knows more than someone who isn't an "expert," and therefore takes precidence over our good common sense, and the result will be a society that can easily be controlled and conned by any smart demagogue (not to say that true experts don't exist). This fact of phoney experts gaining the full obedience of the public was amply demonstrated in the last so-called "pandemic" along with the shameful and brazen censorship (and prosecution) of any highly qualified doctor who voiced disagreement with the mainstream medical narrative. In a sufficiently responsible society, such censorship alone would have queued the public that they were being propagandized and lied to resulting in the immediate halt of such "medical" tyranny. Indeed, the public demonstrated how brainwashed and programmed they were by their blind obedience to the admonishments of said (ersatz) "experts" resulting in the further progress of the long planned Agenda 2030. Until enough people in our society have awakened from the hypnosis of said "experts" and the government's lying/propagandizing mainstream media lapdogs, we will continue to be subject to the medical tyranny and ongoing errosion (of our Divinely-given rights) under which we currently live. The cup half-full, however, is the ongoing exposure of the criminals that perpetrated the con called Covid, and the awakening of increasing numbers of people to how they've been exploited and conned.

Another fundamental problem is that no matter how noble-sounding and brilliant are the words of the Constitution or how well-meaning its writers, if a society doesn't have a way of effectively vetting anyone vying for a government position (by way of our so-called "votes"), then psychopaths/sociopaths will certainly find their way to all of the positions of power, resulting in the loss of freedom and prosperity that we're now experiening. It's utterly mind-boggling how easily a naive, conditioned society will believe what a politician says at face value. (Meanwhile, the cabal above all governments continues to create opposing "sides" that exploit a person's compulsive need to feel how "right" they are" and how "wrong" the other side is, and we keep falling for it.)

Only a society with a high enough level of responsibility would require the vetting of ALL political applicants (including all City Council positions). One possibility, along with a good background check, could be the use of a poligraph test. The questions would primarily pertain to the actual reasons an applicant is running for office. The questions wouldn't have to intrude into their personal lives. (Without such effective vetting, the government salaries paid by taxation and the perks given from large corporate interests will continue to draw (primarily) the dregs of the society. ) Any psychopath able to pass a polygraph test would soon be discovered by their actions, and upon such discovery would be quickly removed - not like the current cast of circus characters such as Mayorkas, Wray, Booker, et al, along with the host of other RINO traitors consisting of our current "government." (No accountability - all theater to keep us distracted while they luncheon in fancy restaurants, all on our dime.)

Historically, mankind hasn't as yet produced a society with the REQUISITE level of responsibility to sustain freedom and prosperity. I think that will happen eventually, perhaps in two more generations to fully get there.

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Many say we gotta go back to the gold standard. I’m like WTF! The first Jews (not all travelers) wanted one thing from the americas. That was gold.

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The Jones plantation movies is a good depiction?

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